SYSPRO 8 Harmony Service

This service lets you query and post transactions to the SYSPRO Harmony database.
This service is used by:
- SYSPRO Harmony

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or higher
SYSPRO 8 Service Upgrade Manager
SYSPRO 8 Communications Load Balancer
A valid endpoint must be configured in the System Setup program of SYSPRO 8.

This service is installed using the SYSPRO Installer.

You can debug this service by editing the associated config file in elevated mode (i.e. with administrator privileges).
The SYSPROHarmonyDatabaseServiceHost.exe.config file is located in the folder to which you installed the service.

You can view monitoring and troubleshooting messages about this service using the Event Viewer function in Windows:
(Control Panel > System and Security Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Applications and Service Logs)
This service outputs an event log to the SYSPROSHS file.

You can start, stop, restart and configure this service using the Services function in Windows:
(Control Panel > System and Security Administrative Tools > Services)

You should only edit this file for debugging purposes.
Don't use this as a method to update values for the service. This is because a wizard installation updates the system registry, which is what is read when using the service. A fresh installation overwrites these values, which may cause problems when you next run the service.
Key | Description |
ServiceRestAddress |
30141 |