Bill of Materials > Setup > Cost Centers

Cost Centers

You use this program to create and maintain your cost centers. In addition, you can assign default information to use for a group of work centers, such as costing rates, time and capacity units of measure and run time calculation methods.

BOM Cost Center Maintenance

Field Description
Cost center

Indicate the code of the cost center you want to maintain.

Cost center type
Internal Select this to indicate that the cost center's rates are derived internally and that the work done in the cost center is performed on site.
Subcontract Select this to indicate that the cost center's rates are derived from an external supplier (i.e. a subcontractor).
Update Work Centers

Select this to optionally update the work center(s) associated with the cost center with all or part of the following information:

  • units of measure
  • product class for billings
  • overtime capacity options
  • labor rates (internal work centers only)
  • GL integration codes

BOM Work Center Update

This screen is displayed when you select the Update Work Centers option from the Function menu.

Field Description
OK Select this to update the selected work center(s) with the information selected.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without updating the selected work center(s).
Update Details Select this to return to the previous screen without updating the selected work center(s).
Update all associated Work Centers Select this to update all work centers associated with the cost center with the selected information.

Deselect this option to only update a single work center. When you deselect this option, the Work center to update field is made available, enabling you to indicate the single work center to update.

Work Center to update You use this field to indicate the single work center associated with the cost center, that you want to update.

This field is only made available when you deselect the option Update all associated work centers above.

Update additional information Select this to update the work center(s) with the following information from the current cost center:
  • units of measure
  • product class for billings
  • overtime capacity options
Update rates (internal work center) Select this to update the work center(s) with the labor rates from the current cost center. This applies to internal work centers only.
Update G/L codes Select this to update the work center(s) with the General Ledger integration codes from the current cost center.

Cost Center Details - Internal

You use this to assign default information for an internal cost center for use by the work center(s) allocated to the cost center.

Field Description
General information  
Cost center This indicates the code of the Cost center being maintained.
Description Assign a description to the cost center code.

This description is printed on reports and can be used to verify that you entered the correct cost center.

Use employee rates Enable this to use the rates defined against the employee instead of the rates held against the cost center.

The cost center overhead recovery rates are still applied.

This is used in actual costing.
Product class for billings Assign a product class to all operations processed within this cost center.

This is used only by the Part Billings program where you can set a preference for detail operation lines to be inserted at the time of creating a sales orders.

When left blank, the operation details are grouped according to the default product class specified in the Part Billings program.

Product class description Indicates the description for the Product class for billings.
Run time calculation method

The runtime calculation method you indicate for the work center determines which fields are enabled at the Run time option for operations in the Structures and Routings program.

For example, if the run time method is defined as Unit, then you will need to enter the Unit run time. If the method is defined as Rate or Block, then you will need to enter the Quantity and Time taken for the unit run time to be calculated automatically.

Option Description
Unit Enable this to base the cost center's run time calculation on the time it takes to produce one unit of an item.
Rate Enable this to base the cost center's run time calculation on the time taken to produce a specific quantity of an item.
Block Enable this to base the cost center's run time calculation on a fixed block of time.
Units of measure If you made an entry at the option: Default description of time units (Bill of Materials Setup) then this is displayed at the Time and Capacity fields.
Time Indicate the time unit of measure for the cost center (e.g. hrs, min, etc).
Capacity Indicate the capacity unit of measure for the cost center (e.g. hrs, min, etc). This can differ from the time unit of measure.
Overtime capacity Indicate the percentage of overload permitted for the cost center. This is used only within the Forward Finite Scheduling program.
Use overtime Enable this to allow overtime for the cost center.
Percentage Indicate the percentage of overload permitted for the cost center.

Cost Center Details - Subcontract

You use this to assign default information for a subcontract cost center for use by the work center(s) allocated to the cost center.

Field Description
Cost center Indicates the code of the cost center being maintained.
Description Assign a description to the cost center code.

This description is printed on reports and can be used to verify that you have entered the correct cost center.

Supplier Indicate the default supplier that the work centers allocated to this cost center will use.
Supplier name Indicates the name of the Supplier.
Planner Indicate the default planner that the work centers allocated to this cost center will use.
Planner name Indicates the name of the Planner.

Indicate the default buyer that the work centers allocated to this cost center will use.

This defaults from the Operators program, if a buyer has been setup against the operator.

The buyer defined against the operator will only be used when adding a new cost center, not when maintaining a cost center.

Buyer name Indicates the name of the Buyer.
Product class for billings Assign a product class to all operations processed within this cost center.
Product class description Indicates the description of the Product class for billings.

Cost Center GL Integration

You use this to assign the General Ledger codes to which you want to apportion productive and non-productive costs.

Field Description
Productive time ledger codes Select this to indicate the ledger codes to which productive time for the following must be posted:
  • Setup time
  • Startup time
  • Run time
  • Teardown time
  • Fixed overhead
  • Variable overhead
Non-productive time ledger codes Select this to indicate the ledger codes to which non-productive time for the following must be posted:
  • Setup time
  • Startup time
  • Run time
  • Teardown time
  • Fixed overhead
  • Variable overhead
Ledger code Indicate the ledger code to which subcontract costs must be posted.

This only applies to Subcontract operations.

Cost Center Rates

You use the Rates table to define the default rates applicable to an Internal Cost center.

The rates currently defined are displayed in the table.


These rates are used to cost labor and overheads for an operation that takes place in the work center. The Cost Implosion program uses these rates to establish the labor and overhead content of the standard cost of sub-assemblies and finished products.

Field Description
Rate This indicates the rate indicator number currently being maintained.
Set-up Indicate the rate at which to cost the labor used when a specific machine, line or work center converts from production of one item to another. Typically, no usable items are produced during the set-up period.
Startup Indicate the rate at which to cost the labor used when a specific machine, line or work center is gradually brought up to full production speed while producing good product.
Run Indicate the rate at which to cost the labor used to produce items at full production speed.
Teardown Indicate the rate at which to cost the labor used to remove setup from a machine or facility.
Fixed o/h Indicate the fixed overhead rate.

This is the rate at which to cost expenditures that do not vary with production (e.g. rent apportioned to the work or cost center).

Variable o/h Indicate the variable overhead rate.

This is the rate at which to cost the expenditures that vary with production (e.g. electricity apportioned to the work or cost center).

Notes and warnings

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
BOM Cost center added

Controls access to the New Cost Center function in the Cost Centers and Browse on Cost Centers programs.

BOM Cost center changed

Controls access to the maintenance of cost centers in the Cost Centers and Browse on Cost Centers programs.

BOM Cost center deleted

Controls access to the Delete function in the Cost Centers and Browse on Cost Centers programs.

Cost Center GL Integration

  • The GL Integration fields are only validated if the Work in Progress module is linked to General Ledger in Detail or Summary (General Ledger Integration).

    Ledger codes can be entered, but they are not validated when GL Integration for Work in Progress is set to Not linked to G/L - distribution report.

    Ledger codes cannot be maintained when GL Integration for Work in Progress is set to Not linked to G/L - no distribution report.

  • For subcontract cost centers you can define a single labor ledger code for the cost of labor postings that you want to apportion to the General Ledger.

Maintenance considerations

  • You cannot access the Rates table for a Subcontract Cost center.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.