Work in Progress > WIP Part Billings GL Integration > WIP Part Billings Journals

WIP Part Billings Journals

You use this program to view details of transaction journals created for part billing transactions processed in the Work in Progress module.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Select Select this to use the entry currently highlighted in the listview in the corresponding field of another program.
Year Indicate the financial year for which to display journals.
Period Indicate the period(s) within the financial year indicated for which to display journals.

You can select to display all journals for the selected year, a range of periods or a single period.

From period Indicate the first period in a range of periods for which to display journals.

If you selected Single at the Period field, then indicate the single period for which you want to display journals.

To period Indicate the last period in a range of periods for which to display journals.

This is only enabled when you select Range at the Period field.

Include posted Select this to display transaction journals for which ledger journals currently exist (i.e. for which ledger journals were created in the General Ledger module).
Go (arrow icon) Select this to display the journals according to your selections.


By default, only the transaction journals for which no corresponding GL journals have been created are displayed. Use the Include posted option to display all transaction journals.

Column Description
Year The year in which the part billings journal was created.
Month The period in which the part billings journal was created.
Journal The part billings transaction journal number.
Ledger code The General Ledger code to which the part billings transaction was processed.
Ledger code description The description for the General Ledger code to which the part billings transaction was processed.
Job The job number for which the part billings transaction was processed.
Date The date on which the part billings transaction was processed.
Distribution amount The transaction amount distributed to the job.
Sales order number The sales order number to which the part billings transaction was processed.

This indicates whether a ledger journal exists (i.e. was created) for the journal.

It is possible that the word "Yes" is indicated in this column, but that the GL year, GL period and GL journal columns contain only zeroes. This means that the system attempted to create a GL journal for the transaction, but that no GL journal was required (for example, the transaction journal was zero and the system does not create zero GL journals).

GL year

The General Ledger year for the ledger journal. Zeroes indicate that the General Ledger journal has not yet been created.

GL period

The General Ledger period for the ledger journal. Zeroes indicate that the General Ledger journal has not yet been created.

GL journal

The General Ledger journal number created for the part billings transaction journal.

Zeroes indicate that the General Ledger journal has not yet been created. You need to use the WIP Part Billings GL Integration program to create the General Ledger journal.

A GL journal number does not indicate that the journal was posted into the General Ledger. It only indicates the ledger journal number that was created from the transaction journal and passed to the General Ledger module for processing.

See Coding considerations in Notes and warnings

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Browse icon from the Journal field of the WIP Part Billings GL Integration program.

Coding considerations

  • Transaction journals are created automatically whenever you successfully process a transaction. The corresponding ledger journal is created and posted according to your selections in the General Ledger Integration program.

    Refer to Effect of automation level selected.