SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Stationery Formats > AR Discount Notes Format

AR Discount Notes Format

You use this program to define the page layout required for the printing your discount debit and credit notes.

You need to define a discount credit/debit note format before you can use the Settlement Discount Notes program to print discount debit and credit notes.

AR Discount Credit/Debit Notes Format

The same format is used for discount credit and debit notes. You use the Document type messages option from the Messages function to define the title to print for each type of note.

Field Description
Print method Select the method to use to print credit/debit discount notes.
Standard documentSelect this to define a document format for credit/debit notes using pre-printed stationery.
Word documentSelect this to print your documents using pre-defined MS Word templates.

Refer to Microsoft Word Printing for additional information on printing using MS Word.

SRS document

Select this to print your documents using SRS Document Printing.

See SRS Document Printing Overview for additional information.

Format options These are the sections of the document you can maintain. You select one of the options and then use the Change function to define the preferences and page layouts for your document.
Messages Define messages for the discount credit and debit notes.
Change Maintain the Format option currently highlighted (see Format Options).
Copy Format Select this to copy a permanent entry format from another company to your current company.
Save Select this to save the information you entered.

Select this to print a document using test characters to verify that the print positions and fields you defined are correctly aligned on your stationery.

It is advisable to print the alignment to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Print Select this to print the stationery format information you defined and saved.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.

Cancel Select this to exit the program without saving any information you entered.


You use the Messages function to define messages for the discount credit and debit notes.

Field Description
Document type messages The same format is used for discount credit and debit notes.

To distinguish between discount credit and debit notes, you use this option to define the document description to print for each type of note.

Credit note title Enter the document description to print on the discount credit notes.
Debit note title Enter the document description to print on the discount debit notes.
Continuation message Define a continuation message.
Print at line

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. top to bottom) at which you want to print the message.

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

The row specification for any field cannot exceed 65.

Print at column

Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. left to right) at which you want to print the message.

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

The column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Message Enter the message you want to print on a discount note, as the message indicating subsequent pages for the note.
Save Select this to save the message information you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore any message information you entered and to return to the previous screen.


You use the Copy function to copy the discount notes documentation format from another company.

Field Description
Current company This indicates the company in which you are currently working. This is the company to which the format will be copied.
Copy from company Indicate a valid company from which you want to copy a discount note format.
OK Select this to copy the discount note format from the company you selected to the current company
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without copying a format.


You use the Alignment function to print discount notes using test characters to verify that the fields you have defined are correctly aligned on your stationery.

Field Description
Number of pages to print Indicate the number of test documents to print. You can select up to 5 test notes to print, one after the other.

This enables you to check whether the information on each note is aligned correctly not only on the first page, but also on each subsequent page.

Print test format alignment?  
OK Select this to print the test format alignment according to your selection at the previous field.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without printing an alignment.

Format Options

The Format options enable you to maintain each section of the document.

The following Format options are available depending on the Print method selected:

  • MS Word details
  • SRS details (see SRS Document Print Setup and Maintain SRS Document Templates)

When you highlight a section for a Standard document format and select the Change function, the fields for which print positions can be defined are displayed.

The following options are used to indicate the print positions for these fields:

Field Description
Clear Row/Column Select this to set the row and column print positions for the highlighted field to zero, so that the field is not printed.
Change Select this to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window. You save the changes you made when exiting the program.


You use the Change function from within each section to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field in the section.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Field Description

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

For some fields, only the Row or only the Column may be available for you to indicate.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, you can use the Print Mask program to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.


Indicate the vertical position (i.e. top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.


You use the Preferences section to define the default page layout for your stock take tickets. Note that the printing of AR Discount Notes is affected by the Allow multiple invoices option (Accounts Receivable Setup).

The following preferences can be selected when you use highlight the Preferences line and select the Change function:

Field Description
Total number of lines on a page

Indicate the number of lines you want to print on each page.

A maximum of 99 lines can be entered.

Highest start column across page Indicate the maximum column number that can be specified when defining the column print positions for fields on the document.

This must be in the range 1-150.

See also Preference restrictions.

Highest start column across page

Specify the column width across the page.

Print date format

Indicate the format in which you want to print dates on your discount notes.

The system defaults to using the date format configured for the company (Company Maintenance) but you can select to use the Short date format or the Long date format.

First detail line starts on line Indicate the line number from the beginning of the page at which the first detail line must be printed, within the block of detail line information.
Last detail line ends on line

Indicate the line number at which the last detail line must be printed. This must be from the beginning of the page, within the block of detail line information.

The entry made here cannot exceed 65.

This option is only enabled when you select the option: Multiple invoices per credit/debit note.


Select this to return to the previous screen.

To save the information you entered you must select Save from the AR Discount Notes Format screen.

Cancel Select this to return to ignore your selections and to return to the previous screen.


The Heading section enables you to define the row and column at which you want to print each of the heading fields on the discount note documents.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the headings section of the discount note document:

Field Origin/Comment
System date  
Time document printed  
Company name Company Maintenance - Address tab. You print this field if you are not using pre-printed stationery.
Company address lines 1 - 3 Company Maintenance - Address tab. You print this field if you are not using pre-printed stationery.
Company tax registration number Company Maintenance - General tab
GST registration number If your nationality code is set to CAN and you require the Canadian GST system (Company Tax Options Setup) then you can define a print position for the GST registration number field instead of the Company registration number.
Company registration number This prints your company's registration number as defined against the company (Company Maintenance).

If your nationality code is set to CAN and you require the Canadian GST system, then this field is not available.

Customer number This prints the customer's account code.
Customer name This prints the name of the customer to whom the settlement discount was given.
Customer address lines 1 - 5 Customers
Customer postal/zip code Customers
Ship to address lines 1 - 5 Customers
Document type  
Document number Set Key Information
Branch description  
Currency This print the currency code for the discount and tax.
Currency description Currencies - Description defined against the currency
Payment date  
Payment document type  


The Detail section enables you to define the column at which you want to print each of the detail fields on the discount note documents.

The column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the details section of the discount note document:


This information only printed on the document if you selected the option: Credit or debit settlement notes - Allow multiple invoices (Accounts Receivable Setup).

Field Origin/Comment
Invoice number This prints the number of the invoice to which the discount applies.
Discount value This prints the discount amount given for the invoice.
Tax value on discount This prints the tax value related to the discount value given on the invoice.


The Total section enables you to define the row and column at which you want to print each of the totals fields on the discount note documents.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the totals section of the discount note document:

Field Origin/Comment
Total discount value This prints the total settlement discount value given to the customer.
Total tax value This prints the total tax value related to the settlement discount value given to the customer.

MS Word Options

As an alternative to printing your documents on pre-printed stationery, you can configure SYSPRO to allow you to print your stationery documents using Microsoft Word.

Refer to Microsoft Word Printing for additional information about printing using MS Word.

MS Word Options

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Print using MS Word. It enables you to open the applicable Word template and insert the fields that you want to print on your stationery.

Refer to Template design for additional information.