Business-to-Business Trading > Blanket SO Releases Import

Blanket SO Releases Import

You use this program to import releases into the system instead of having to enter them manually using the Release Maintenance program.


Field Description
Import Validates the contents of the import file and import records if there are no errors.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.


Data Source

Field Description
File location  
Server Indicates the import file resides on the server.
Client Indicates the import file resides on the client.
File name Indicate the name of the import file (include the full path).
Review file Loads the contents of the import file into the Details pane. This enables you to validate the lines on the grid prior to importing the file. The Import button is enabled only when all lines are valid.


Field Description
Accept details with prior ship date

Select this to accept detail lines where the date required is earlier than the current system date.

If you do not select this option, then the import process fails validation if the date required is before the current system date.

EDI sender code This indicates the originator of the release.
EDI transmission header information  

After processing completed

Field Description
Print the Details Generate a report of the contents of the Details entry grid.
Email the Details Generate an email of the contents of the Details entry grid.
Print the Import Results Generate a report of the contents of the Import Results pane.
Email the Import Results Generate an email of the contents of the Import Results pane.
Email recipients Indicate the email addresses of recipients to whom you want to email the information displayed in the output panes.
Delete file after use Indicate whether you want to delete the import file after all records are successfully imported.

The file is also deleted if you enable this option and select the Review file function.

In a client/server environment, both the import file on the server and the temporary import file created on the client are deleted.

Close the application Exits the program once processing is complete. Do not select this if you want to be able to view the information on screen when processing is complete or you want to print or email the contents of the Details and Import Results panes.


This pane displays the import record details.

Import Results

Displays a summary of the results of the validation/import.

This information can be printed or emailed providing you did not select to Close the application in the After processing completed section.

File layout for 7

The table below indicates the structure of import file that must be defined to successfully import blanket sales order and releases.

An asterisk (*) indicates fields where mandatory entries are required.

The blanket sales order and releases import file comprises the following sections:

  • Transmission header
  • Release header
  • Release detail lines

Transmission header (EDI blanket sales orders)

Field Start position Field length and description
* Record type 1 2

The characters 00 (zero, zero) must be entered here to indicate that the line relates to the transmission header record.

Transmission reference 3 14

This is the customer's reference.

* Sender code 17 40

This is a unique code indicating the originator of the release.

This field is not mandatory, but when entered, the sender code must match your entry at the EDI sender code field defined against the customer.

* Receiver code 57 40

This is a unique code identifying the recipient of the release. This must match your entry at the Local site EDI options field defined within the Interface System Setup program.

Date prepared 97 8

This is the date that the release was prepared (CCYYMMDD).

Time prepared 105 4

This is the time that the release was prepared.

Filler 109 1

This field can be spaces.

Release header (EDI blanket sales orders)

Field Start position Field length and description
* Record type 1 2

The character 10 must be entered here to indicate that the line relates to the release header record details.

* Message type 3 6

The characters RELCUM must be entered here in capitals.

* Customer purchase order 9 30

This indicates the customer's purchase order number as specified in the Contract Maintenance program.

Supplier code 39 15

This indicates the supplier code.

* Customer code 54 15

This indicates the customer code.

* Customer stock code 69 30

This indicates the customer's stock code.

Opening cume 99 19

This indicates the deliveries to date according to the customer's records.

The first character of the field indicates the sign (+ or -).

Leading zeros must be entered and the last 6 digits are assumed to be decimals.


  • A positive value of 150555.00 must be entered as +000000150555000000

  • A negative value of 892771.55 must be entered as -000000892771550000

Release date 118 8

This indicates the start date of the release(s) being imported (CCYYMMDD).

If this date is before the current system date, and you did not select the option: Accept release details with prior ship date, then the validation of the import file will fail.

* Release reference 126 30

This indicates the reference that identifies the release being imported.

Last invoice number 156 20

This indicates the last invoice number that has been confirmed as received.

Last invoice quantity 176 19

This indicates the quantity received against the last invoice number.

The first character of the field indicates the sign (+ or -).

Leading zeros must be entered and the last 6 digits are assumed to be decimals.


  • A positive value of 150555.00 must be entered as +000000150555000000

  • A negative value of 892771.55 must be entered as -000000892771550000

Value 'Q' 195 1

An entry of Q here indicates that the release detail lines refer to actual quantities.

Any other entry, or blanks, defaults to using cumulative quantities.
Dispatch note number 196 20

This indicates the last dispatch note number that has been confirmed as received.

Filler 216 1

Release detail lines (EDI blanket sales orders)

Field Start position Field length and description
* Record type 1 2

The characters 60 must be entered here to indicate that the line relates to release detail lines.

* Date required 3 8

This indicates the date required for the release (CCYYMMDD).

Cumulative quantity 11 19

This indicates the cumulative position of the various times of the release.

The first character of the field indicates the sign (+ or -).

Leading zeros must be entered and the last 6 digits are assumed to be decimals.


  • A positive value of 150555.00 must be entered as +000000150555000000

  • A negative value of 892771.55 must be entered as -000000892771550000

Actual quantity required 30 19

This indicates the absolute quantity of the cumulative position.

This is optional. It is used for documentary purposes only, as it is calculated by the import file.

The first character of the field indicates the sign (+ or -).

Leading zeros must be entered and the last 6 digits are assumed to be decimals.


  • A positive value of 150555.00 must be entered as +000000150555000000

  • A negative value of 892771.55 must be entered as -000000892771550000

Filler 49 1

File layout for 6

Transmission header (EDI blanket sales orders)

Field Start position Field length and description
* Record type 1 2

The characters 00 (zero, zero) must be entered here to indicate that the line relates to the transmission header record.

Transmission reference 3 14

This is the customer's reference.

* Sender code 17 40

This is a unique code indicating the originator of the release.

This field is not mandatory, but if entered, then the sender code must match your entry at the EDI sender code field defined against the customer.

* Receiver code 57 40

This is a unique code identifying the recipient of the release. This must match your entry at the Local site EDI options field defined within the Interface System Setup program.

Date prepared 97 8

This is the date that the release was prepared (CCYYMMDD).

Time prepared 105 4

This is the time that the release was prepared.

Filler 109 1

This field can be spaces.

Release header (EDI blanket sales orders)

Field Start position Field length and description
* Record type 1 2

The character 10 must be entered here to indicate that the line relates to the release header record details.

* Message type 3 6

The characters RELCUM must be entered here in capitals.

* Customer purchase order 9 30

This indicates the customer's purchase order number as specified in the Contract Maintenance program.

Supplier code 39 7

This indicates the supplier code.

* Customer code 46 7

This indicates the customer code.

* Customer stock code 53 30

This indicates the customer's stock code.

Opening cume 83 11

This indicates the deliveries to date according to the customer's records.

The first character of the field indicates the sign (i.e. plus or minus).

This quantity must be specified with 3 decimal places.

Release date 94 8

This indicates the start date of the release(s) being imported (CCYYMMDD).

If this date is before the current system date, and you did not select the option: Accept release details with prior ship date, then the validation of the import file will fail.

* Release reference 102 14

This indicates the reference that identifies the release being imported.

Last invoice number 116 6

This indicates the last invoice number that has been confirmed as received.

Last invoice quantity 122 11

This indicates the quantity received against the last invoice number.

The first character of the field indicates the sign (i.e. plus or minus).

Value 'Q' 133 1

An entry of Q here indicates that the release detail lines refer to actual quantities. Any other entry, or blanks, defaults to using cumulative quantities.

Dispatch note number 134 15

This indicates the last dispatch note number that has been confirmed as received.

Release detail lines (EDI blanket sales orders)

Field Start position Field length and description
* Record type 1 2

The characters 60 must be entered here to indicate that the line relates to release detail lines.

* Date required 3 8

This indicates the date required for the release (CCYYMMDD).

Cumulative quantity 11 11

This indicates the cumulative position of the various times of the release.

The first character of the field indicates the sign (i.e. plus or minus).

The quantity must be specified with 3 decimal places.

Actual quantity required 22 11

This indicates the absolute quantity of the cumulative position.

The first character of the field indicates the sign (i.e. plus or minus).

The quantity must be specified with 3 decimal places.

Filler 33 1

This can be spaces.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.