SYSPRO 8 Analytics

SYSPRO 8 Analytics includes an Administration Service and a Business Layer Service.
The SYSPRO Analytics 8.0 Business Layer Service contains the business layer logic and provides remoting services to SYSPRO Analytics 8.0 clients.
The SYSPRO Analytics 8.0 Administration Service starts and stops the Business Layer Service, checks to see if the server is available, and provides an update mechanism. This service also checks if the client and server assemblies are the same, to identify if an update is required.
This service is used by:
- SYSPRO Analytics

Requirements to perform business analysis on your SYSPRO data:
SQL Server Analysis Services
SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
SYSPRO 8 Communications Load Balancer
A valid endpoint must be configured in the System Setup program of SYSPRO 8.
Requirements to perform business analysis on your SYSPRO data on a client workstation, using SYSPRO's viewer:
Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
OLEDB data providers for SQL Server Analysis Services
SYSPRO 8 Communications Load Balancer
A valid endpoint must be configured in the System Setup program of SYSPRO 8.

This service is installed using the SYSPRO Installer.

Load SYSPRO and navigate to the SYSPRO Analytics Setup program.
When loading SYSPRO Analytics for the first time you will be prompted to create the SYSPRO Analytics Master Database.
You cannot perform any tasks until you have created this database, as it stores the Analytics setup information and contains all the information about Analytics that is not site-specific.
This database can be accessed from either the client or the server, and its implementation ensures easier control and updating of the data.
- Select the SYSPRO Analytics Servers option from the Setup Tasks folder.
Enter the server details:
Field Description Server Details
How should the SYSPRO Analytics client connect
Local connection
This is used for testing or demonstration purposes only. In a live environment, you must select Remote via Web service.
Remote via Web service
If you use a remote server, then you need to install the SYSPRO Analytics Server component onto the SQL server that you are going use as the SYSPRO Analytics server.
Remote Server Settings
This is the name of the server where the SQL Server and SYSPRO Analytics Server components are installed (if you are running instances of SQL server).
We recommend that you select NET.TCP as your preferred method, as HTTP can cause errors when creating a site or job.
Server connection method
NET.TCP (Recommended)
Administration port
The port used by SYSPRO Analytics Administration Service (defaults to 30200).
Business Layer port
The port used by SYSPRO Analytics Business Service (defaults to 30201).
Administration Web service path
This path is generated automatically according to your selections.
Test Administration Layer connection
This tests the connection to the remote server.
A successful connection is made if the server is accessible and if the SYSPRO Analytics Administration Layer service is running on this server.

You can debug this service by editing the associated config file in elevated mode (i.e. with administrator privileges).
The BusinessChannel.xml file is located in the folder to which you installed the service.

You can view monitoring and troubleshooting messages about this service using the Event Viewer function in Windows:
(Control Panel > System and Security Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Applications and Service Logs)
This service outputs an event log to the SYSPROAnalytics file.

You can start, stop, restart and configure this service using the Services function in Windows:
(Control Panel > System and Security Administrative Tools > Services)

You have selected a server connection method of NET.TCP, but the BusinessChannel.xml configuration file indicates a connection method of HTTP.

You should only edit this file for debugging purposes.
Don't use this as a method to update values for the service. This is because a wizard installation updates the system registry, which is what is read when using the service. A fresh installation overwrites these values, which may cause problems when you next run the service.
Setting | Description |
AdminPort |
The port used by SYSPRO Analytics Administration Service (defaults to 30200). |
BusinessPort |
The port used by SYSPRO Analytics Business Service (defaults to 30201). |
ConnectionMethod |
The connection method for the SYSPRO Analytics WCF services (defaults to http). |
ReceiveTimeout |
SendTimeout |
SqlCommandTimeout |
The length of time, in seconds before a SQL command will time out. The default is 300. |