> RW XML Wizard

RW XML Wizard

You use this program to customize your report as an XML document.

This program is invoked when you define a report with a Report type of XML (see Report type) and you select the XML Wizard function.

Report Wizard

This wizard helps you create your report for printing, or for publication as an XML document. You can change any options later on if you wish.

Field Description
<Back Select this to display the previous screen.
Next> Select this to display the next screen.
Cancel Select this to exit from the Wizard, without saving any selections you have made.
XML Document Information  
What is the name of your XML document?

This defaults to a system-generated Document name, which is an abbreviation of the standard Report Title.

For example If the standard report title is AR Trial Balance, then the default document name is ArTrialBalance.

The default name can be changed. You can use up to 100 characters for the name. We suggest you use a name which is meaningful to you to assist you in subsequently identifying the report. Do not enter any extension. The extension .xml is automatically added.

Where do you want to save your documents?

This defaults to a system-generated Document directory. The first part is the path of your temporary directory ($t - temp folder), and the last part is the standard Report Code. This last part of the directory does not need to exist and is created by the wizard.

For example If the standard report code is ARSP30, then the default document directory is $tARSP30 (i.e. C:\Temp\ARSP30)

The default directory can be changed. You can use up to 255 characters to define the default directory.

It is important to ensure that the directory is unique for each report, to avoid possible conflict with other files.

The path must be accessible to the application server.

During report preview and report generation the Document Directory is used as a working area. The relevant files are created and saved in this directory, together with any graphics or images. The files are never removed from this save folder.

What facilities do you require for your XML document?  
Transform XML document for web viewing

This option is selected by default.

An XSL document that contains the script coding is used to transform the XML document into an HTML page.

Deselect this option if you do not want your XML document to be transformed into HTML format suitable for viewing in a web browser.

You would typically deselect this option if you wanted to create an XML document without any XSL formatting applied (i.e. output raw XML). The raw XML document can be sent to another company for purposes of exchanging data.

The raw XML is displayed in the report maintenance preview. You can amend the column and the report element names.

Specify folder to publish for web browser Selected this option if you want to specify the publishing folder name and details for publishing your documents in an Intranet environment.
Folder Select this to specify the publishing folder and details.
Drill down to details for summary report

Select this to be able to drill down to the item values that were used in the calculation of the report subtotals and totals.

This option is not selected by default as it may significantly increase the time it takes to generate the report.

The amount of data to describe all the source transactions can potentially be enormous. For this reason, such data is best left within the SYSPRO database and not copied to your XML directory. The XML Report Viewer allows you to view any HTML page, just as you would use a normal web browser.

If you select, this option then, when you run the report, you can use the Click for Details option to zoom down to the summary details. The option is only available when printing Summary XML Reports.

The details are linked in separate XML files, which means that the main XML file is smaller. The separate XML files are Z000001.XML, Z000002.XML, etc., the XSL file is ZOOM.XSL and the CSS file is ZOOM.CSS.

To obtain Details for Summary Reports, the report Output must be defined as XML and the report option Summary report must be set to Yes (see - Options).

Output report summary meta data

This enables you to optionally include the Report Summary Meta Data in the header section of the main XML file. This is particularly useful to record the report history such as the Report Code, Report Name, Last Run Date, Last Run By and the Company Number.

This option is selected by default.

If you deselect this option, then all comments and blank (formatting) lines are omitted from the XML output. This results in smaller XML documents being generated.

If separate XML detail files are being used, the meta data is not written to the detail files. This information could be sensitive, and would therefore not be required when publishing.

Which visual theme do you wish for your report?

A theme enables you to create professional reports by defining the visual appearance you require for the report.

Themes are constructed using the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) technology. A theme, therefore, is simply a collection of CSS elements. The contents of the CSS theme is displayed in a notepad and you can edit the elements as required.

Add a visual theme Select this to add a visual theme.
Select Theme for Main Report

Define the theme you require for your report.

The theme for the main report defines the style of the executed report. The main report theme is always displayed in the preview pane of the tri-pane window.

This function is only enabled if you selected the option: Add a visual theme.

Select Theme for Details

This function is only enabled if you selected the options: Drill down to details for summary report and Add a visual theme.

Specify the theme you require for the details displayed when you run the report and use the Click for Details option to zoom down to the summary details.

No visual theme

By default it is assumed that no visual theme is required so that your report is created with a plain default theme.

This style is stored in the standard list of CSS Style Sheets for Report Writer file (IMPRWS.IMP), as follows:

Theme name: Plain CSS filename: RWPLAIN JPG/GIF Files: N/A

The IMPRWS.IMP file is not modified. Additions and modifications are stored in a user defined file (USRRWS.IMP).

More Style Options Select this to define additional style options for your report (see Style Options).
What type of output will you use?  
Use SYSPRO's report viewer

This option is selected by default which enables you to view the report immediately after it is run.

Any normal web browser can be used to view the XML report.

Finish Select this to return to the Create Report program.

Publish XML Documents

This screen is displayed when you select the Specify folder to publish for web browser option and you then select the Folder function.

Field Description
Where do you want to publish your documents for viewing?  
Directory You use this field to define the path of the publish directory. All the directories in this path must already exist.
Allow override at runtime

Select this if you want to be able to redefine the directory at the time of executing the report.

If you select this option then you are prompted for the folder to publish when the report is run.

Confirm before publishing Select this if you want to be able to run and view the report before publishing it.
Specify location of this directory The purpose of this option is to support web browsing on the client workstation. If you are running in a client/server environment, then your XML files are created in a directory on the application server. However, your web browser may not have direct access to this document directory. In this instance you can select to copy your XML files from the document directory to another directory. This new directory can either be on the client or another directory on the server (such as to a web server).
On client Select this to locate the publish directory on the client machine.
On server Select this to locate the publish directory on the server.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

Style Options

This screen is displayed when you select the More Style Options function.

Field Description
Page width

This option enables you to specify how much of the page the document will use in the web browser.

You can define this as a percentage of the page or as a number of pixels. Whichever method you select, the browser does not truncate the text in a column but stretches the width of the column so that the longest piece of text fits. This means that neither the percentage nor the number of pixels can be used to fix the 'maximum' width of a column.

Width as % of page Select this to specify the % of overall page width that the document must use as a percentage of the browser page width.
Width as number of pixels

Select this to specify the page width in screen pixels for the browser width.

Only use this option, if you want to be specific to the nearest pixel.

% of overall page width / Page width in pixels

The description for this field changes depending on your selection at the previous option.

If you selected to define the width as a percentage of the page, then you use this field to enter the percentage of the overall page width to use for the report.

For example, a value of 80 means that your report will take up exactly 80% of the web browser width - leaving a margin of 10% on either side of your report. If you want the report to use the full width of the web browser enter 100.

If you selected to define the width as a number of pixels, then you use this field to enter the number of pixels required for the report page width.

Align report This option defines where to align the text in the report. The default is to align in the Center of the page, but can be changed.
LeftSelect this to align the report along the left side of the page.
CenterSelect this to align the report in the center of the page.
RightSelect this to align the report along the right side of the page.
Formatting options  
Display border around report body

This option has the equivalent effect of applying an HTML table property to the report body. In essence, this creates a border effect around the report body.

This option is only applicable if the Border Attribute is assigned in the Report Area of the relevant CSS style sheet.

Display border around details, subtotals and totals

This option has the equivalent effect of applying an HTML table property to the various columns and cells.

Select this to create a border effect around the detail, subtotal and total column and cells.

Underline beneath report headings Select this if you want to draw a line underneath the heading section.
Use lines form heading section as column headings

Select this to format a heading in the heading section by applying the column heading style.

For this option to be effective, the value in the First line in heading section to be used as column heading field cannot equal zero.

This option only applies to field types defined as strings.

First line in heading section to be used as column heading

This option is used in conjunction with the Use lines from heading section as column headings option.

Indicate which heading line must be used for the column headings.

The default is to use the 4th line, but this can be changed. The value you enter cannot equal zero.

This option only applies to field types defined as strings


Enter the number of spaces you want between the report columns.

This defaults to 3, but can be changed to any number between 0 and 9. In some cases, increasing the space between the columns can make the report easier to read.


Specify the space between the column edge and the column text.

This defaults to 0, but can be changed to any number between 0 and 9. In some cases, increasing this space make the text within the columns easier to read.

Company graphic These options enable you to add a graphic to the top of your report. This could, for example, be your company logo.
Show company graphic Select this to print a graphic at the top of the report.
Graphic to show

Specify the path and image you want to print.


The path you define must be accessible to your web browser when viewing your web-based reports.

Align image The graphic is automatically printed at the top of the report, but you can select its alignment.
LeftSelect this to print the graphic at the top and on the left hand side of the report.
CenterSelect this to print the graphic at the top and in the center of the report.
RightSelect this to print the graphic at the top and on the right hand side of the report.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.