SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Stationery Formats > AR Label Format

AR Label Format

You use this program to define the page layout for printing your customer labels. A label format must be defined before you can use the AP Purchase Analysis program.

Label Format

Field Description
Save Select this to save new formats, changes to existing formats, and preferences.
Change Indicate the preferences and print positions for your labels.
Alignment Select this to print labels using test characters to verify that the fields you defined are correctly aligned on your stationery.
Print Select this to print the label format information you defined and saved.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.

Copy Format Select this to copy a label format from another company to your current company.
Cancel Exit the program without saving any changes made.


You use the Alignment function to print labels using test characters to verify that the fields you specified in the format are correctly aligned on your stationery.

Field Description
Number of pages to print Indicate the number of test labels to print. Up to 5 sets of test labels can be printed, one after the other.

This enables you to check whether the information on each label is aligned correctly on the first label and subsequent labels.

Print test label alignment?  
OK Prints the test format alignment.
Cancel Returns to the previous screen. Nothing is printed.

Copy Format

The Copy Format function enables you to copy a label format from another company to your current company.

Field Description
Current company This indicates the company in which you are currently working and is the company to which the label format will be copied.
Copy from company Indicate a valid company from which to copy the label format.
OK Copies the label format to the current company.
Cancel Returns to the previous screen. Nothing is copied.

Label preferences

The following preferences can be selected when you use highlight the Label preferences line and select the Change function:

Field Description
Total number of lines on label

Specify the number of lines required on each label. This is the height of a label, including the vertical gap before the next label down.

A maximum of 66 lines can be assigned to each label.

Highest start column across page Indicate the maximum column number that can be specified when defining the column print positions for fields on the document.

This must be in the range 1-150.

See also Preference restrictions.

Gap from start of one label to next

Indicate the number of columns between the start of one label and the start of the next. This is the width of one label, including the gap before the next label across.

This cannot exceed 66 columns.

Number of labels to view

Indicate the number of labels to be printed across the page.

This must be in the range 1 to 99.

Number of labels per customer

Indicate the default number of labels to print for each customer. This can be overridden at the time of printing labels.

Up to 9999 labels can be printed for each customer.

Print date format

Indicate the format in which to print dates on the labels.

The system defaults to using the date format configured for the company, but you can select to use the Short date format or the Long date format.

Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

Label detail section

The following options are available when you use highlight the Label detail section line and select the Change function:

Field Description
Clear Row/Column

Select this to set the row and column print positions for the highlighted field to zero, so that the field is not printed.

Text Fields Select this to enter the text to print and its specific position on each document.
Change Select this to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window. You save the changes you made when exiting the program.

Detail Section Text

This screen is displayed when you select the Text Fields function.

You to enter up to five lines of text (15 characters per line) that you want to print at a specific position on each label.

Field Description
Clear text Clear the text and print positions for the highlighted text field.
Change Maintain the highlighted text line.
Detail Section Text Entry  
Text Indicate the actual text that must be printed on the A/R label.

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. top to bottom) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.

The row specification for any field cannot exceed 65.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.

The column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

OK Select this to accept the information you entered for the text field.
Cancel Select this to ignore the information you entered for the text field and to return to the previous screen.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.


You use the Change function from within the Detail Section to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field in this section.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Field Description

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

For some fields, only the Row or only the Column may be available for you to indicate.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, you can use the Print Mask program to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.


Indicate the vertical position (i.e. top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.


The following table lists the fields you can print on the label:

The majority of these fields are defined against each customer - see Customers.

Field Origin/Comment
Customer This prints the customer's account number
Master account number  
Store number  
Salesperson's name Salespersons
Automatic price code selection  
Customer class  
Branch name AR Branches - Description for branch code
Geographic area  
Geographic area name Geographic Areas - Name of geographic area
Sales tax exemption number  
Price category/price code tbl  
Short name  
Customer name  
Customer address lines 1-5  
Customer postal/zip code  
Ship to address lines 1-5  
Ship to address postal/zip code  
Additional telephone  
Fax telephone  
User defined 1  
User defined 2  
Label print date This prints the date on which the label was printed using the AR Label Print program.