Administration > Security > Roles > Role Workflow Security Maintenance

Role Workflow Security Maintenance

You use this program to view and selectively assign the access levels for workflows defined in SYSPRO Workflow Services for a specific operator role.

These settings are applied to the operators assigned to the role, so you can restrict operator access to workflow operations within workflows. These settings can also be applied from within the SYSPRO Workflow Administration program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Copy From Another Configuration Select this to copy the Workflow security settings from another role to the currently displayed role (see Copy Selected Configuration).
Role Indicate the role for which you want to maintain workflow access settings.
Organogram Select this to use the Role Organogram Maintenance program to display a visual representation of the role hierarchy (organorgam) for your organization.

Copy Selected Configuration

This screen is displayed when you select the Copy From Another Configuration option from the Configuration menu.

This enables you to copy the Workflow access settings from another role to the currently displayed role.

Workflow access settings can be copied across different SYSPRO companies.

Field Description
Copy Configuration Select this to copy the Workflow access settings for the operator role currently highlighted in the listview to the currently displayed role. The current settings for the current role are removed and replaced by the settings for the role from which you are copying the settings.

When you select this option, you are prompted to confirm the copy. When you confirm the copy, the current Workflow access settings for the role are replaced with the Workflow access settings for the role you highlighted in this listview.

Close Select this to return to the previous screen.
Type Program access can only be defined by role. This indicates that the code displayed in the listview is an operator role.
Company This indicates the code of the SYSPRO company in which the role exists.
Name This indicates the description of the operator role.

Workflow Security Access Options Using the Mouse Pointer

These options are displayed when you right click on one or more highlighted lines in the Workflow Security listview. You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys together with your mouse pointer to individually highlight lines.

Field Description
Allow Access Select this to allow operators in the role access to the currently highlighted workflow operation. This also sets these operations to secured.
Deny Access Select this to deny operators in the role access to the currently highlighted workflow operation. Note that when you select this option, the corresponding Secured option is not automatically deselected.
Unsecure Operations Select this to set the selected workflow operation(s) to be unsecured. Note that this will remove all previously set allowed or denied access levels for the operation(s).
Copy To Other Roles Select this to use the Role Program Global Changes program to copy the currently highlighted workflow operation(s) to other roles.

Workflow Security

Field Description
Allow Access to All Select this to allow operators in the role access to all workflow operations currently displayed in the listview. This also sets these operations to secured.
Deny Access to All Select this to deny operators in the role access to all workflow operations currently displayed in the listview. Note that when you deny access to all operations, the Secured options are not automatically deselected.
Secured Select this to indicate that the operation is secured. This enables you to set allowed or denied access levels for the operation.

You would not set an automated operation to secured. The reason is that you can only set allowed or denied access for operator roles and not, for example, against machines which automatically perform an operation.

This is automatically set to selected when you allow access to the operation.

Operation This indicates the name of the operation as defined in the workflow.
Allowed Select this to allow operators in the role access to the operation. When you select this option, the Secured option is automatically set to selected. The reason is that access can only be et against secured operations.

Deselecting this option denies operators in the role access to the operation. Note that when you deselect this option, the Secured option is not automatically deselected.

Workflow name This indicates the name of the workflow in which the operation resides.
Deployed workflow versions This indicates the status of the workflow.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Browse icon at the Workflow option in the Roles program.