Purchase Orders > Blanket Purchase Orders > Build Purchase Orders

Build Purchase Orders

You use this program to create purchase order details for the selected contract.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Review

Select this to validate the contract and display the contract lines in the Blanket Purchase Order Release listview.

Lines on which errors are detected are marked as Excluded.

Change Criteria Select this to indicate a different set of criteria according to which you want to build purchase orders.

Create Purchase Orders Review Criteria

Field Description
Contract details  

Indicate the contract from which to create a purchase order.

When you tab off the contract number, the contract details defined using the Contract Maintenance program are displayed.

Contract type This indicates the type of contract.
  • For a Call off - single Blanket Purchase Order contract, lines for each release date are added to an existing purchase order if one exists. Otherwise a new purchase order is created with lines for each release date.

  • For a Call off - multiple Blanket Purchase Order contract, new purchase orders are created for each release date.

  • For a Monitoring Blanket Purchase Order contract, a single order is created for the release date as long as it falls within the contract.

  • For a Standing Blanket Purchase Order contract, if there is no delivery schedule then a single order is created for the release date as long as it falls within the contract. If there is a delivery schedule then new purchase orders are created for each release date.

Supplier This is the supplier defined against the contract.
Supplier name This is the name of the supplier defined against the contract.
Start date This is the start date defined for the contact.
End date This is the end date defined against the contact.
Warehouse This is the warehouse for the stock items defined in the contract.
Required date This defaults to the current date, but can be changed to the required release date.

If the contract has a schedule, then you can use this to select a date from the schedule.

The date selected is checked to ensure that there is at least one valid schedule date between today and the date selected.

Copy custom form to purchase orders Select this to copy any custom form data defined against the blanket purchase order/lines to the purchase order created from the blanket purchase order, providing the same custom forms exist against the purchase order.

Blanket Purchase Order Release

The Start Review function validates the contract and displays this listview showing the selected contract lines according to the options entered. Complete blanket purchase order lines are not displayed in the listview.

Field Description
Include All Select this to include all the lines from the proposed purchase order.
Exclude All Select this to exclude all the lines from the proposed purchase order. This removes all ticks in the Select column enabling you to re-select only the lines you want to include.
Start Create

Select this to build the purchase orders required.

Once the purchase orders are created, the Creation of Purchase Orders screen displays the contract and newly created or updated purchase order numbers.

Purchase orders containing only header information but no detail lines are not created when the option: Retain order when created without lines is not enabled (Purchase Orders Setup).


Use this check box to indicate the lines to include or exclude on the proposed purchase order.

No purchase order is created for excluded lines.

Quantity Indicate the quantity to order. This is the only field in the listview that you can change.

Notes and warnings


  • Before using this program, you would typically have used the Blanket Purchase Order Release program to validate and select the contracts for which the blanket purchase orders must be created.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
PO Blanket Purchase Order Release

If access is denied to this eSignature, you cannot release blanket purchase orders in the Blanket Purchase Order Release and Build Purchase Orders programs.