Bill of Materials > Setup > Browse on Employee Rate Descriptions

Browse on Employee Rate Descriptions

You use this program to modify the descriptions assigned to your employee rates.

Within SYSPRO, if you value actual hours you post to a job at the employee wage rate rather than at the work center rate, then you can enter up to eight wage rates against each employee you create (see Employees).

Employee rate descriptions are maintained within the browse listview itself.

Listview columns

Column Description
Rate This indicates the rate indicator number.

This indicates the description for the rate indicator.

Indicate a description for the rate indicator. This allows for easy identification in the Work in Progress Labor Posting program (e.g. you might label rate 1 as 'Standard Time', rate 2 as 'Overtime' and rate 3 as 'Double Time').

This description is displayed in the Employees program against the rates for each employee.


This indicates the unit of measure to which the rate applies.

Indicate the time unit of measure applicable to the rate.