Sales Analysis > Browses > Browse on Sales Analysis Summary Setup

Browse on Sales Analysis Summary Setup

You use this program to view details of the configurations defined for storing your sales history summary information.

Listview columns

Column Description
Type Indicates the unique code you assign to the summary key.
Name Indicates the name of the summary code.
Key area one Indicates the first key (index) to use for the code. It is the primary key (index) under which the sales analysis summary records will be stored.
Key area two Indicates the second key (index) to use for the code. It is the secondary key for the sales analysis summary records, providing Blank was not selected as the key for Key area one.
Key area three Indicates the third key (index) to use for the code. It is the third key for the sales analysis summary records.

Indicates whether or not targets are assigned to the summary key.

Assigning targets to your summary keys is done using the Sales Target Maintenance program.

Notes and warnings


  • Before you can generate summary keys, you must enable the Retain summary sales history option (Sales Analysis Setup).

Data integrity considerations

  • If you require the facility to rebuild your sales history summary file then you must select the Sales Analysis setup option: Retain archive sales history data (Sales Analysis Setup).

  • You need to rebuild your sales history summary file whenever you add or change the summary keys. Use the Recreate Sales History program.

Program access

You cannot maintain information in this listview if access to this program is set to Browse only and access to the corresponding maintenance program is restricted (see Security Access).