Accounts Payable > Payment Processing > AP Release Schedule

AP Release Schedule

You use this program to produce a list of invoices that require payment.

Report Options

Field Description
Payment dates  
Payment date

Indicate the date on which you expect the current payments to be made and the invoices paid.

The default date is the current date.

Next payment date

Indicates the date on which you anticipate that the next payments will be made. (i.e. the date when next you expect to process a payment run for suppliers).

This date must be later than the Payment date.

Include credit invoice balance Select this to include invoices with a credit balance and credit notes not yet offset against existing invoices in the report.

Selection criteria

Selection Description
Supplier class selection Indicate the supplier class(es) for which to include suppliers in the report.

The supplier class is defined against the supplier (Suppliers).

Supplier selection Indicate the supplier(s) for whom to generate the report.
Branch selection Indicate the Accounts payable branch(es) for which to include suppliers in the report.

The Accounts Payable branch is defined against the supplier (Suppliers).

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

The due date and discount availability dates defined against each invoice (AP Invoice Posting) and the dates when invoices are to be paid (payment date and next payment date) are used as the selection criteria. The schedule produced is a suggested list only and can be re-run as often as required using different selection criteria.

Invoices scheduled for release fall into the following categories:

Category Description
Past due invoices If an invoice is due prior to the payment date, it is marked as past due and reported.
Due invoices If an invoice is due between the payment date and the next payment date, it is marked as due and reported.
Discountable invoices If an invoice has a discount that will expire between the two payment dates, it is marked and reported as a discountable item. For these items, the discount availability takes precedence over due date considerations.

If a partial payment has previously been made against a given invoice, the invoice discount amount is shown as ZERO on the report. If an invoice has previously been released for payment; has had a hold placed on it; or has been paid with a manual check entry, it is not presented in this report program.

If the program detects that there are credit invoices, then the total of the CREDITS AVAILABLE is printed after the TOTAL NET SCHEDULED. The credits are taken into account in the cash disbursements if the Payment release program is run in fully automatic mode.

Invoices that are registered (AP Registered Invoice Purge) but not yet approved are ignored.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Suppliers flagged as "Supplier on hold' (Suppliers) are excluded from the list generated by this program.

    To select these suppliers for payment you can do one of the following:

    • use the Payment Cycle Maintenance program to produce a manual check
    • select the Process invoices manually option from the Payment Cycle Maintenance program to release the invoices for payment

Reversing the process of releasing invoices for payment

This task enables you to remedy a situation whereby invoices were released for payment by mistake.

You cannot use this procedure if you have already run the Payment Cycle Maintenance program.

  1. From the AP Period End program, select the Balance function.

  2. Select the Balance option: Remove payment release information.

  3. Select the Start Processing function.


    This changes the status of ALL released for payment invoices back to a status of normal.

    You cannot individually select invoices for which you want to change the released for payment status.