Inventory > Serial Tracking System > Browse on Serial Numbers > Transactions for Serial Number Transactions

Transactions for Serial Number Transactions

You use this program to view details of transactions processed against a serial number.

You use the Serial Tracking Transaction Posting program to post transactions against specific serial numbers.

Listview columns

Column Description
Date This indicates the date of the transaction.
Type This indicates the transaction type (see Serial Tracking Transaction Posting)
Notation This indicates the journal notation assigned to the transaction
Revision level This indicates the revision level of the unit maintained or serviced. This notation is printed on the Serial Tracking Report.
Reference This indicates the journal reference assigned to the transaction.
Quantity This indicates the transaction quantity.

This indicates the total transaction value.

Values are only displayed if you are allowed access to the field: Show costs Inventory/WIP queries (Operators) and the following preference is selected and saved against your operator code: Display costs (Inventory Query - Preferences).

Wh This indicates the warehouse in which the item resides.
Source Wh This indicates the warehouse from which the item was transferred.
Job This indicates the job number associated with the transaction.
Customer/Supplier name This indicates the customer or supplier associated with the transaction.
Location This indicates the physical location of the item.
Journal year

The journal year associated with the transaction.

Journal month The journal month associated with the transaction.
Journal number

The journal number associated with the transaction.

Journal line The journal line associated with the transaction.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed from the Browse on Serial Numbers program.

Coding considerations

  • If you selected the option: Use same serial for multiple stock codes (Inventory Setup) then the same serial number could have been allocated to different stock codes. Transactions are displayed for each unique stock code/serial number combination.

  • If you selected the option: Component to parent serial tracking (Work in Progress Setup) then you can typically use your right mouse button on a highlighted line and select the option: View Parent Serials. This displays the listview of the Component to Parent Serial Tracking program.