Contact Management > Setup > Organization Lists > Organization List Maintenance

Organization List Maintenance

You use this program to maintain the organization lists for your operator code. An Organization list may contain a single type of organization (e.g. only suppliers) or various types of organizations (e.g. suppliers and customers).

Available organizations

This window displays the organizations currently assigned to your operator code. You can view the organizations that are currently included/excluded for the selected organizational list.

Field Description
Assign Selected Assign the organizations currently highlighted in the Available Organizations list to the list of organizations assigned to your operator code (the Assigned Organizations list).
Assign All Assign all organizations displayed in the Available Organizations listview to the list of organizations assigned to your operator code (the Assigned Organizations list).
Remove Selected Remove the currently highlighted organization(s) from your list of Assigned Organizations.
Remove All Remove all organizations from the current Assigned Organizations list.
Move Single Organization Up List Move the currently highlighted organization one position up the list of Assigned Organizations.
Move Single Organization Down List Move the currently highlighted organization one position down the list of Assigned Organizations.
Decrease Indent of Selected Organizations Select this if you no longer want the currently highlighted organization in the Assigned Organizations list to be a child of a preceding organization in the treeview.
Increase Indent of Selected Organizations Make the currently highlighted organization in the Assigned Organizations list a child of a preceding organization in the treeview.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program is called when you select Configure against the Included organizations or Excluded organizations fields in the Conditional Organization List Maint program.