SYSPRO 8 Machine Learning

This service lets you train an Artificial Intelligence project to produce a model and then to use the model to perform predictions.
This service is used by:
- SYSPRO Avanti
- AI Machine Learning
- SYSPRO Rules Engine

This service can be installed on any server as long as the SYSPRO 8 Communications Load Balancer endpoint is configured correctly in the service's configuration file.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
SYSPRO 8 Communications Load Balancer
A valid endpoint must be configured in the System Setup program of SYSPRO 8.

This service is installed using the SYSPRO Installer.
If you have two installations of the SYSPRO 8 Machine Learning service installed on different servers, then you can configure SYSPRO to use a Training end point and a Prediction end point.
Separate endpoints for training and predicting ensures better responsiveness, especially as the training endpoint may seem unresponsive when training projects.

You can debug this service by editing the associated config file in elevated mode (i.e. with administrator privileges).
The web.config file is located in the inetpub\wwwroot\SYSPROHarmonyAPI folder.

You can view monitoring and troubleshooting messages about this service using the Event Viewer function in Windows:
(Control Panel > System and Security Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Applications and Service Logs)
This service outputs an event log to the SYSPROAI file.

You can start, stop, restart and configure this service using the Services function in Windows:
(Control Panel > System and Security Administrative Tools > Services)