Inventory Planning > Inventory Forecasting > Setup > Selection Set Maintenance

Selection Set Maintenance

You use this program to tailor how stock codes are selected for use in various forecasting programs.

Selection sets enable you to group a number of stock items together for use in various forecasting programs in SYSPRO. They therefore enable you to quickly select the items together.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
New Adds a new selection set.
Delete Delete the selection set currently displayed.
Save Saves the details you entered or changed.
Selection Set Enter the selection set you want to add or maintain.


Field Description
Selection set Indicates the selection set currently being maintained.
Description Indicates the description of the selection set.
Date last used Displays the date on which the selection set was last used.
Available for use Indicate the program groups in which the selection set can be used, to secure each selection set by function.

For example, you can design a selection set specifically for Manual forecasting which cannot be used in Batch forecasting.

Options maintenance Enable this to make the selection visible when browsing on selection sets in Options Maintenance.

If you enter a selection set that is not available in Options Maintenance, then the message Selection set cannot be used for this function is displayed.

Approve draft forecast Use the set in the Approve Draft Forecasts program.
Manual forecasting Use the set in the Manual Forecasting program.
Batch forecasting Use the set in the Batch Forecasting program.
Pareto Analysis Use the set in the Pareto Analysis program.
Forecast accuracy Use the set in the Forecast Accuracy Review program.
Policy setting Use the set in the IO Batch Policy Maintenance and IO Copy Policies programs.
Stock levels modeling Use the set in the Inventory Optimization Processing programs (IO Stock Levels Modeling, IO Batch Levels Calculation, IO Draft Levels Approval and Service Level Review).
Reports Use the set in the Forecast Comparison, List of Forecasts and IO Stock Levels Modeling reports.

This function is not applied in Families and Groupings where selection sets run independently of this function.

Program Specific Options

Field Description
Pareto analysis  
Analysis base

Indicate the basis on which the Pareto analysis must be performed.

Months Enter the number of months for which you want to analyze information.

For sales, this indicates the number of months into the past that should be included.

For draft or current forecasts, this indicates the number of months into the future that should be included.

Percentage breaks Indicate the cumulative percentage break points between the different classes of items.
Include sales adjustments Select this to include sales adjustments in the sales figures.
Analyze by Rev/Rel Select this to perform the analysis at revision/release level. This applies to ECC controlled items only.
Batch forecasting/levels calc These options are not applied in manual forecasting/stock modeling as you can choose which periods to update and the option to retain the draft forecasts/levels exists.
Target for results

This option is disabled if you are not allowed to update current forecasts. In that case, the option Draft is automatically selected and cannot be changed.

This pertains to both batch forecasting and batch levels calculation.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Draft Select this to output the calculated forecasts to the draft forecast record.

Select this to output the calculated forecasts to the current forecast record.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Adjust sales history for outliers Select this to adjust the history for outliers before creating the draft/live forecasts.

Outliers are periods of exceptional demand (either high or low) when compared to the norm.

This is specific to batch forecasting and the operator can choose whether or not to adjust the history for outliers before creating the draft/live forecasts.

Manual forecasting  
Only include items with no draft Select this to display the forecast only for items where the draft forecast is zero. This applies to the Manual Forecasting program.
Forecast/levels creation These options are shared by Batch Forecasting (if creating live forecasts) and Approve Draft Forecasts functionality as well as Batch Levels Calculation (if creating live levels) and Draft Levels Approval.
Spread per period This applies to the Batch Forecasting and Approve Draft Forecasts programs.
One forecast on first work day Select this to output only one forecast per forecasting period on the first working day within the period.
One forecast on first day Select this to output only one forecast per forecasting period on the first day of the period regardless of whether it is a working day.
Split over all working days Select this to divide the quantity forecast for the period evenly over the working days within the period.

The last working day may have a different quantity because of rounding.

Split over all days

Select this to divide the quantity forecast for the period evenly over working and non-working days within the period.


The last working day may have a different quantity because of rounding.

Inactivate current where no draft

This applies to the Approve Draft Forecasts program.

Select this to ignore current forecasts for items for which no draft approval was generated when you approve draft forecasts. These forecasts are left in tact when you approve the draft forecasts.

If you do not select this option, then current forecasts for included items are inactivated, irrespective of whether there are any draft forecasts to replace them.

This option is only relevant when you are creating live forecasts, so if you choose the target for results as Draft then this option is disabled.

Freeze within lead time Select this to create forecasts/levels outside of the item's lead time (defined against the inventory master at present).

The way in which the program calculates the date, within which forecasts/levels are frozen, is as follows:

  1. Calculate a freeze date by adding the item's lead time to the company date.

  2. Calculate which period this 'freeze date' falls into by comparing start end dates for each period.

  3. Once the period is established then the program works out whether it is closer to the start or end date of the period.

    If it is closer to the start date then it freezes all forecasts up to the period start date.

    If it is closer to the end date for the period then it freezes all forecasts up to the period end date.

Delete draft Select this to delete the draft forecasts automatically once the live forecasts have been created.

This is only relevant when you are creating live forecasts, so if you choose the target for results as Draft then this option is disabled.

Reference Enter a reference, if required.

This 30 character reference is stored in the following tables, depending on the function being performed:

  • MRP Forecast Reference (MRPFOR-REF) when draft forecasts are approved or when creating live forecasts in Batch Forecasting

  • IO Forecast Snapshot Reference (IOPFSH-REF) as per MRP Forecast Reference

  • IO Draft Forecast Reference (IOPNFR-REF) when creating draft forecasts in Batch Forecasting

  • IO Draft Levels Reference (IOPLVD-REF) when creating draft levels for Inventory Optimization.

  • IO Live Levels Reference (IOPLVL-REF) when creating live levels for Inventory Optimization.

Forecast accuracy/service level These options are for the Forecast Accuracy Review and the IO Stock Levels Modeling programs.

The IO Stock Levels Modeling program does not use any of these parameters. Instead it defaults to the forecast accuracy parameters defined in the setup options.

It is important to note that if you are using a calendar that does not map to single months (i.e. monthly and week based 445, 454, 544 calendars) all the month based figures are converted into the relevant number of periods at run time.

The conversion of these periods is as follows:

  • Week based periods = (No months * 52 / 12) * Number of weeks per period

  • Month based periods = (No months / Number of months per period)

Calendar to use Indicate the calendar to use to calculate the periods against which forecast accuracy is calculated.

This is used by IO Batch Levels Calculation for an SKU if no specific calendar is defined against the SKU's options.

Months to compare Enter the number of months back to use to compare sales history against forecasts to check the forecast accuracy.

For the Pareto Analysis program, you use this field to indicate number of months for which you want to analyze information.

For sales, this indicates the number of months into the past that should be included.

For draft or current forecasts, this indicates the number of months into the future that should be included.

Comparison type Indicate how you want to compare the values in the selected periods.
Period on period Select this to compare the values in each period directly, without any smoothing.
Moving average Select this to perform the comparison using moving averages. This helps to smooth out peaks and troughs in the selected periods.
Moving average months Enter the number of months to use to calculate a moving average for sales and forecasts.
Forecast to use Select the forecast to compare to the sales.
Last This is the last snapshot taken for a period.
Last outside lead time This is the last snapshot taken outside of the lead time for the item.
Average This will take an average of the snapshots that apply to a period.
Average outside of lead time This will take an average of snapshots created for a period outside of lead time.
Snapshot months Indicate how many months of forecasts you want to use to calculate the average forecast.
List of forecasts These options only apply to reporting in forecasting.
Include periods with no draft or actual Select this to include periods that do not have any draft or current forecasts in the report.
Only where draft different to current Select this to only include items where the variance between the draft and current forecasts exceeds a specified percentage and number of months.
Percentage difference Indicate the percentage variance between the draft and current forecasts to use to determine whether an item must be included in the report.
Months to check difference Indicate the number of periods to use to determine whether an item must be included in the report where the draft is different to the current forecast.
Forecast comparison  
Calendar to use Indicate the calendar to use to compare the draft and current forecasts (see Forecast Calendars).


You use these options to select the inventory items to which the forecasting options selected on the General pane must apply.

Column Description
Warehouse selection

Indicate the warehouse(s) for which you want to apply the forecasting options.

Only stock codes stocked in the selected warehouse(s) are included.

Stock code selection Indicate the stock code(s) for which you want to apply the forecasting options.
Supplier selection

Indicate the supplier(s) for whom you want to apply the forecasting options.

Only stock items supplied by the selected supplier(s) are included.

Product class selection

Indicate the product class(es) to which you want to apply the forecasting options.

Only stock items in the selected product class(es) are included.

Planner selection

Indicate the planner(s) to whom you want to apply the forecasting options.

Only stock items for the selected planner(s) are included.

Buyer selection

Indicate the buyer(s) to whom you want to apply the forecasting options.

Only stock items for the selected buyer(s) are included.


These are inclusion options that can be applied against the SKUs retrieved based on the Selections made.

Field Description
Part type Select the part types to include in your functionality.

Phantom, Planning Bill and Notional Part types have no bearing in the IO modules and are therefore not available here.

Pareto classification Include/exclude items based on their Pareto classification (Pareto Analysis).

At least one of these options must be selected.

These classifications are used as a selection base in all IO programs except Pareto Analysis itself. In Pareto Analysis, the Analysis type and Pareto Level are used as a base for the Pareto Analysis Calculation.

For the Pareto Analysis program, you indicate which classes of items to include in the analysis.


Irrespective of your selections here, the totals displayed at the bottom of the Pareto Results listview of the Pareto Analysis program may differ from the totals displayed in the Level Totals pane.

The reason is that the totals in the Level Totals pane include values for items that are not necessarily listed in the listview. For example, you may have excluded 'E' class items, but these items may have values against them.

A class items Include A class items (as identified by the Pareto Analysis program) in the batch forecast run.
B class items Include B class items (as identified by the Pareto Analysis program) in the batch forecast run.
C class items Include C class items (as identified by the Pareto Analysis program) in the batch forecast run.
D class items Include D class items (as identified by the Pareto Analysis program) in the batch forecast run.
'E' class items (no movement) Include items for which there is no movement.
Not classified Include items that are not classified according to Pareto analysis.
Analysis type

Indicate what the Pareto classification, for the inclusion of stock items, must be based on. This can be Sales, Current forecasts or Draft forecasts.

Once you have selected an analysis type, you can select the Pareto level at which the analysis must be performed.

For example, if you select Sales and Stock code, then the Pareto classification of items used for inclusion purposes will be retrieved based on sales at the stock code level.

Sales Perform the analysis based on sales.
Current forecasts Perform the analysis based on current forecasts.

This allows you to compare expected contribution with past contribution.

Draft forecasts Perform the analysis based on draft forecasts.
Pareto level

Indicate the level at which the Pareto analysis must be performed.

For the Pareto Analysis program, your selection here enables you to analyze inventory at a different level to that of the company. For example: you could analyze items by supplier, bearing in mind that an A-class item for a particular supplier may well be a D-class item when analyzed at stock code level.
Other These options are applied to all IO programs which use selection sets.
Manual forecast items Indicate how manually forecasted items must be handled by the batch update.

Select Yes to apply the forecasting options to manually forecast items.

Select No if you do not want to apply the forecasting options to manually forecast items.

Select Only if you want to apply the forecasting options only to manually forecast items.
Replenishment items Indicate how replenishment items must be handled by the batch update.

For the Pareto Analysis program, select Only to indicate that only items marked as a replenishment item (Options Maintenance) must be included.

MPS items Indicate how MPS items must be handled by the batch update.
Make to order items Indicate how make to order items must be handled by the batch update.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • All options defined against a selection set are stored against the set and used in the following programs for that set:

    • Options Maintenance

    • Approve Draft Forecasts

    • Manual Forecasting

    • Batch Forecasting

    • Pareto Analysis

    • Forecast Accuracy

    • Policy setting

    • Stock Levels Modeling

    • Reports

    You cannot change these options from within the above programs when using the selection set.

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this listview if access to the program is set to Browse only, but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
IO Allow update of current forecasts Controls whether an operator can update current (live) Inventory forecasts using the Batch Forecasting, IO Stock Levels Modeling and Manual Forecasting programs. This also affects the Target for results options that can be selected in the IO Selection Sets program.

Hints and tips

Record amendments

  • You can generate a report of changes to selection sets, using the IO Selection Sets Amendment Journal program, by enabling the option: Amendment journals required - Selection sets (Inventory Optimization - General Setup).