Inventory > Reports > Inventory Valuation Summary

Inventory Valuation Summary

You use this program to generate a summary report indicating the value of inventory held in each warehouse for the current and last two periods.

Report Options

Field Description
Sequence Indicate the sequence in which to print the report (i.e. stock code, description, supplier or product class).
Return warehouse summary

This totals the Inventory values by warehouse within the Sequence selected, when the Sequence is not Warehouse.

Return zero value items Enable this to include items with a zero inventory value. By default, the report excludes zero value items.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Valuation cost based on Indicate the cost basis to use for the inventory valuation calculation.
Valuation option
Option Description

This values your inventory at the unit cost currently held against the warehouse (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code)

If your costing method is FIFO then the unit cost is the average cost of the FIFO buckets (as different costs can exist in different FIFO buckets).

FIFO This values your inventory according to the FIFO/LIFO costs held in each FIFO/LIFO bucket.

The value of the bucket is established by multiplying stock in the bucket by the cost held within the bucket.

The value of all buckets on hand is accumulated to give the total value for that warehouse's stock code.

The wording of the field is based on whether you selected FIFO or LIFO at the Costing method option (Inventory Setup).
Last cost This values your inventory according to the last cost that was entered when you processed a receipt of the item into stock.
Warehouse cost

This values your inventory according to the costing method defined against the warehouse, and only applies when the Costing per warehouse option is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Apply actual costing Enable this to value your inventory based on actual costs. This option overrides the Value option for Lot traceable or batch serialized items.

This only applies when Actual costing is required for either Batch serial or Lot traceable items (Inventory Setup).

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Notes and warnings

Balancing considerations

  • You must enable the Return zero value items option if you want to balance the values/results in this report back to the Inventory at a Glance program.