SYSPROAuto.EXE is a standalone executable that enables you to launch SYSPRO from a third party application. Although the file is typically located in the Base folder of your SYSPRO installation, it can be run from any folder. It is designed to run on the client workstation and automatically invokes the appropriate SYSPRO executable (i.e. SYSPROClient.EXE in a client-server environment and SYSPRO.EXE in a standalone or mapped-drive environment).

Once invoked, SYSPROAuto reads the Windows registry to locate the Base folder in which the SYSPRO executable resides. It then detects whether you are using the client-server or networked version of SYSPRO and invokes the relevant executable.

The intention of an AUT file is to create an automated process which does not have, or require, interaction.

You can pass Command Line Parameters to SYSPRO by appending them to the command line. Alternatively, you can embed parameters into a text file and reference the text file in the SYSPROAuto command line.

Using SYSPROAuto.EXE in a text file

  1. Create a simple text file called SAMPLE.AUT.

    The text file should contain only one record comprising the command line arguments that you want to pass to SYSPRO when it is launched.

  2. Associate the extension AUT with the program SYSPROAuto.

  3. Insert the file SAMPLE.AUT into an e-mail message.

    When you double-click the SAMPLE.AUT object, it executes SYSPROAuto.EXE. SYSPROAuto is automatically passed the file name SAMPLE.AUT as a command line argument. SYSPROAuto recognizes that the command line argument is a file name and opens the file; reads in the first record; and passes the contents of the record as command line arguments to the SYSPRO executable.