Feature Highlights: SYSPRO 8 2020 R1
User Experience

The SYSPRO architecture now supports multiple tenants for Microsoft Office 365.
A Microsoft Office 365 tenant is a regional location that provides cloud services dedicated to an organization (e.g. Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Teams, etc). It falls within the overall O365 Data Center and can be seen as an organization's sandbox environment, housing all its digital assets (e.g. users, domains, subscriptions and data).
You can maintain multiple tenants in SYSPRO using the new Office 365 Tenant Maintenance program (Program List > Administration > General Setup) which stores the information in the AdmOfficeTenants system-wide table.
Once configured, you can use SYSPRO's Personalize program (SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Home) to select the tenant to use when operators communicate with Microsoft Office 365.
If you have a single tenant or have already configured your system and operators accordingly, this works unchanged.

A host of new capabilities has been added to SYSPRO's web-based platform.

SYSPRO Avanti now supports Multi-Factor Authentication (i.e. the process of identifying a user by validating two or more methods of authentication from independent credential categories).

Reports can be processed and viewed immediately.
- Select Process report and preview to view the report as PDF in your default PDF viewer.
- Select Add to print queue to print the report.
Both options also add the report to the report queue for later viewing. -
Reports can be archived using the Report Archive program.
Archived reports can be viewed as PDFs and purged using this program.
Report data can be exported to additional formats (e.g. xls, csv, txt and xml).
Reports with Crystal Report parameters can be processed.

This lets you create customized cards based on business objects or XML files.
Design a card from various layout types (e.g. tabs, section headings, carousels, accordions and tables).
Map XML fields from SYSPRO business objects (or other XML files) to populate fields.
Define and customize values of XMLIn fields.

The look and feel of SYSPRO Avanti can be changed by applying a theme.
- Select the Themes option from the User name field to use a theme.

A Keep me signed in option was added to the SYSPRO Avanti Sign in window which lets users access SYSPRO Avanti without needing to supply login credentials.
Logon details are still be requested under certain conditions:
- If your logon credentials change.
- If you are signed out of SYSPRO Avanti using the Sign out option (instead of just closing the browser).

All the options from the System Setup program have been moved to the Setup Options program.
Review the System Setup options moved to Single Setup program highlight under the Simplified Administration banner for more details.

The VBScript Editor program has been restructured to provide a simpler and streamlined look.
Loading the program takes you straight to the workspace area (previously you were presented with a window from which you first needed to select the field or form level event).
The Variables and Field Properties panes default to being docked together on the right-hand side of the screen (but can re-positioned as required).
From the Variables pane, you can access the Events hyperlink to quickly insert a field-level event.
The Code Generation drop-down combines various existing functions (e.g. call business objects, send push notifications, execute workflows, launch programs, and customize toolbar buttons).
The View drop-down lets you show or hide the Sample Code Window, the VBS Modules Window, and the Notepad.
Simplified Administration

The enhancement centralizes SYSPRO's system-wide and company-wide setup options into the Setup Options program.
The aim is to ease the workload of system administrators by letting them manage these options in a single location.
Administrators can also take advantage of extra functionality already available in the Setup Options program (e.g. using the search to locate options, as well as the import and export functions).

The following table will help you navigate the transition of System Setup options to the Setup Options program by indicating where the new options are now located.
Location in the System Setup program | NEW location in the Setup Options program |
General |
General |
Login Dialog |
Login |
Database |
Date Format |
General |
Folders |
General |
Reporting |
Espresso |
Connectivity |
E.Net Service Details |
E.Net Service Details |
Office Integration |
Connectivity |
Rules Engine/Harmony
Rules Engine/Harmony |
Artificial Intelligence |
Artificial Intelligence |
Email/SMTP settings |
Connectivity |
Password definition |
Password Definition |
Avanti |
Connectivity |
Multi-Factor Authentication |
Login |
Single Sign-On |
Login |

This feature lets administrators place the entire system into maintenance mode. This solves the issue of having to maintain each SYSPRO company to prevent users from logging in while maintenance is in process (e.g. when upgrading to a new release).
The feature is enabled by switching on the Prevent login setup option (Setup Options > System Setup > General). The SYSPRO and e.net Solutions login process first checks the system-wide configuration before checking the company-specific configuration to either allow or deny access to the system.

Managing your SYSPRO product licensing is now so much easier.

The process of importing SYSPRO licenses and applying them to one or more companies has been simplified with the License Manager program.
This new licensing platform (available from within the Company Setup program) enables the following:
View current license information.
Apply a new or current license across all existing companies.
Apply a new or current license to a single company.
Apply a new or current license to multiple selected companies.
Change a company name to one of the licensed names.
One of the key benefits of the new License Manager is when you have any changes to your system-related license parameters (e.g. the number of Concurrent users, Point of Sale users, Espresso seats, Licensed Workflows, Analytics seats, Portal seats or other system-wide settings).
In addition, the process of applying an updated annual license is greatly simplified.

All Licence.xml files are saved with a unique file name in the \Work\license.sav folder, and are recorded in the AdmSystemLicense table of the system-wide database.
This provides a history of all licenses that have been selected.

As data encryption technologies form a vital part of any security and privacy data compliance strategy, this feature lets administrators configure the connection between SYSPRO and Microsoft SQL Server using Transport Layer Security (TLS) to provide Data Encryption in Motion.
The feature assists with compliance to stringent privacy regulations and government acts, as it focuses on securing data from SYSPRO when using Microsoft SQL Server.

This describes a technique of configuring SYSPRO and Microsoft SQL Server so that all communication between the two is encrypted. Now data encryption can enabled from the client, instead of only controlling encryption within the Microsoft SQL Server instance.
The following data is encrypted when using this type of configuration:
- Initial connection information
- SQL statements issued
- Actual data passed to and from Microsoft SQL Server

The following two articles provide more detailed information:
SYSPRO and SQL Server Encryption Overview
This document provides an overview of data encryption relating to SYSPRO and Microsoft SQL Server, detailing the two technologies known as Data Encryption at Rest (TDE) and Data Encryption in Motion (TLS).
It also provides benchmarking information to demonstrate the minimal overhead when using these encryption technologies.
SYSPRO and SQL Server Encryption Configuration
This document contains detailed technical information about how to configure SYSPRO, Microsoft SQL Server and your Windows Server operating system to use Data Encryption at Rest and Data Encryption in Motion technologies.

The SQL Health Dashboard program was improved to provide quicker performance when analyzing the health of tables, columns and foreign keys on a company database.
The dashboard now also includes the following information:
Instance Information
Connection driver
This indicates the ODBC driver used when connecting to Microsoft SQL Server.
Connection encryption
This indicates whether the connection to Microsoft SQL Server is encrypted.
Connection protocol
This indicates the protocol used when connecting to Microsoft SQL Server (i.e. TCP, Named pipes or Shared memory).
Database Information:
TDE encryption status
This indicates if Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is in use and the current status of the encryption.

SYSPRO's Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) has been standardized to support Rich Text Format (RTF) documents of any size.
You can also now insert images in the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program because of the increased file size support.
Images aren't included when printing documents like sales order acknowledgments, invoices, etc.
This facility is available in the standard product as well as SYSPRO Avanti.

When editing notes in various text editing scenarios in SYSPRO, the date stamp inserted is now standardized to use the Short date format (Setup Options > System Setup > General).
The date stamp format may differ from the previous format because of this standardization. However, you can now customize the format consistently across all note types.
You can override this at company level using the Override system date format option (Setup Options > Company > General) in which case the Short date format defined against that company is used.

This program lets you view the history of successful MFA authentications for the company.
SYSPRO automatically tracks each time an operator successfully authenticates themselves to SYSPRO through Multi-Factor Authentication and logs which authentication method is used. Its purpose is to assist system administrators in effectively managing system security.

To better support multiple monitor environments, the SYSPRO architecture responsible for window positioning and sizing was re-engineered for the login window, the SYSPRO main menu and subsequent windows.
This improves consistency in how windows are sized and positioned, particularly when extending your desktop across two or more monitors.
As before, SYSPRO defaults to display on the primary monitor. However, if you subsequently move the SYSPRO main menu to another monitor, all subsequent programs loaded from the menu are shown on the same monitor as the menu.

Various changes have been made to assist administrators in managing SYSPRO's Document Flow Manager module.

DFM Document Queue Query
- A Workflow path column (displaying the last successful step in the workflow) helps administrators establish where and why a document failed. This lets an administrator fix the error and resubmit the previously failed document for processing.
- A Resubmit action is displayed in the Action column if a queue item fails and the system allows you to resubmit the file.
- The Date and time indicates when the file was placed in the queue.
DFM Service Maintenance
You can define the interval in which 0KB files should be deleted (at the File delete interval column).

The SYSPRO architecture has been enhanced to simplify the process of logging out users and their associated SYSPRO processes when using the following programs:
- Display Users Logged in
- View Users
- Windows Task Manager
In addition, a new AdmPidHistory table has been added to the system-wide database to store details of processes linked to users that have been logged out.

The ability to kill associated processes when logging out users resolves the issue of unknown SYSPRO processes on the application server with no information about the process or the user to whom it relates.
The Logout function ends process option has been standardized across the following programs and lets an administrator kill the associated SYSPRO process when logging out a user:
Display Users Logged in
View Users
Enabling the option applies for the current run of either program, so administrators can log out multiple users (as well as end the associated SYSPRO processes) without having to reselect the option.
When using this option to kill the associated process, the system also updates the operator logged in flag of the AdmOperator table. This ensures that concurrent license usage is updated when operators are logged out.

A new Unknown process details pane in the View Users program provides an administrator with insight into unknown processes resulting from a user being logged out.
It details the process information that was recorded in the AdmPidHistory table when the user was logged out without ending the process (i.e. with the Logout function ends process option disabled).
Digital Technologies

The usability of the SYSPRO Rules Engine has been extended to include the following actions within the Rules Administrator of SYSPRO Avanti:
Action | Description |
This action lets you send an email. |
Workflow Action |
This action lets you call into a SYSPRO Workflow Services operation. |

The new program in SYSPRO Avanti lets you modify various permission aspects of the SYSPRO Bot.
Things you can do in this program include:
Configure the SYSPRO Bot skills available at role or operator level
Customize the action buttons associated with each SYSPRO Bot skill
Customize the skills available on the SYSPRO Bot main menu for specific roles or operators

The following SYSPRO Bot format settings can be defined system-wide, by company, by role or by operator (in the Espresso Custom Configuration program against the SYSPROBotDocumentFormatOptionsParameter entry located under the XML Parameters folder):
- Order Acknowledgments
- Delivery notes
- Invoices
- Quotes
- Purchase Orders

The following new skills are available with the SYSPRO Bot to let you create quotes that are not customer-specific:
- Add Quote Line Menu
- Add Quote Comment Line
- Change Quote Line
- Confirm Quote
- Delete Quote Line

The following new custom search is available with the SYSPRO Bot:
- QuoteChangeLineItem

This feature extends the SYSPRO Bot functionality beyond the standard skills provided by SYSPRO.
You can now easily create the functions (i.e. skills) that your organization requires without having to host a completely new bot.
These skills can then connect to SYSPRO business objects, external data sources and external applications.
For example:
You can create a custom skill for employees to process their leave applications, which connects to your internal leave application system.
Resources will be made available on the SYSPRO Learning Channel.

The AI administrator program was expanded to include an importance gauge for AI projects.
The Feature importance graph (displayed below the Model information) displays a score for each SQL column in the AI project, indicating which data affects the predicted value the most.
This graph and a link to the corresponding data is also displayed when selecting an AI tile in SYSPRO Avanti.
Existing trained projects must be retrained to recreate the compact model to include the feature importance.

This feature optimizes the MRP calculation for SQL without using the file system as a temporary scratch pad.

Requirements Calculation
The feature is disabled by default so that existing systems work unchanged. To enable the new MRP SQL Optimization, you must uncheck the new processing option: Run calculation in legacy mode.
If you are retaining the legacy processing method, then ensure that the snapshot folder still exists.
When using the new MRP SQL Optimization process, the progress bar only displays the text: Processing Requirements Calculation during the entire process.
MRP Requirements Calculation object
The new MRP SQL Optimization takes advantage of this new business object to perform the MRP calculation.

The Job Nesting feature has been extended to include manufacturing units of measure (MUM). This means you can use the stocking, alternate, manufacturing or other units of measure when issuing stock to the nested job.

WIP Nest Processing
The Unit of measure field was added to the Issue Materials pane. This lets you select the unit of measure when issuing materials to the job nest.

The Recall Management feature now includes any traceable parent item that has been received into stock. This ensures it can be quickly and easily located in the supply chain.
By implication, it means that lot and serial traceable items received through jobs, inventory movements, backflushing or purchase orders are now included when selecting items you want to recall using the Product Recall Selections Review program.

You can now capture and save dates against specific lots to manage the shelf life and expiration dates of traceable items. These dates include: Use by date, Sell by date, Internal expiry date, Manufacturing date, Dispatch date and Best before date.
In most cases, the additional lot date fields are hidden by default and must be selected using the Show Captions option from the context-sensitive menu.

- Purchase Order Receipts
- Purchase Order Inspection
- Shipment Receipt
- Bins, Lots & Serial capture
- WIP Inspection Document Print
- Job Receipts
- WIP Inspection
- WIP Inspection Accept into Stock
- Job Receipts
- Factory Documentation Format

Access and maintenance of recorded dates are included in and controlled by the following eSignatures:
- WIP Stocked job receipts
- WIP Stocked job receipts e.net
- PO Apportion quantity receipt
- WIP Inspection (accept)
- WIP Inspection (accept) e.net
- Inv Receipt
- Inv Receipt e.net

The Request for Quote System feature has been enhanced:
Improvements to the governance of the RFQ process ensures that an RFQ can be sent directly to suppliers using the SYSPRO Supply Chain Portal. Once you end the RFQ, you can email it to suppliers, inviting them to submit a quote via the portal.
- You can use the Send Email program to configure the RFQ invitation email template that is sent to suppliers.

The Expiry date wording was changed to Closing date. The supplier can submit a quote on or before the closing date of the RFQ and a quote can only be accepted after the closing date.
The supplier cannot change the pricing unit of measure (i.e. the supplier must quote in the unit of measure provided).
Only requisitions of type Normal can be accepted for RFQs using the Requisition Entry program.
The Accept for RFQ tool is disabled if the requisition type is Issue or Transfer, as these are used for stock and/or warehouse management.

SYSPRO's portal architecture now caters for dedicated Portal supplier and Portal customer fields against each operator.
Previously, when a portal user logged into the SYSPRO Supply Chain Portal, the system used the Default supplier code entered in the E.net pane of the Operator Maintenance program as the supplier code.
The new Portal user fields are maintainable within the Options pane of the Operator Maintenance program.
The Portal customer field is currently not in use and will only become relevant with a later release of SYSPRO.
If you configured RFQ portal users prior to this change, the supplier codes are seamlessly migrated as part of the upgrade to the SYSPRO 8 2020 R1 release. No additional configuration is required.

The Quick Quotes functionality has been enhanced to allow you to add the quick quote number field to the Quick Sales Order Entry program. This lets you search for quick quotes, as well as view the quick quote number on various sales order and printing programs once the quote has been converted.
The quote reference number is auto-generated according to the defined Quick quotes setup options (Setup Options > Keys > Distribution - Sales Management).

- SO Quotes
- Document Print
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Query
- AR Branch Maintenance
- SO Document Formats
The Quick quote number field is hidden by default. You can reinstate it using the Field Selector option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking any field in the pane). Simply select the field from the Sales Order Quote Header and drag it onto the pane.

The Order Picking feature has been extended to let you configure how you want to account for stock shortages in the warehouse. Stock shortfalls can be processed as stock adjustments using inventory journals, or missing stock can be transferred to a separate lost and found warehouse. When using a lost and found warehouse, you can offset shortages when stock is found during stock takes or cycle counts.
A sales order and order line that is in status R - Released to picking or P - In picking can't be invoiced, as the picking cycle hasn't been completed. Once picking is completed, the sales order status returns to 1 - Open order line for invoicing.

Warehouse Maintenance
The Accounting for shortages option lets you select whether you want to process stock shortfalls as an adjustment against the warehouse or place the missing stock items in a separate warehouse.
Sales Order Entry
When stock can't be picked because of shortages, the quantity on the sales order is not adjusted, as the stock quantity is placed in back order.
- Pick Maintenance
- Pick Review
Lost and Found Warehouse Review
This program lets you view and manage the stock items placed in a lost-and-found warehouse during order picking and cycle counting.

The Cycle Count feature has been extended to let you manage stock surpluses discovered during cycle counting. You can also capture cycle count information from within the Browse on Cycle Counts program.

Cycle Count Review and Confirm
You can review and transfer surplus stock by selecting the Review link in the Lost and Found warehouse/Increasing column. The selected stock will be transferred from the lost and found warehouse to the bin that was counted during cycle counting using the Lost and Found Warehouse Review program.
The Review link is only displayed if surplus stock was captured for the cycle count.
Browse on Cycle Counts
You can capture counted quantities by selecting the Action link at the Functions column and choosing Capture a cycle count. The Cycle Count Capture program is displayed.
Inventory Lost and Found Warehouse Query
This new business object lets you view all items in the lost and found warehouse.

This enhancement lets you view goods in transit information.
When the Goods in transit amendment journal setup option is enabled, amendment journals are created when GIT detail records are added or updated (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Inventory). This occurs in a variety circumstances (e.g. processing a transfer in, creating or printing a transfer out, updating a transfer due date, etc).
The GTR Detail Amendment Journals program displays a list of amendment journals and the corresponding before and after values.

A new SO Dispatch Note Consolidation business object lets you consolidate dispatch notes for invoicing.
You can use this business object to merge printed dispatch notes into a single invoice. You can consolidate dispatch notes that are either linked to a specific sales order or to a specific customer.
Once consolidated, the dispatch note status is updated to status 8 - Consolidated for invoicing.

Business objects for credit note and sales order lines of a kit component can now be maintained.
The SO Credit Note Change Kit Component Lns business object lets you maintain credit note lines of a kit component, while the SO Sales Order Change Kit Component Lns business object lets you maintain sales order lines of a kit component.
Both business objects maintain the following:
Components of a kit type K:
- The price, price code and discount on optional and mandatory components.
- The quantity on optional components.
- The description on optional and mandatory components.
- The product class on optional and mandatory components.
Components of a kit type S:
- The quantity on optional components.
- The description on optional and mandatory components.
- The product class on optional and mandatory components.

The Hook-On-Line-Level Assembly custom integration for third party developers within SYSPRO Point of Sale has been enhanced to allow for operator input.
Third party developers now have access to an external assembly that enables a prompt for operator input while processing a sale, credit, exchange or quote in SYSPRO Point of Sale.
The following options are now available:
Notify operator of order changes
This sends a message to operators each time they perform an action that intercepted by the external assembly, notifying them that the transaction has been modified by the custom integration.
Allow operator override with authorization
This allows an operator to bypass the interception with supervisor authority, so that the transaction behaves as it normally would (i.e. the external assembly is not used).
This external assembly is stored within the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SYSPRO8POS_EDU1\SYSPROPOS\ExternalAssemblies folder.
You can configure this within the Hook on Line Level Assembly tab of the General Settings program (available from the Setup > System Settings menu in SYSPRO Point of Sale).
The name of the external assembly (SysproPointOfSaleHookAtLineLevel.dll) is inserted and you can select the test option to confirm that SYSPRO Point of Sale can read the assembly.

The SYSPRO Point of Sale software suite is now completely available on the SYSPRO Avanti platform.
- Cloud-related functionality (e.g. web interface).
- Screen customization and full use of SYSPRO custom form fields.
- The availability of Point of Sale on Cloud type devices (e.g. tablets).

The SYSPRO Point of Sale architecture has been enhanced to enable you to create your own custom dashboards, based on your specific business needs.
These dashboards make use of SYSPRO's Business Insights technology and can provide key information regarding the sales and performance of a Point of Sale branch.
To create a dashboard, simply use the Visual Designer when designing your home screen in SYSPRO Avanti. SYSPRO provides 2 samples which you can use to get you started.
Point of Sale branches can now set their own targets, over and above corporate budgets, to monitor their performance.
An example of what can be done using this new functionality, would be a sales dashboard:
Statistics regarding the intensity of a Point of Sale branch’s performance can be highlighted, down to hourly trading, enabling you to actively monitor and manage your sales.
Trends that can be highlighted include the following:
Sales Value
This indicates the net value of sales, after all discounts, and excluding any sales tax.
This indicates the number of transactions (i.e. sales invoices generated).
SCT's and other non-revenue related inventory movements are excluded.
Average Purchase Value
This indicates the average value of sales to customers.
This is determined by dividing the Sales Value by the Footfall for a specified time period.

You can now define negative stock capacity at warehouse level for SYSPRO Point of Sale transactions.
Allowing negative stock for a specified warehouse utilized by a branch solves the problem of having a customer at the till with goods in hand, but the till operator not being able to process the sale due to the system showing no stock on hand.
This configuration is available on the Warehouse 2 tab of the Branch Settings program within SYSPRO Point of Sale. From here you can also indicate if a warning must be displayed when a transaction will cause a negative stock situation.

SYSPRO Point of Sale now supports the same level of password control as SYSPRO and provides the following capabilities:
- Automatically expire user passwords after a defined period of time.
- Enforce rules regarding the construction of a password to ensure greater security.
Therefore, when a user changes their password in SYSPRO Point of Sale for any reason, it will be validated against these setup options to ensure the password meets the minimum requirements.
This configuration is available on the Password Settings tab of the System Settings program in SYSPRO Point of Sale.

The management and governance of deposits at branch level has been improved with new trial balance and audit trail capabilities.
The Deposits Trial Balance produces a deposit payment trial balance of all unapplied deposit liabilities recorded in SYSPRO Point of Sale for improved governance:
All deposit values are listed by customer.
Information is derived from the ArInvoicePay table, and is subtotaled by customer.
The report is branch specific.
Zero value balances are excluded by default, with an option for inclusion.
The report defaults to the current system date, with an option to change the date to an earlier date. If you select an earlier date then the report excludes all entries subsequent to the selected date.
The Deposits Audit Trail provides an audit trail of deposits taken for sales orders in SYSPRO Point of Sale:
New deposits, deposit applications against sales and deposit refunds are identified separately.
All deposit transactions processed in SYSPRO Point of Sale are included, as recorded in the ArInvoicePay table.
The report is branch specific and provides for financial period and date range selections.
These new programs are both available from the Query program in SYSPRO Point of Sale.

SYSPRO Point of Sale governance regarding the management and control of account payments has been enhanced.
The system now retains a list of receipt numbers and allocates a unique document number for all account payments received and processed at a Point of Sale store.
This occurs for both online and offline processing to prevent duplicate receipt numbers when the system is back online.
This is particularly useful in an offline situation, as it enables you to instantly provide a customer with their proof of a payment.
In addition, the new Account Payments program (available from the Query menu) provides Point of Sale administrators a view of all account payment processing for their store. By default, access to this program is only assigned to the Admin role.
Things you can do in this program include:
- View an audit trail report of all account payments.
- Query account payments by your preferred selection criteria.
- Reprint an account payment.
This significantly improves the management of and governance over account payment transactions processed through SYSPRO Point of Sale.
This functionality does not apply to customer account payment re-allocations.

SYSPRO Point of Sale administrators can now control various aspects of supply chain transfer functionality at a more granular level, improving the governance and security over SCTs.
The new Access Control program (available from the Setup menu) includes the following capabilities at branch, role, user or device level:
This pane enables you to define whether or not the option is available to the operator.
This pane enables you to define an operator's access to various functions as follows:
- Denied
- Allowed without supervisor authorization
- Allowed with supervisor authorization
- Inherit access control according to hierarchy
You can therefore use this program to define the following abilities of a user for SCT transactions:
- Add item
- Edit item
- Add other
- Delete item
- Allocate back order
- Release back order
- Invoice SCT
- Cancel SCT
- Update header

Governance regarding the delivery of goods to customers has been improved, with new security in terms of a user's ability to change shipping methods in the Manage Orders and Manage Quotes programs of SYSPRO Point of Sale.
The new Access Control program (available from the Setup menu) enables you to define an operator's access to various functions (at branch, role, user or device level) as follows:
- Denied
- Allowed without supervisor authorization
- Allowed with supervisor authorization
- Inherit access control according to hierarchy
You can therefore use this program to define a users access rights for changing shipping methods on new or existing orders in SYSPRO Point of Sale.

The suite of GL Trial Balance programs now includes summary totals for the current financial period according to the defined GL accounts. This is displayed in the final page of the report in a Company totals - Summary for current period page.
This feature includes the following programs:
- GL Trial Balance
- GL Trial Balance for Excel
GL Trial Balance by Group
This report also displays an account type breakdown at the end of each group defined for ledger codes (if you are generating the report for a current period or year-to-date).

SYSPRO's suite of tax programs has been bolstered by functionality that lets you generate, print, reprint and submit a 9-box-grid UK VAT return.

Tax Return
This program lets you generate a report that consolidates sales tax information for ease of submitting tax returns to authorities.
The report is designed to meet the MTD tax requirement as set out by UK legislation.
The printing and/or reprinting option was enhanced to facilitate the following:
- Print unprinted transactions.
- Reprint all transactions.
- Reprint non-submitted transactions.
- Reprint and submit non-submitted transactions.
Tax Return Status
This program lets you generate a report displaying the total number of tax return transactions that haven't yet been printed; that have been printed but not submitted; and that have been printed and submitted according to the defined tax years and periods.
Because you now have a record of the status of tax return submissions, you can make informed decisions regarding the criteria for which you would like to generate the Tax Return report.
- SYSPRO's Executive View includes two new customized panes:
Tax Return Status (Summary)
This customized pane lets you view the total number of tax return transactions that have not yet been printed; printed but not submitted; and printed and submitted according to the defined tax years and periods.
Tax Return Status (Detail)
This customized pane lets you view details of transactions that have not been printed and not submitted, for the range specified. Information such as Journal, Invoice Reference, Tax value and Status, could be required for query purposes.
As with the Summary view, you can view the total number of tax return transactions which have not been printed, submitted and not yet submitted.
These panes let you check the submission status without running the reports.
The data displayed (extracted from the ADMTaxReturn table) is only for the current and previous two periods.

Accumulated tax amounts on deposits and withdrawals can now be defined by ledger code or by tax code (by selecting the GL code by tax code option at the Default tax code setup option (Setup Options > Tax > Cash Book)).
You must define the ledger codes and descriptions per tax code, using the Tax Code Setup program.
When the deposit or withdrawal transaction is posted, the ledger codes and tax amounts can be viewed in the following programs:
- Tax Return
- Cash Book Journal
- Cash Book Tax Report
- Cash Book Print

The Tax on Settlement Discount feature lets you distribute the tax portion across multiple tax codes associated with the original invoice. This is controlled by the Determine tax based on invoice paid setup option.
All programs in the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules handle withholding tax and tax on settlement discount concurrently, depending on the configuration settings.

The following programs in the Accounts Payable module were enhanced to calculate the tax amounts per tax code:
- Payment Cycle Maintenance
- AP Release Invoices to Pay by Review
- AP Automatic Release of Invoices to Pay
- Execute AP Payment Run
- AP Manual Check Entry

SYSPRO's suite of tax programs has been bolstered by the addition of the Tax Transaction by GL Allocation Account report program.
This report lets you generate a tax return breakdown by ledger code, indicating those accounts to which tax-related transactions have been posted for electronic or manual submission to tax authorities.
It gives tax authorities extra assurance that returns have been accurately completed.