> Browse on Lot Transactions

Browse on Lot Transactions

You use this program to the transactions associated with a specific lot.

Transactions for Lot

Details of the lot transactions are displayed in this listview.

The following options are displayed when you right click on a line:

Field Description

Select this to indicate the type of transactions you want to include in the listview.

The available options include:

  • Issues
  • Sales
  • Dispatch notes
  • Adjustments
  • Transfers
  • Receipts
  • Expiry date changes
  • Scrap reserved lot

    This is only applicable if you selected to reserve lots for parent parts (Work in Progress Setup).

Select All Select this to include all transaction types in the listview.
Deselect All Select this to exclude all transaction types from the listview.
OK Select this to return to the listview. Only the transaction types selected are displayed.
Cancel Select this to return to the listview, without changing the transactions displayed.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • You can access this program by selecting the View transactions option from the Functions menu of the BOM Browse on ECC Rev Rel program.

Transaction values

  • Values are displayed in the currency in which the transaction was processed (either local or foreign). Foreign currency values are not converted to the local currency.

Hints and tips

  • If you enabled the option Component to parent lot tracking (Work in Progress Setup) then you can typically use your right mouse button on a highlighted line and select the option: View Parent Lots to display the listview of the Component to Parent Lot Tracking Query program.