> Tag files

Tag files

A tag file is used for the following purposes:

  • to produce a standard SYSPRO report in a sequence other than a sequence catered for by the system
  • to add additional selection criteria to a standard SYSPRO report

A tag file is a pre-determined list of keys that you create using an editor or third party application facility offered by the operating system on which SYSPRO is running. The Create Report program can also be used to create tag files.

Because SYSPRO limits the number of sequences in which a report can be run, this can adversely affect the usefulness of a report to you. To overcome this, some of the reports in SYSPRO allow you to select the sequence option: "User defined" or "User defined sequence." These options enable you to specify your own sequence using a tag file.

For example:

The AP Label Print program enables you to print labels in one of the following sequences:

  • Supplier
  • Supplier short name
  • User defined sequence

If you want to produce labels in a sequence other than the supplier or the supplier short name, you would create a tag file in the sequence you require. You would then select the User defined option and enter name of the tag file to use.

Rules for Tag Files

The list of codes for each of the modules in which tag files can be used must conform to the following rules:

  • Accounts Payable

    The tag file must contain a series of records, each record containing a supplier code.

  • Accounts Receivable

    The tag file must contain a series of records, each record containing a customer code.

  • Inventory

    The tag file must contain a series of records, each record containing a stock code.

  • Sales Orders

    The tag file must contain a series of records, each record containing a sales order number.

Additional rules:

  • You should ensure that a given code only appears once in a tag file.

    For example:

    If you run the Order and Booking report with multiple entries in the tag file for the same order number, then the report will produce multiple order reports for that order number.

  • For alphanumeric fields, it is not necessary to pad out the code to the exact length of the key.

    For example:

    The stock code is up to 30 characters long, but if the actual stock code is only 6 characters long then it is not necessary to add on the extra 24 space characters.

  • Numeric fields must contain the full numeric value of the code (i.e. With preceding zeros if necessary).

    For example:

    You are creating a tag file that includes the Invoice Register number. This field is 5 numeric character long. If your register number is 361, then you must enter this as 00361 in the tag file.

  • It does not matter if the tag file record length is greater than that required, as each report program will automatically ignore the additional characters.

    In other words, if the tag file record length for the Inventory file is 100 characters, only the first 15 characters of each record will be assumed to contain valid stock codes.

  • The tag-file name may be up to 50 characters long, and may include a path or directory or drive specification (e.g. /tmp/debtag under UNIX).

    Each report program defaults to the tag file name of xyyyTAG, where x represents the company ID and yyy the first three characters of the module.

    For example, where the company ID is "A", the tag file name for inventory is AINVTAG.

    These tag files are assumed to reside in the working directory (i.e. On the drive or in the directory from which SYSPRO was first loaded).

  • Regardless of the entries in a tag file, the report program will still apply the options selected when running the program. Some codes in the tag file may be ignored from the report as a result.

Compulsory Key Fields and Positions

For the following tables, the following key fields must be selected and defined in the tag file in the positions indicated:

Table Description Column Name Position  
Customer Master Customer 1  
Inventory Master StockCode 1  
A/ P Supplier Master Supplier 1  
P/O Master Detail PurchaseOrder 1  
Asset Master Asset 1  
G/L Master Company 1  
  GlCode 2  
Sales Order Detail Order number 1  
WIP Job Master Job 1  
A/R Sales Transaction Detail TrnYear 1 Must be 4 numeric characters.
  TrnMonth 5 Must be 2 numeric characters. For example, if the month is 1, you must enter 01.
  Register 7 Must be 5 numeric characters. Left fill with zeros if necessary to make up 5 characters for this field.
  Invoice 12  
  SummaryLine 18 Must be 5 numeric characters. Left fill with zeros if necessary to make up 5 characters for this field.

It is important to recognize that despite the entries you have in your tag file, when running a report (using the user defined sequence and the tag file), the report program applies the options selected when running the report. Some fields in the tag file may be ignored from the report as a result.

Create a tag file using the Report Writer

  1. From the listview pane of the Browse on Reports program, select the Add option from the File menu.

    Alternatively select the Add icon from the toolbar.

  2. From the Report screen displayed, select the Primary table you require.

    Deselect the option: Create report with default headings.

    (Refer to Report - Add for a detailed explanation of the fields on this screen).

  3. Select the Add Report and Edit it function.

  4. The tri-pane window of the Create Report program is displayed.

    Select the Options element from the treeview and set the following options:

    • Output - Report type = Extract

      Select the Extract Options function.

      • Extract file type must be User- defined extract file format.

      • Enter the extract file name you require.

      • Ensure the options: Create new extract file and Do not create column headings are enabled.

      • Select Close to return to the previous screen.

      • Select OK from the Report Options screen.

    • Messages.

      From the Report Messages screen, deselect the option: Use standard messages.

      Remove all characters from the End of report message and Report cancelled message fields.

      Select OK to return to the previous screen.

    • Leading zeros.

      From the Report Options screen, select the option: Show leading zeros.

      Select OK to return to the previous screen.

    • Security - set this to what you require

    • Password definition - set this to what you require

    • All other sub-elements of the Options element can be left as per their defaults.

  5. Select the Detail element from the treeview.

    The detail lines you enter are the key field(s), for the primary table you selected, as per the Compulsory Key Fields and Positions table.

  6. Select the Sequencing element from the treeview.

    Define the fields on which you want to sequence on the report.

    You define a sequence only if you want to sequence the standard report in a sequence other than what the system caters for.

  7. Conditional logic

    Enter the conditional logic you require.

    You define conditional logic only if you want to add additional selection criteria to a standard SYSPRO report

  8. Select the Save option from the File menu.

    Alternatively, select the Save icon from the toolbar.

  9. Select the Print option from the File menu.

    Alternatively, select the Save icon from the toolbar.

  10. Select the Print function to create the tag file.