General Ledger > Tax > Browses > Browse on Tax Codes

Browse on Tax Codes

You use this program view details of tax codes held on file.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Tax Effective Rates Use the Tax Effective Rates program to maintain historical tax rates for tax codes used in a basic tax system or a tax system based on geographic areas.

Notes and warnings

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this listview if access to the program is set to Browse only, but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).

Tax codes created by SALP01

Refer to the Report Details for the Sales Tax program for information on blank tax codes and tax codes created by the Sales Analysis Update program.

Hints and tips

View additional functions

  • Press Ctrl+F1 within a listview or form to view a full list of functions available.

  • Right-click on a tile or a category header within either the Navigation Pane or Favorites to view a full list of functions available.