General Ledger > Setup > GL Groups

GL Groups

You use this program to create and maintain the group codes required in the General Ledger module.

You can also use this program to enter a set of percentages for each accounting period in the year according to which you want to spread your variable budgets when your budget spread is defined at group level (General Ledger Setup).

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
New Select this to add a new group.
Delete Select this to delete the group currently displayed.
Save Select this to save the details you entered or changed.
Group Enter the code for the GL group. Up to 10 characters can be used to define the group code.
Play Select this to use the Multimedia program to view multimedia objects defined against the group.
Edit Select this to use the Multimedia program to define multimedia objects against the group code.
Apply Undistributed

Select this to allocate the undistributed budget percentage amount to the currently selected period.

The undistributed percentage allocated to the highlighted period could be negative.

Group Details

Field Description
Group information  
Group This indicates the code of the GL group you are currently maintaining.
Description Enter a description for the group code.
Budget spread

Enter a set of percentages for each accounting period in the year according to which you want to spread your variable budgets.

These fields are only available if your budget spread is defined at group level (General Ledger Setup).

Period 1-14

The current percentages allocated to the periods are displayed.

You enter the budget percentages against each period. The total budget spread for all periods must equal 100%.

Period 13 is only enabled if your number of accounting periods is set to 13 (Company Setup).
Distributed This indicates the total percentages currently allocated to the periods. You will be unable to save your changes until this value is 100.

The total budget spread must equal 100%.

This indicates the total percentages that must still be distributed to make up 100%. If this figure is negative, then more than 100% has been allocated to the periods displayed.

You cannot save your changes until this value is zero.

Notes and warnings

Deletion considerations

  • SYSPRO does not validate whether any General Ledger Codes are attached to the group when you delete the group (see General Ledger Codes).

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.