SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Financial > Contact Management

Contact Management

You use this program to define the setup options for your SYSPRO Contact Management System.

CMS Setup Wizard

Field Description
CMS Setup Wizard Use the Contact Management Setup Wizard program to set up the Contact Management System.

The Contact Management Setup Wizard program must be run before you can use the SYSPRO Contact Management System.

This function is disabled once the Contact Management Setup Wizard program has been successfully run.


Field Description
Defaults The entries you make here are used as the default entries when you use the Contacts program to create a new Contact.
Multimedia image category Enter the default multimedia object category (see Multimedia) in which you will save the image you want to display against each contact.

This defaults to BMP, but can be changed.

Weather URL

Enter the default Internet website address you want to use for viewing weather information for your contacts.

This defaults to, but can be changed.

Enter the default Internet website address you want to use for viewing map information for your contacts.

This defaults to, but can be changed.
Contact classification captions Define your own descriptions for the fields that are used to classify your Contacts.

The default descriptions for these fields in the Classification pane of the Contacts program are replaced by the descriptions you enter here.

Contact property Optionally enter your own description for the Contact property field.
Contact classification Optionally enter your own description for the Contact classification field.
Contact type Optionally enter your own description for the Contact type field.
Contact category Optionally enter your own description for the Contact category field.


Field Description
Contact property captions Define your own descriptions for the selections of colors at the Contact property field that is used to classify a Contact.

For example, you could specify that Blue represents your employees.

The default selections for the Contact property field in the Classification pane of the Contacts program are replaced by the selections you enter here.

Activity Follow up

Field Description
Follow up flag options Define your own descriptions for the selections of colors at the Follow up flag field of the Contact Activity Posting program. For example, you could specify that Red represents Urgent.

The default selections for the Follow up flag field in the Activity Information pane of the Contact Activity Posting program are replaced by the selections you enter here.

Activity Changes

Field Description
Activity change preferences This option applies to activities against which attendees are defined (Contact Activity Posting).

When you post an activity with attendees, the system automatically creates activities for the contacts listed as attendees. These activities include any attachments included by the originator of the activity.

Any attendee who has the security access to maintain activities can change the activity for all other attendees.

When activity changed for multiple attendees, propagate the selected fields to all attendees Indicate which fields you require the system to update for all attendees when one attendee changes these fields against the activity.

For example, if you select Priority, then when an attendee changes the priority of the activity, the priority against the activity for all attendees is changed. If you do not select Priority, then only the priority against the attendee who made the change is updated.

Activity Criteria

Field Description
Activity selection criteria  
Only allow selection from predefined list for the following activity fields: Restrict the use of certain activity criteria when using the Contact Activity Posting program to create or maintain activities.

If you select one of these options, then the Browse/maintenance button against the field in the Contact Activity Posting program is not enabled.

LocationLimit the location defined against any activity to the locations currently defined in the drop down list of locations.
RegardingLimit the Regarding text defined against any activity to the list of Regarding texts currently defined.
ResultLimit the Result defined against any activity to the list of results currently defined.
User field 1 - 3Limit the User fields 1 -3 defined against an activity to the list of user defined texts defined for these fields.

You indicate the description you require for these user fields on the Activity User Fields tab.

Activity Attachments

Field Description
Attachment settings Configure an alternate location for storing activity attachments from the SYSPRO Contact Management system.

By default, activity attachments are stored in a sub folder of the SYSPRO work folder.

Standard attachment folder Use the standard folder as the location for attachments.

The standard attachment folder is:


where ? refers to the company id.

User-defined attachment folder Define a specific folder as the location for attachments.

This folder can exist anywhere on your server or on any drive that has been mapped to the server.

Copy Details

Field Description
Copy contact details  
Popup "Copy Details" dialog in Contact Maintenance when the following change Indicate the fields for which the Contact Copy Details to Multi Contacts program must be displayed whenever information against these fields is changed for a contact.

Account User Fields

Field Description
Account user defined field captions  
Description for field 1 - 2 The captions for user defined fields 1 and 2 are defined using the Accounts Setup program and have the same usage as applicable to customers. They are displayed here for information purposes only.
Description for field 3 - 5 Assign your own wording for the caption for these user defined fields held against an Account.

You enter the required information against these fields using the Accounts program.

Activity User Fields

Field Description
Activity user defined field captions

Description for field 1 - 3 Indicate the description for the three user defined fields for Activities (see Contact Activity Posting - Activity Information pane).

The descriptions default to User field 1, User field 2 and User field 3.


Your calendar is updated immediately with any changes you make to these setup options. The calendars for other operators are updated the next time they log into SYSPRO.

Field Description
Calendar options  
Include meeting and appointments in calendar Include the appointments and meetings added in the Contact Management System onto your SYSPRO calendar.

When you select this option, you can indicate the types of meetings and appointments to include in your calendar.

This enables you to optimally configure the number of items displayed in your calendar.
Include outstanding items only Only include outstanding appointments and meetings in your calendar.

When you set the activity to Cleared (Contact Activity Posting) it is removed from your calendar.

Include outstanding items and future items only Include outstanding appointments and meetings in your calendar, and all future items regardless of whether they are cleared. Future items include all items that start from today and anytime into the future.
Include outstanding items and all others from 1 month ago Include outstanding appointments and meetings in your calendar, and all cleared items up to 1 month ago.
Include outstanding items and all others from 2 months ago Include outstanding appointments and meetings in your calendar, and all cleared items up to 2 months ago.
Include outstanding items and all others from 3 months ago Include outstanding appointments and meetings in your calendar, and all cleared items up to 3 months ago.
Include outstanding items and all others from 6 months ago Include outstanding appointments and meetings in your calendar, and all cleared items up to 6 months ago.
Include outstanding items and all others from 12 months ago Include outstanding appointments and meetings in your calendar, and all cleared items up to 12 months ago.

Purge Options

The options on this tab page enable you to indicate the criteria for purging Contacts and Activities when using the Contact Management Purge program.

If you do not select to purge either contacts or activities or both, then cannot access the Contact Management Purge program.

Field Description
Contact purge  
Allow contact purge Delete Contacts when running a purge.

Do not select this option if you want to retain Contact details indefinitely.

Delete contacts where no activity for Indicate the number of years for which you want to retain details of contacts against whom no activity was recorded.

A contact is deleted when you purge contacts if all of the following are true:

  • no activities were recorded against the contact for the number of years specified here
  • the contact was added before the number of years specified here
Activity purge  
Allow activity purge Delete cleared Activities and their associated attachments.

Do not select this option if you want to retain details of Activities indefinitely.

Delete activities older than Indicate the number of years for which you want to retain activities.

An activity is deleted if all of the following are true:

  • it has been cleared (i.e. it is no longer active)
  • it is older than the number of years specified here
Allow runtime selection Select this to be able to define the following options at the time of running the program Contact Management Purge.
  • Delete contacts where no activity for
  • Delete activities older than

Notes and warnings

Allow runtime selection considerations

  • If you enabled the Allow contact purge and Allow activity purge options, then you can specify the number of years to retain contacts and activities at the time of running the Contact Management Purge program if you select the option: Allow runtime selection.

Changing the attachment folder

When changing your attachment folder:

  • ensure that the new folder already exists. You can use the Browse icon to locate the folder.

  • move any previous file attachments stored in the old attachment folder to the new location before using any SYSPRO Contact Management programs.

  • ensure that each company uses its own attachment folder if you are using multiple companies (this is the reason that the standard SYSPRO attachment folder contains the company id as part of its path).

    In addition, remember that anyone using Outlook Integration could be storing attachments contained within email messages at any time.

Activity attachment considerations

  • Activity attachment files can consume considerable disk space.

Amendment journal considerations

  • Setup amendment journals are created for the changes you make in this program (see Setup Amendment Journal).

Hints and tips

  • We recommend you print and keep a report of your Contact Management setup options for disaster recovery purposes.