SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Query > Report Wizard

Report Wizard

You use this program to create a new report. Once created, you can use the Browse on Reports program to make any necessary changes.

Add a Report Wizard

Field Description
<Back Display the previous screen.
Next> Display the next screen.
Cancel Exit from the Wizard, without saving any selections made.
Select the primary table to be used for this report  
Primary table

Indicate the table in the Data Dictionary that you want as the Primary table.

See Restrictions and limits in Notes and warnings

The Primary table is normally the table with the majority of columns that you want to use in your report, or the table that contains the columns you want to sequence or subtotal on your report.

The Browse facility is available to select the required table.

Once validated the table description is displayed beneath the table name.

A maximum of 18 characters can be used for the table name. The SYSPRO table base names are prefixed by an abbreviation of the SYSPRO Module. For example: GenMaster for the General Ledger Master Table.

Select the columns to be printed At least one column must be selected to print; otherwise you will not be able to continue. You may select up to a total of 100 columns to print on the detail line from either the primary table or any linked table.
Available columns This indicates all the available columns from the Primary table that you can select for printing on your report.
Add This selects the highlighted column from the Available columns list and adds them to the list of Selected columns.

This removes the highlighted column from the Selected columns list and returns it to the Available columns list.

This function is enabled only once you have added at least one column to the Selected columns list.

Clear All

Select this to remove all columns from the Selected columns list.

This function is enabled only once you have added at least one column to the Selected columns list.

Selected columns

This indicates the columns you want to include in your report.

The selected columns are printed in the order in which they are listed here. You use the upward and downward arrows to arrange the columns in the required sequence.

These functions are enabled only after more than one column has been added to the Selected columns list.

Select the columns used to sequence the report

This screen enables you to define the column(s) to use to sequence the report.

If you do not select any columns for sequencing, then the Primary key of the Primary table is used automatically.

Available columns This list contains all the columns you selected to print and can be used to sequence the report.

This selects the highlighted column from the Available columns list and adds them to the Sequence list.

You can add a maximum of 10 columns to the Sequence list.


This removes the highlighted column from the Sequence list and returns it to the Available columns list.

This function is enabled only once you have added at least one column to the Sequence list.

Clear All

Select this to remove all columns from the Sequence list.

This function is enabled only once you have added at least one column to the Sequence list.

Sequence This indicates the columns according to which the report must be sequenced.
Subtotal numeric columns

Select this to produces a report with subtotals and grand totals for the numeric fields.

You can access this option only if you have selected at least one column according to which to sequence the report.

Do you wish to print columns from another (linked) table You can select up to a total of 100 columns to print on the detail line from either the primary table or any linked table.
Print columns from the primary table only Select this if all the information you require on your report is in the Primary Table. i.e. All the columns you want to print are defined in the primary table.
Include columns from another table Select this to print information from other tables. i.e. No all the columns you want to print are in the primary table.
Select from the following list of linked tables

This option is available if you selected to include columns from another table.

It enables you to select the table from which you require additional columns for your report.

All tables linked to the primary table you selected are displayed for selection.

Select the columns to be printed

This screen is displayed if you selected to include columns from a linked table in your report.

At least one column must be selected to print; otherwise you will not be able to continue.

You may select up to a total of 100 columns to print on the detail line from either the primary table or any linked table.

Available columns This list indicates all the available columns from the Linked table that you can select for printing on your report.
Add This function selects the highlighted column from the Available columns list and adds them to the list of Selected columns.

This function removes the highlighted column from the Selected columns list and returns it to the Available columns list.

This function is enabled only once you have added at least one column to the Selected columns list.

Clear All

Select this to remove all columns from the Selected columns list.

This function is enabled only once you have added at least one column to the Selected columns list.

Selected columns

This list indicates the columns you want to include in your report.

The selected columns are printed in the order in which they are listed here. You use the upward and downward arrows to arrange the columns in the required sequence when more than one column has been added to the Selected columns list.

Enter the report code and the report title  

This defaults to a system-generated Report Code which comprises of an abbreviated six character Primary Table Description, then a sequence number indicating how many times this table has been used as the Primary Table.

For example: Report Code - ADMJOB-1 where ADMJOB = Admin Job Logging Table and -1 means it has not been used as a primary table before.

See Restrictions and limits in Notes and warnings

If you define a report code, it should be in a format that is meaningful to you.


This defaults to a system-generated Report Title, beginning with: "Report on ..........", followed by the Description for the Primary Table. For example: Report on AR Customer Invoice for the Accounts Receivable Invoice table.

You can define your own Report Title, utilizing a format that is meaningful to your company.

Once defined, the report title can be changed.

Security Indicate the security required against this report.
Anyone can edit and run this reportEnable this to allow any operator to run and/or edit the report.
Only you can edit but anyone can run this reportEnable this to allow any operator to run the report, but only you to have the permission to edit the report.
Only you can edit and run this reportEnable this to prevent any other operator from running and/or editing the report.
Report type This indicates how the report must be output.

Select this to save the report as a normal standard report.

You can use the Browse on Reports program to customize the report.


Select this to save the report as an XML report type for printing or for publication as an XML document.

XML defaults are applied to the document, and the output should look reasonable.

You can use the XML Report Writer Wizard within the Browse on Reports program to customize the XML report.

Save report and run it now Select this to save the report and print it immediately using the Report Writer program.
Save report and edit it now Select this to save the report and maintain it immediately using the Browse on Reports program.
Save report only Select this to save the report only.
Finish Select this to create the report and exit the Report Wizard program.

Notes and warnings


  • Before you can add reports, you need to use the Data Dictionary Import program to import the data dictionary into the Report Writer module. Refer to Report Writer Introduction for additional information.

Restrictions and limits

  • You cannot change the report code once the report has been created.

  • The primary table cannot be changed once it is assigned.