> Wildcards


A number of browse functions within SYSPRO programs enable you to locate items according to extensive search criteria.

You can use the wildcard characters * and ? to expand a search process.

Using Wildcard Characters

The * wildcard character represents any number of characters, including a blank.

For example: If you entered the pattern ABCD* then SYSPRO includes any entry starting with ABCD. Any character after the D does not affect the selection.

Each ? wildcard character represents a single character, excluding a blank. You use this wildcard character to match any character in this character position.

For example: If you entered the pattern AB?D then SYSPRO includes all entries starting with AB; having any third character (except blank); and ending with D.

Any letter can be replaced by ? to represent any single character, except a blank (space). For example, A?C matches any 3 characters code beginning with A and ending with C.

Sample Patterns

Entry Description
ABC Matches ABC exactly
ABC* Matches entries beginning with ABC and ending with any character(s) - including blanks
*ABC Matches entries beginning with any characters (including a blank) and ending in ABC
*ABC* Matches entries containing ABC
ABC*DEF Matches entries beginning with ABC and ending with DEF
AB??DE Matches entries beginning with AB, followed by any 2 characters except blank and ending with DE. The code must contain exactly 6 characters.
ABC? Matches entries beginning with ABC and ending with any single character except blank. The code must contain exactly 4 characters.
AB*BC Matches entries beginning with AB and ending with BC. It does not match the string ABC, but does match ABBC and ABCABC (i.e. It matches a code starting with AB, followed by zero or more characters, followed by the string BC).
AB?C* Matches entries beginning with AB, followed by any single character except blank, followed by C, followed by any number of characters including blank..