> Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts

Within SYSPRO you can use a number of keyboard shortcuts to either activate a function or accelerate the performance of a task.

The availability of these keyboard shortcuts is often determined by the type of program loaded (e.g. list view shortcut functions are typically available only from within a browse window).

Forms and List views

Function Keystroke Description
Scroll left/right Ctrl+Cursor left/right Scroll the contents of the List view pane so that you can quickly navigate through all the columns available in the List view (i.e. the equivalent of using the mouse to browse the columns).
List view functions Ctrl+F1 Display a list of shortcuts available in the current List view pane
Print Ctrl+F2, Ctrl+Shift+F2 Output the contents of the List view pane to your current printer destination.
Row Font Ctrl+F3 Select a different font, font style and font size for the contents of the List view pane.
Alternating Row Color Ctrl+Shift+F3 Colorize the background color of alternating rows in the List view pane.
Remove Alternating Color Ctrl+K Remove the alternating row colors that you have customized.
Background Color Ctrl+F4 Select a different color for the background of the List view pane.
Text Color Ctrl+Shift+F4 Select a different color for the foreground objects of the List view pane (i.e. the text in each of the rows).
Reset view Ctrl+F5 Restore column settings you have changed to their default settings.
Best Fit Shift+Alt+F5 Automatically adjust column widths for the best fit.
Grid Lines Ctrl+F6 Add a new row to a data entry grid and set focus on the first column. Only applies when not in Edit mode. Press the Esc key to exit Edit mode.
Export/Output as HTML Ctrl+F7 Output the contents of the List view pane to an HTML page. A file is created in the \Base\Samples folder of your SYSPRO installation. The naming convention of the file is the operator code and an .htm extension.
Export/Output to Excel Ctrl+F8 Output the contents of the List view pane to an Excel Workbook. The naming convention of the file is the operator code and a .txt extension. Up to 20 worksheets can be opened simultaneously. For each additional worksheet opened, a two digit number is added to the operator code (e.g. ADMIN.txt, ADMIN01.txt, ADMIN02.txt, etc).

Leading zeroes are not stripped from fields that Excel considers to be numeric.

Change rows to view Ctrl+F9 Specify how many rows you want to view for each page of the List view pane.
Return all rows Ctrl+A Return all rows in the List view for those List views where Ctrl+F9 is available.
Filter Rows Ctrl+F Search the contents of the List view pane for specific details.
Find and Replace Ctrl+Shift+F  
Select Styles Ctrl+Q Selectively customize List views where this facility is available.
Apply Styles Ctrl+W Switch off customization for a List view.
Find next occurrence of F3   Find the next occurrence of your search criteria.
Print Ctrl+F2, Ctrl+Shift+F2 Output the contents of the List view pane to a print device.
Export as Excel Chart Ctrl+Shift+F8 Outputs the contents of the List view pane to an Excel Chart.
Export as XML Ctrl+Shift+X Output the contents of the List view pane to an XML file. The file is created using the document path and name that you specify. A stylesheet is also created (.xsl) which is referenced from within the XML file.
Drag-and-drop enabled   You can drag-and-drop items within the List view (e.g. to resequence items)
Column Headers Ctrl+Shift+V Toggle column headers within a pane (i.e. to remove or replace column headings).
Remove Row Shift+Del Remove the highlighted row/caption from a pane.
Move Row Up Alt+Up Arrow Move the highlighted row/caption up one row.
Move Row Down Alt+Down Arrow Move the highlighted row/caption down one row.
Customize By Group Ctrl+Shift+G Customize the pane for the current group to which the operator belongs.
End Customize By Group Ctrl+G End customization of the pane for the current group to which the operator belongs.
Customize By Company Ctrl+Shift+C Customize the pane for the current company to which the operator belongs.
End Customize By Company Ctrl+C End the customization of the pane for the current company to which the operator belongs.
Save Customization Ctrl+Shift+S Save the customization of the pane for the current company or group to which the operator belongs.
Smart Link Shift+Alt+F7 Toggle the List view Smart Link.
Macro for: Alt+F8

Launch the VBScript editor.

This is not available if you are logged in with a role.

Input alphanumeric characters Alt+F9 Enables you to enter alphanumeric characters into a key field when the key for the field is numeric and the browse sequence for the key field is set to an alphanumeric field.


Function Keystroke Description
Find Ctrl+F Within a List view, this enables you to locate information about items within SYSPRO according to extensive search criteria and pattern matching.

Within the Invoices & Payments function of the Customer Query program, this enables you to locate the specific customer for which an invoice was created.

Once the customer has been matched to the entered invoice, you can view the original details captured for the invoice (this includes the invoice date, the original invoice value and the outstanding value).

You can then elect to perform a new search based on a different invoice number, or select the customer for payment processing, or find the next customer for which the same invoice number was created.

Quick Find Shift+F2, Ctrl+Shift+F2 Perform a detailed search on various categories of information within SYSPRO.
System information Shift+F7, Ctrl+Shift+F7 Identify which operators are accessing the system and what programs are currently running.

It includes details about your SYSPRO environment and information relating to your printer configuration.


Function Keystroke Description
Report preview Shift+F4 Toggle the print preview function within SYSPRO. When on, you can preview reports before sending them to the printer as well as e-mail reports to internal and external mail users.
Toggle Windows Printing On/Off Ctrl+W, Ctrl+Shift+W Toggle Windows printing function within SYSPRO.
Page Setup Shift+F5 Configure default paper settings for documents that you want to print from within SYSPRO. These settings include the paper size, source and margins, and the orientation (i.e. landscape or portrait)
Print Setup Shift+F6 Select a printer from the printer setup program.
Default printer Shift+F8 Assign your current default printer to the current program.
Copy page to clipboard Ctrl+C (Print Preview Mode) Copy the report to the clipboard so that you can paste it into another application.
Go To Page Ctrl+G (Print Preview Mode) Go to a specific page in the document.
Print Ctrl+P (Print Preview Mode) Print a single page, all pages or a range of pages in a document.


Function Keystroke Description
Browse F9 Same as selecting the magnifying glass icon to load the browse.
Add Ctrl+A Take on information for a new item.
Bitmaps Ctrl+B Load the bitmap browser within the Stock Codes program.
Change Ctrl+C Maintain information for the currently highlighted record.
Delete Ctrl+D Delete the currently highlighted record from the file.
Find Ctrl+F Search/find information in a List view.
Start at Ctrl+T Browse on items at specific point. Depending on the sequence in which you are browsing on items, you can indicate the point at which you want to start viewing items (e.g. If you are browsing stock codes in supplier sequence, then the Start at function enables you to indicate the supplier from which you want to begin the browse on stock codes).
Edit Multimedia Ctrl+E Associate multimedia objects with key fields in SYSPRO.
Play Multimedia Ctrl+Y Load multimedia objects that have been associated with an item.
First Entry Ctrl+Home Go to the first entry in the List view.
Previous Page Ctrl+PageUp Go to the previous page of entries in the List view (providing it is not the first page).
Next Page Ctrl+PageDown Go to the next page of entries in the List view (providing it is not the last page).
Last Entry Ctrl+End Go to the last page of entries in the List view.

Notepad Editor

The following table lists the shortcut keys you can use with the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program:

Keystroke Description
Ctrl+Tab Tab
Ctrl+Number Pad 5 Select all
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+E Center alignment
Ctrl+R Right alignment
Ctrl+L Left alignment
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+'+' or (Ctrl+Shift+'=' ) Superscript
Ctrl+'=' Subscript
Ctrl+1 Line spacing = 1 line
Ctrl+2 Line spacing = 2 lines
Ctrl+5 Line spacing = 1.5 lines
Ctrl+' (apostrophe) Accent acute. After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+` (grave) Accent grave. After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+~ (tilde) Accent tilde. After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+; (semicolon) Accent umlaut. After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+Shift+6 Accent caret (circumflex). After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+, (comma) Accent cedilla). After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+Shift+' (apostrophe) Active smart quotes
Backspace Move one character to the left and delete the character
Ctrl+Backspace Delete previous word. This generates the same as F16
F16 Same as backspace
Ctrl+Insert Copy
Shift+Insert Paste
Insert Insert/Overwrite toggle
Ctrl+Left Arrow Move cursor one word to the left
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move cursor one word to the right
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move to the beginning of the current line/up one line
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move to the beginning of the current line/down line
Ctrl+Home Move to the beginning of the document
Ctrl+End Move to the end of the document
Ctrl+Delete Delete the next word or the selected characters
Shift+Delete Cut the selected characters
Esc Stop drag-drop. While doing a drag-drop of text.
Alt+Esc Change the active application
Ctrl+Shift+A Set all CAPS - toggles back again
Ctrl+Shift+L Toggle the bullet style


Function Keystroke Description
Company date Ctrl+D, Ctrl+Shift+D Change the company date, or set a temporary date for the current session.
Change company Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Shift+C Log in to a different company.
Run Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Shift+R Run a program without navigating to the menu.
Run Last Program Ctrl+L, Ctrl+Shift+L Run the last program that you have launched.
Undo Delete Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Shift+Z Undo the last deletion from your Favorites menu.
Message Inbox F5, Ctrl+Shift+F5 View a list of actions in your Message Inbox.

Notes and warnings

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Listview/Forms - Export or print data Controls whether an operator can print the contents of a listview and/or output the contents of a listview to an HTML page, XML document or Excel spreadsheet.