Accounts Receivable > Setup > Order Discount Breaks

Order Discount Breaks

You use this program to define percentage discount breaks which enable you to vary prices according to the quantity or value of items on a sales order. You base an order discount break on the value or the quantity of an order processed within the Sales Order Entry program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Order discount level Indicate the level at which you want to apply discount breaks.
Global Select this to create order discount breaks that must be calculated on the total merchandise value/quantity (i.e. applied at invoice level).

You must link the order discount breaks to customers who qualify for order discounts which must be calculated from order values/quantities.

You specify the quantity or value breaks and the chained discount percentages that apply.

The Sales Order Entry program values the total order (or the total quantity) before applying the relevant discount.

Customer Select this to create order discounts for specific customers, based on a total order value or total order quantity.

You specify the quantity or value breaks and the chained discount percentages that apply.

The Sales Order Entry program values the total order (or the total quantity) before applying the relevant discount.

Product Class Select this to create order discounts that must be calculated for specific product classes only, on each sales order line (i.e. applied at line level).

This is only for those customers who must have order line discounts calculated according to product class sold.

You specify the quantity or value breaks and the chained discount percentages that apply, as well as the valid product class.

The Sales Order Entry program accumulates the values (or quantities) per product class for all merchandise lines before applying the relevant discount to each line.

Customer/Product Class Select this to create order discounts for specific customers, that must be applied to all sales order lines, but only for specific product classes.

These discounts are applied at line level to customers who must have order line discounts calculated according to product class sold.

You specify the quantity or value breaks and the chained discount percentages that apply, as well as the valid product class.

Before you can maintain discount breaks by product class for a customer, you must indicate the customer for whom you want to add or maintain the discount breaks.

Delete Select this to delete the currently displayed discount break from the list of discount breaks.
Copy Select this to copy discount breaks to one or more customers or product classes. This function is not available for the Global order discount level.
Save Select this to save the information you entered.
Print Select this to print a list of order discount breaks already defined.
Customer Indicate the customer for whom you want to add or maintain order discount breaks.

This field is only enabled for Customer and Customer/ Product Class order discount levels.

Product class

Indicate the product class for which you want to add or maintain order discount breaks.

This field is only enabled for Product Class and Customer/ Product Class order discount levels.

Order Discount Details

The information displayed changes based on the Order discount level selected.

Field Description
Customer details  
Customer This indicates the code of the customer for whom you are maintaining the order discount breaks.
Customer name This indicates the customer's name.
Product class details  
Product class This indicates the product class for which you are maintaining order discount breaks.
Product class description This indicates the description of the product class.
Order discount details  
Discount calculation basis Indicate the basis of the discount calculation.
Local valueSelect this for the discount calculation to be based on the local net value of an item sold.
QuantitySelect this for the discount calculation to be based on the hash quantity of an item sold.
Convert to stocking uom

Select this to convert the sales order u/m to the stocking u/m before calculating the discount.

This option can only be selected if the discount calculation is based on Quantity.

Order Discount Breaks

You use the listview in this pane to enter the discount breaks. The discount breaks currently defined are displayed.

Field Description
New Select this to add a new discount break.
Delete Select this to delete the discount break currently highlighted in the listview.

Indicate the minimum value or quantity as defined for this discount break.

If the discount calculation is based on the local value of an item sold, then this field enables you to enter a cut-off order value to which the discount percentages must be linked.

If you define more than one discount, then the discount percentages you define are chained.

Example 1 - Order discount calculation based on Value:

Minimum value 1st Discount % 2nd Discount % 3rd Discount %
3000 2 1.5 1
7500 3 2 1.2

For the local value discount breaks defined above:

  • an order value below 3000 will not attract any discount
  • an order value in the range 3000 to 7499 will attract a discount of 2%, 1.5% and 1%
  • an order value of 7500 or more will attract a discount of 3%, 2% and 1.2%.

If the discount calculation is based on the quantity of an item sold, then this field enables you to enter a cut-off order quantity to which the discount percentages must be linked.

Example 2 - Order discount calculation based on Quantity:

Minimum quantity 1st Discount % 2nd Discount % 3rd Discount %
500 2 1.5 1
1000 3 2 1.2

For the quantity discount breaks defined above:

  • an order quantity below 500 will not attract any discount
  • an order quantity in the range 500 to 999 will attract a discount of 2%, 1.5% and 1%
  • an order quantity of 1000 or more will attract a discount of 3%, 2% and 1.2%.
1st discount % Indicate the first discount percentage that must be applied.
2nd discount % Indicate the second discount percentage that must be applied after the first discount percentage has been applied.
3rd discount % Indicate the third discount percentage that must be applied after the first and second percentages have been applied.

Order Discount Breaks Copy

This screen is displayed when you select the Copy icon. It enables you to copy discounts to the product class or customer currently being maintained.

Field Description
Accept Select this to copy the discount breaks according to your selections.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without copying the discount breaks.
Order discounts copy  
Copy discounts from
Option Description
Global Select this to copy the discounts defined against the Global order discount level to the current order discount level discount being defined.
Another customer Select this to copy the discounts from another customer.
Another product class Select this to copy the discounts from another product class.
From customer Indicate the customer from which the discounts must be copied.
From product class Indicate the product class from which the discounts must be copied.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • The Sales Order Entry program only calculates the discounts to be applied when you select the End Order function.

    Any manually entered discounts (where discount breaks are applicable) are overwritten at the time of selecting the End Order function.

  • Order discount breaks are only applied to an order. Where discount breaks are applicable, they are also applied when an order is created from a quote in the Quick Sales Order Entry program.

  • You can prevent order discounts from being applied to Trade Promotions lines (Trade Promotions Setup).

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.