Administration > Electronic Signatures > eSignature Setup > Electronic Signatures - Trigger Setup

Electronic Signatures - Trigger Setup

You use this program to assign multiple actions that can be executed automatically when an Electronic Signature transaction is successfully completed.

The actions that can be triggered include the following:

  • Launching programs

  • Sending messages to the Message Inbox of another operator

  • Running a VBScript

  • Run any NetExpress program

  • Run an SRS report

  • Email

This program can be accessed stand-alone or by selecting the Setup Trigger option inside the Logging and Trigger Options tab of the Electronic Signatures system.

For further information on this topic, refer to eSignature Setup.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
New Select this icon to add a new trigger.
Delete Select this icon to delete the currently highlighted in the Triggers listview.
Save Select this to save the trigger details against the current transaction.


This listview displays the triggers currently defined against the condition.

Column Description
Type This indicates the type of trigger defined against the condition.
Description This indicates a brief description of the trigger type.

Maintain Trigger

Field Description

Indicate the type of trigger (Trigger types) you want to invoke for the condition you are maintaining.

See Field considerations in Notes and warnings.

Description Enter a description for the trigger.
Contents If you selected the trigger type: Email, then you use this option to use the Send Email program to define the email details.

If you selected the trigger type: Write to message inbox, then you use this option to define the message inbox details you require.

If you selected the trigger type: Run a VBScript, then you use this option to use the VBScript Editor program to define the VBScript details.

If you selected the trigger type: Run an SRS Report, then you use this option to list the available SRS Reports, from which you can indicate the SRS report you want to run.

Program Indicate the name of the NetExpress program you want to run when this trigger is activated.

This field is only enabled if you selected the trigger type: Run any NetExpress program.

Command line Indicate the command you want to invoke.

This field is only enabled if you selected the trigger type: Run any application.

Start in Indicate the full path name to where the command resides.

This field is only enabled if you selected the trigger type: Run any application.

Trigger types

Field Description

Select this to generate an email when this trigger is activated.

The Email can use a number of common system variables (such as company, operator, date, transaction id) as well as transaction specific parameters (e.g. stock code, warehouse, quantity).

Run a VBScript

Select this to invoke a VBScript when this trigger is activated.

The VBScript can use a number of common system variables (such as company, operator, date, transaction id) as well as transaction specific parameters (e.g. stock code, warehouse, quantity).

Run any NetExpress program

Select this to run a NetExpress program when this trigger is activated in SYSPRO.


Only use this option if you have a NetExpress program that has been developed specifically for use as an eSignature trigger.

Run any application

Select this to run an application when the trigger is activated in SYSPRO.


When this trigger is activated, the system checks the environment prior to launching the application and will only execute the command if it is not a com type environment (i.e there is a user interface capable of running applications).

Write to message inbox

Select this if you want operators to receive messages via SYSPRO's Message Inbox, notifying them of tasks that must be actioned when specific triggers are activated in SYSPRO.

For example: Whenever a new customer is added to the system, a message can be sent to the message inbox of the Accounts Controller.

Run an SRS Report

Select this to run either a standard or user-defined SYSPRO Reporting Services report.

Message Inbox Details

This screen is displayed when you select the Edit option for the trigger type: Write to message inbox.

Field Description
Subject text Enter the text that you want to display in the Message column of the designated operator's Message Inbox when the trigger is activated.

Although only 40 characters can be entered at the Subject text field, you can use reserved words to effectively expand the number of characters sent to the Message Inbox.

Send to operator Indicate a valid operator who must receive the message.
Program to run Optionally indicate a valid standard SYSPRO program that can be launched when the operator loads the message.
Post message with today's date Select this if you want to write to the operator's Message Inbox regardless of how many times the trigger point is activated on the same day.

Alternatively, leave this option unchecked to post a single message for multiple activations of the trigger point on the same day.

Prevent duplicate message being displayed Select this to filter out duplicate messages (i.e. Messages where the subject text and program to run are identical) from appearing in the target operator's Message Inbox.

SRS Reports

This screen is displayed when you select the Edit option for the trigger type: Run an SRS Report.

The SRS reports available for selection are displayed in a listview.

Field Description
Select Select this to use the report currently highlighted in the listview as the report to run for the trigger.
Report Type
Option Description
Standard reports Select this to list the standard SYSPRO SRS reports in the listview.
User-defined reports Select this to list the SRS reports you defined/customized in the listview.
Report description This indicates the description of the standard or user-defined SRS report.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Changes made using this program only take effect after logging out of and back into SYSPRO.

  • Triggers are only activated when the transaction is successful.

  • Variable names and keywords defined for use with each transaction are case sensitive (e.g. the system recognises %Key, but not %key).

    You can view the variables/keywords available for use with a specific transaction by selecting the Audit log's Configure Details function (see Configure Detail Log).

    If used, variables/keywords must be written exactly as displayed, however when you tab off the field, the system looks up the field/variable name in a case insensitive way and replaces it with the item of the correct case (e.g. if you type %key and tab from the field, the value %Key will be inserted).

Field considerations

  • Message inbox

    The Message Inbox cannot display more than 150 characters and any additional characters are truncated.

  • Email triggers

    • Although there is limit of 5000 characters which can be sent using the Send Email program, when using Send Email from within eSignatures, the limit is reduced to 1000 characters.

    • eMailing is a client-side technology and can only be invoked when an operator is physically using the SYSPRO user interface.

      However in the case of emailing, SMTP emailing is used.

  • VBScript triggers

    • VBScript is a client-side technology and can only be invoked when an operator is physically using the SYSPRO user interface.

    • It is not intended that triggers from Business Objects will fire VBScript triggers. However VBScript triggers can invoke Business Objects.

  • SRS Report triggers

    • SRS Reports are a client-side technology and can only be invoked when an operator is using the actual SYSPRO interface.

    • It is not intended that triggers from Business Objects will fire SRS report triggers.