Sales Analysis > Canadian GST Reports > GST Report by Entry

GST Report by Entry

You use this program to print a tax report reflecting the General Sales Tax payable on all items sold since this report was last run.

Report Options

Field Description
Report type  

Select this to exclude detail invoice information from being printed on the report.

Only an analysis of the tax is printed.

Detail Select this to print detail invoice information as well as an analysis of tax on the report.
Month/year to print  
Month Indicate the month (within the year selected), for which to generate the report.
Year Indicate the year for which to generate the report. This can only be the current or previous year.
Print summary at end of each register

Select this to print summary information at the end of each register printed.

This option is disabled when reprinting the report.

This option is only available on the GST Report by Entry report.

Geographic area selection

Indicate the geographic area(s) for which to print the report.

This option is only available on the GST Report by Area report.

Reprint options  
Reprint Select this to print a report that was previously printed.
Date selection Indicate a range of dates according to which to reprint the report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

  • The report is produced in the sequence in which invoices were initially captured.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • Irrespective of the number of months for which you are retaining GST records (Sales Analysis Setup) GST records can only be purged by the Sales Analysis Update program if the GST records have been printed.

    It is therefore imperative that this report is generated on a regular basis (e.g. monthly).

Restrictions and limits

  • This report only applies if your nationality code is defined as CAN (System Setup) and the Canadian GST required option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup).

  • This report can only be generated for the current and previous years.