> Browse on ECC Revision/Release

Browse on ECC Revision/Release

You use this program to view the quantities for the revisions and/or releases for the stock item you are querying.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Show Zero Quantities

Select this to display the revisions/releases with zero quantities in the listview.

This option is deselected by default.

View Transactions Use the Browse on Lot Transactions program to view the transactions for the currently highlighted revision/release.

Listview columns

The revisions/releases for the selected stock item are displayed in this listview.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed from the Inventory Query program by selecting the Production > ECC Quantities option from the Query menu.

Coding considerations

  • The words: Rev, Rel, Revision and Releaseare the default words used throughout this program, but they are replaced by the wording you assigned to these user defined fields in the Bill of Materials Setup program.