Inventory > Transaction Processing > Inventory Document Print

Inventory Document Print

You use this program to produce supporting documentation in batch mode for Inventory transactions processed using the Inventory Movements program, and purchase orders receipted using the Purchase Order Receipts program.

These documents can either accompany the inventory items in transit or be retained for your own records.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description

Select this to print the inventory document selected.

The next document number is generated automatically when you print the document for the first time (i.e. not a reprint) if the Generate next document number option is enabled in the Inventory Document Format program. No document number is assigned when this option is not enabled. For Purchase order receipts, the document number is the GRN number, or the purchase order number if the GRN system is not installed.

Alignment This prints the relevant document using test characters to verify that your stationery is correctly aligned in your printer. This typically applies when using pre-printed continuous stationery.
Printer Preferences Select this to optionally assign a separate printer for the on-line printing of each of your inventory documents.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.

Report Options

Field Description
Document type Indicate the type of document you want to generate.
Stock receiptsSelect this to print stock receipt documents for transactions involving the receipt of items into stock.
IssuesSelect this to print stock issue documents for transactions involving the issue of items from stock.
Transfers outSelect this to print transfers out documents for transactions involving the transfer of stock to a different warehouse.
P/order receiptsSelect this to print purchase order receipt documents for transactions involving the receipt of items on a purchase order.
Format Indicate the format to apply to the document that is printed.
Define format Configure the inventory format applicable to the printing of your inventory documents using the Inventory Document Format program.
Format description Displays the description defined against the format for identification purposes.
Reprint Reprint inventory documents according to a range of selection criteria.
Reprint options  
Month Indicate the inventory month for which to reprint your inventory documents.
Year Indicate the inventory year for which to reprint your inventory documents.
Immediate and no destination transfers This is only enabled when reprinting Transfers out document types.
IncludeInclude transactions for immediate warehouse transfers and for transfers out with no destination when reprinting inventory documents.
ExcludeExclude transactions for immediate warehouse transfers and for transfers out with no destination when reprinting inventory documents.

reprint inventory documents only for all immediate warehouse transfers and all transfers out with no destination.

If you select this option, then you can use the Document number selection option to define the range of GIT transfer documents you want to include in the reprint.

Document number selection

Indicate the document number(s) to reprint the documents.

This does not apply when the Generate next document number option is enabled in the Inventory Document Format program.

Stock codes  
Stock code selection Indicate the stock code(s) for which to print transaction documents.
Warehouse selection Indicate the warehouse(s) for which to print transaction documents.
Journal selection Indicate the Inventory journal(s) for which to print transaction documents.
Operator selection Indicate the operator(s) for which to print transaction documents.
Job selection Indicate the job(s) for which to print the documents.
Purchase orders  
Purchase order selection

Indicate the purchase order(s) for which to print the documents.

This applies only when you selected the P/order receipts option at the Document type field.

Supplier selection

Indicate the supplier(s) for which you want to print the documents.

This applies only if you selected the option: P/order receipts at the Document type field.

GRN selection Indicate the GRN(s) for which to print the documents.

This applies only if you enabled the option: GRN suspense system required (Purchase Orders Setup) and you selected the option: P/order receipts at the Document type field.

Destination warehouses  
Destination warehouse selection

Indicate the destination warehouse(s) for which to print the documents.

This applies only if you selected the option: Transfers out at the Document type field.

GIT references  
GIT reference selection

Indicate the GIT reference(s) for which to print the documents.

This applies only if you selected the option: Transfers out at the Document type field.

After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Inventory Print Totals

The information in this report pane is displayed once processing is complete, providing you did not select the option: After processing completed > Close this application.

You use the After processing completed options to print or email this information.

Field Description
No. of documents printed

This indicates the total number of documents generated in the batch (i.e. for the current run of the program).

If you are printing one document per page then this corresponds to the number of pages printed.

With standard printing, the page breaks can be controlled by SYSPRO and the number of pages can therefore be determined. With SRS however, the information is passed to the report and the report formats it accordingly, so SYSPRO cannot determine the number of page breaks. The count is always be based on the paging rules in the format and not the paging that SRS finally produces.

Hash total quantity This is the total number of items printed on all documents, regardless of the unit of measure (e.g. if 12 apples and 13 oranges were include on the documents the value shown here would be 25).
Total value This is the total monetary value of the items printed on the documents.
Total mass

This is the total weight of items on the documents printed.

This is determined by the sum of the values defined against each stock item's Mass per stocking unit (Stock Codes).

Total volume

This is the total volume occupied by all items on the documents printed.

This is determined by the sum of the values defined against each stock item's Volume per stocking unit (Stock Codes).

Total merchandise value

For purchase orders this field displays the total value (price x quantity), excluding cost multiplier costs, of the documents printed.

For the inventory transactions: receipts, issues and warehouse transfers, this field displays the total cost x quantity of the documents printed.

Total non merchandise value This is the total value of cost multiplier costs, if any, of the documents printed.

Inventory Online Document

This screen is displayed when you select the Post function from the Inventory Movements and Purchase Order Receipts programs and enables you to print an Inventory document online.

You indicate the types of Inventory documents you want to print on-line in the Document selections option of the Inventory Setup program. In addition, the Preference: Generate next document number must be enabled against the document format you are using to print online (Inventory Document Format).


When printing documents online, a document is generated for each transaction line processed.

Field Description
Print Print the document online.
Preview View the document before you print it.
Alignment Print the selected document type using test characters to check whether the stationery is correctly aligned on your printer before printing the actual document.
Printer preferences Optionally assign a separate printer for the on-line printing of each of your inventory documents.
Close Return to the previous screen without printing the document.
Printing details  
Document format Select the format you want to apply to the document that is printed.
Define Format Use the Inventory Document Format program to define a document format.
Format description The description of the format code selected in the Document format field.
Document type This indicates the type of document which will be printed online.
Document number allocated

Enter the document number required for the document you are printing.

You cannot access this field when the Generate next document number option is enabled in the Inventory Document Format program.

Default printer Destinations

This screen is displayed when you select the Printer Preferences function.


The description {Current Print} refers to the default printer that is configured within SYSPRO. To establish what the current printer is, press Shift+F6 from within SYSPRO. The highlighted printer is your current printer.

Field Description
Default printer destinations  
Stock receipts set to This indicates the default printer assigned to the printing of stock receipt documents.
Issue documents set to This indicates the default printer assigned to the printing of your stock issue documents.
Transfer documents set to This indicates the default printer assigned to the printing of stock transfer documents.
Purchase order receipts set to This indicates the default printer assigned to the printing of purchase order receipt documents.
Set Select this to indicate that the printer currently defined as the default printer must be used to print the document on-line.
Clear Select this to remove details of the printer previously assigned to the printing of the document and to use the current printer instead (i.e. The printer configured within SYSPRO).
Close Select this to accept your preferences and to return to the previous screen.

Report Details

Each transaction is treated as a new document when the New page per transaction option is enabled in the Inventory Document Format program. When this option is not enabled, a new page is generated as follows:

  • for stock receipts and issues, a new page is generated upon change of the warehouse.
  • for transfers out, a new page is generated upon change of the destination warehouse.
  • for purchase order receipts, a new page is generated upon change of the GRN number or the purchase order number.
  • when printing purchase order receipt documents on-line, a new document is printed for each line receipted in, regardless of your selection at the option: New page per transaction in the Inventory Document Format program.
  • the transaction type for stock receipts includes inspection items if this has been configured (Inventory Setup).
  • When reprinting purchase order receipts, the foreign value fields (Transaction value (foreign), Transaction unit cost (foreign) and Purchase order (foreign)) are taken from the history of receipts file when you are retaining Receipts by supplier/stock code (Purchase Orders Setup). If you are not retaining a history of receipts, then the foreign values are taken from the Inventory document when the quantity is greater than zero. If there is no quantity received, then the purchase order price is used to generate the foreign values.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • You can only print documents for which you defined a document format for the document type you want to print.

  • You cannot print documents for any transaction type against which you indicated that no document is required (Inventory Setup).

  • You can only reprint documents that you already printed on-line from the Inventory Movements program.

  • You can only print and reprint Purchase Orders that have already been received using this program. Purchase orders not yet receipted in must be printed using the Purchase Order Print program.

Coding considerations

  • Printed Inventory documents are deleted when you run the Purge function of the Inventory Period End program, if they have been held on file for at least the number of months entered at the Number of months to retain - Documents field.