SYSPRO 8 Service Upgrade Manager

This service is used to self-heal/update other SYSPRO services on the same machine.
This service is used by:
- All services (except Document Flow Manager, SYSPRO Analytics and web services)
- SYSPRO Avanti
- SYSPRO Espresso
- SYSPRO Harmony

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6

This service is installed using the SYSPRO Installer.

You can debug this service by editing the associated config file in elevated mode (i.e. with administrator privileges).
The SYSPROServiceManagerService.exe.config file is located in the folder to which you installed the service.

You can view monitoring and troubleshooting messages about this service using the Event Viewer function in Windows:
(Control Panel > System and Security Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Applications and Service Logs)
This service outputs an event log to the SYSPROSSM file.

You can start, stop, restart and configure this service using the Services function in Windows:
(Control Panel > System and Security Administrative Tools > Services)