> SYSPRO Porting

SYSPRO Porting

In SYSPRO, ports refer to packaged files and components that you apply to your version of software in order to obtain the latest stable version of the product.

These ports are categorized into:

  • Regular ports
  • Special ports
  • Service packs

Regular ports

This is a packaged executable of error corrections that have been consolidated over a regular fixed period, usually weekly.

Ports are numbered incrementally (e.g. KB701_001_PORT, KB701_002_PORT, etc.,) and must be installed sequentially. To ease the process of installing individual ports, SYSPRO provides consolidated ports.


Included as part of the regular and consolidated ports, is a version.txt file that contains details such as the SYSPRO version and port number and the date of the port. The file is copied to the \Base folder of your SYSPRO installation and the first line of the file is displayed in the status bar of the SYSPRO main window. This helps you establish which port has been applied to your software.


Included as part of the regular and consolidated ports, is a knowledge base article that is copied to \Base\KB folder of your SYSPRO installation whenever a port is applied. The knowledge base article is named KB_nnn_PORT.TXT (where nnn is the port number).

The knowledge base article includes a list of all the events ported for that port. You can view this information in SYSPRO using the SYSPRO Software Installed Updates Query program SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Query->System Information->Installed updates).

You would typically use this file to check exactly when a port was applied. A range of articles with the same date implies either that a consolidated port was applied on that date, or that a range of individual ports was applied on that date.

Special ports

A special port is a temporary solution intended only for use during an interim period before a regular port is provided.

Special ports are named as SP701_nnn_NNNNN.EXE (where 701 is your version of SYSPRO; nnn is the 3-digit matching port number - which is the current latest port number - and NNNNN is the event number under which the fix was produced). We recommend that you upgrade to the port number (nnn) before applying the special port to ensure the correct functioning of the software included in the special port.

Special ports include a VERSION.TXT file but there is no knowledge base article.

Service packs

This is a consolidation of all changes made to the current release of software (e.g. SYSPRO 7) since its initial release and may also include some enhanced user interfaces and limited new product functionality.