> PO Browse on PO Lines

PO Browse on PO Lines

You use this program to view detail line information for a specific purchase order, including additional details such as the receipt history and the GRNs for that order.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Zoom Select this to view additional details for the entry currently highlighted in the listview.
GRN Select this to use the Browse on GRNs program to view details of the outstanding GRN's for the entry currently highlighted in the listview.
Sales Orders Select this to use the SO Browse on SO Lines program to view detail line information for a sales order attached to the purchase order line.
History Select this to use the PO Browse on Order Lines History program to view details of receipt history for the highlighted order line.
Requisition Select this to use the Requisition Routing Details program to view details of the requisition line for the purchase order line.
Options Indicate the types of purchase order lines you want to display in the listview.

Note that Comment lines are not displayed when you select Show LCT lines only, even when you select Show comment lines. This is because you cannot add a comment line to a LCT shipment, so comment lines are excluded when you select to Show LCT lines only.

Listview columns

Column Description
Stock code This indicates the code of the stock item purchased.
Description This indicates the description for the line item.
Outstanding quantity This indicates the quantity not yet receipted against the purchase order line.
P/order quantity This indicates the purchase quantity for the line item.
Uom This indicates the unit of measure for the purchase quantity.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse for which the item was purchased.
Job This indicates the Work in Progress job number linked to the purchase order line.
Price This indicates the unit price (cost) of the item.
Price uom This indicates the unit of measure for the price (cost) of the item.
Due date This indicates the date on which the purchase order is due for delivery from the supplier.
LCT This indicates whether the purchase order line is attached to a Landed Cost tracking shipment.
Line This indicates the line number for the item on the purchase order.
Rev This indicates the revision of the item and is only applicable if the item is ECC controlled.
Rel This indicates the release of the item and is only applicable if the item is ECC controlled.
Long description This indicates the long description for the item ordered.
Catalogue This indicates the supplier's catalogue number for the item ordered.
Include item in MRP Indicates whether the line item is included in the Material Requirements Planning calculation.


Detailed information for the selected purchase order line is displayed when you select the Zoom option from the File menu.

Column Description
Supplier This indicates the code of the supplier to whom the purchase order was made out.
Description This indicates the description for the line item purchased.
P/order qty This indicted the purchase quantity for the line item.
Price This indicates the unit price (cost) of the item.

This indicates the catalogue number for the item.

It is the supplier's stock code for the SYSPRO stock item entered if you are using Supplier/Stock code cross references.

Latest due This indicates the latest due date of the line (typically you would maintain this date when maintaining an order).
Original due This indicates the original due date of the line.
MRP chg date This indicates whether MRP can reschedule the due date of the order.
Include item in MRP Indicates whether the line item is included in the Material Requirements Planning calculation.
Tax code This displays the tax code assigned to the order line.
Job This indicates job number linked to the purchase order line.
Last receipt This indicates the date on which this item, or part thereof, was last received.
Qty received to date This indicate the quantity of the line item that has already been receipted.
P/order value This indicates the original order value for the line item.
O/s value This indicates the value still outstanding against the line item.
Vessel Details

These details relate to purchase orders for Landed Cost Tracking shipments.

  • Vessel

    This indicates the vessel for the shipment against which the purchase order line was receipted.

  • Departure date

    This indicates the departure date entered against the shipment.

  • Estimated arrival date

    This indicates the estimated arrival date of the shipment.

  • Route

    This indicates the route for the shipment.

  • Shipment reference

    This indicates the reference attached to the shipment.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by:

    • selecting the Detail Lines option from the Functions menu of the PO Browse on Purchase Orders program

    • selecting the Zoom function from the Shipment Details pane of the LCT Shipment Maintenance program

    • browsing on the P/Order Line option in the LCT Shipment Maintenance program

Browse Programs and Browses

Listview functions

Browse on Purchase Orders

Shipment Maintenance