Inventory Planning > Inventory Forecasting > Reports > List of Forecasts

List of Forecasts

You use this program to generate, by forecasting period, a list of draft and current forecasts per stock code/warehouse.

You can use this program to compare an investigate variances between draft and current forecasts.

Report Options

Field Description
Selection set  
Use selection set Select this to use a pre-defined set of parameters that were created using the IO Selection Sets program.

Only selection sets Available for use in Reports can be selected (IO Selection Sets).

When you use a selection set, no other Report Options or Selections can be indicated, because these options will already have been indicated against the selection set (see IO Selection Sets).

Set to use Indicate the name of the pre-defined set of forecast options to use for the report.
Include part type Indicate the part types (as defined against each stock item) to include in the report.
Include Pareto Classification This enables you to include/exclude items based on their Pareto classification. You use the Pareto Analysis program to analyse and classify inventory items. At least one of these options must be selected.
Analysis type

Indicate what the Pareto classification, for the inclusion of stock items, must be based on. This can be Sales, Current forecasts or Draft forecasts.

Once you have selected an analysis type, you can select the Pareto level at which the analysis must be performed.

For example, if you select Sales and Stock code, then the Pareto classification of items used for inclusion purposes will be retrieved based on sales at the stock code level.

Sales Select this to perform the analysis based on sales.
Current forecasts Select this to perform the analysis based on current forecasts.
Draft forecasts Select this to perform the analysis based on draft forecasts.
Pareto level

Indicate the level at which the Pareto analysis must be performed.

One of the following options can be selected:

  • 1 - Stock code
  • 2 - Warehouse
  • 3 - Product class
  • 4 - Supplier
  • 5 - Planner
  • 6 - Buyer
Only print items where draft forecasts differ from current forecasts Select this to only print items where the variance between draft and current forecasts exceeds a specified percentage and number of months.
by more than n % Indicate the percentage variance between the draft and current forecasts to use to determine whether the item must be included.
in any period within the next x months Indicate the number of periods to use to determine whether the item must be included.
Include items without any draft forecasts Indicate how items without a draft forecast must be treated for the report.
Include items without any current forecasts Indicate how items without any current forecast must be treated for the report.
Print periods without any drafts or current forecasts Select this to include periods that do not have any draft or current forecasts.
Include manually forecast items Indicate how manually forecasted items must be treated for the report.
Include replenishment items Indicate how replenishment items must be treated for the report.
Include MPS items Indicate how master production schedule items must be treated for the report.
Include MTO items Indicate how made to order items must be treated for the report.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Warehouse selection Indicate the warehouse(s) to include in the report.
Stock code selection

Indicate a selective range of stock codes that you want to include for the list of forecasts. Notional parts are ignored.

Supplier selection Indicate the supplier(s) to include in the report.
Product class selection Indicate the product class(es) to include in the report.
Planner selection Indicate the planner(s) to include in the report.
Buyer selection Indicate the buyer(s) to include in the report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

The IO List of Forecasts shows the forecast figure without depletions to give an accurate comparison between the draft and the actual (unlike the List of Forecasts which shows the forecast's net remaining quantity).

The report lists (per item) each forecasting period based on the item's forecasting calendar (out to the forecasting horizon). Against each period, the following is listed:

  • Current forecasts

    • Quantity
    • Cost value
    • Sales value
    • Gross profit
  • Draft forecasts

    • Quantity
    • Cost value
    • Sales value
    • Gross profit

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Stock items defined as Notional parts (Stock Codes) are ignored in the List of Forecasts program.

SYSPRO Reporting Services

Selection Set Maintenance

Pareto Analysis