Contact Management > Contact Management Purge

Contact Management Purge

You use this program to remove contacts and activities no longer required within the Contact Management System.

CMS Purge

Field Description
Contact purge  
Purge contacts Deletes contacts from the system.
Delete contacts where no activity for Select the number of years according to which to delete contacts where no activity has been recorded.
Activity purge  
Purge activities Deletes activities and their associated attachments from the system.
Delete activities older than Select the number of years according to which to delete activities.
Start Purge Starts the purge process according to your selection criteria.

Notes and warnings


  • You must enable the Allow contact purge and/or Allow activity purge setup options before you can use this program (Contact Management Setup).

Operator runtime selection

  • Enable the Allow runtime selection setup option (Contact Management Setup) to be able to change the number of years for which you want to purge contacts and/or activities.

Hints and tips

Backup considerations

  • We recommend that you back up your data before commencing processing.