> SYSPRO Software Upgrade

SYSPRO Software Upgrade

You use this program to update your existing version of SYSPRO to the latest version.

As the system administrator, you would typically use this program to extract and apply product updates to the server. These updates take the form of product enhancements and/or product fixes.

You can establish what updates have been applied to your version of SYSPRO by pressing Shift+F7 in any program and selecting Installed Updates from the toolbar (also selected from the Query tab of the SYSPRO Ribbon bar). You can view the current database version within the Current Information pane of the Admin Shift+F7 System Information program.

Upgrade SYSPRO

Field Description
Start Upgrade Updates your software with the extracted files displayed in the list view. You cannot upgrade your software using an older version, or if missing ports are detected.
Notes View a .TXT file (if one has been included with the port).
SQL Script This function is not currently activated in this version of the software.
Close Exit the program without updating your software.

Upgrade Process

Running the SYSPRO Software Upgrade program opens the IMPUPD.IMP file in the \Programs folder.

The IMPUPD.IMP file manages the folder to which each type of file should be copied, by matching the contents of the self-extracting file to what is specified in the IMPUPD.IMP file and then moving it to the folder according to the destination column.

Once the files are extracted, the program checks for a new version of the IMPUPD.IMP file (used for pattern matching) instead of the version that is currently located in your \Programs folder.

If several extract folders are processed together (each containing a new version of IMPUPD.IMP) then the latest one is used. This ensures that the program can always determine the destination folder for any new file type that is shipped.

Each file is compared to the first pattern in IMPUPD.IMP. If the file matches the first pattern, then the file type description is added to the list view together with the destination folder. If the file does not match the first pattern, then it is compared to the next pattern until a match is found. The first match found is used.

If you need a file to be copied to multiple locations during the upgrade process, then you can manually create a start and end section within the IMPUPD.IMP file and list the same file with multiple paths.

For example:





In a Windows environment, the SYSPRO Software Upgrade program processes executables found in the \Base\Upgrade folder in strict alphabetical sequence. The .Z files for UNIX systems are always processed in alphabetical sequence.

Special Port

When you are sent a special port to apply a fix, it will be sent as a .EX file.

You need to:

  1. Download this file to your \Base\Upgrade folder on the server

  2. Rename the .EX file to a .EXE file

  3. Login to SYSPRO as an administrator.

    SYSPRO will indicate that a port file was found.

  4. Run the port upgrade.

    Once this is completed, you are automatically logged out of SYSPRO.

  5. Login to SYSPRO and confirm that the fix was applied.

Notes and warnings


  • To avoid processing problems, we recommend that all operators are logged out before you run the upgrade. You will be notified if other users are logged in.

Restrictions and limits

  • Only the first 60,000 files/programs are processed by the SYSPRO Software Upgrade program.

    Although it is unlikely you will reach this limit, it is possible that a new DVD installation, together with all the individual ports for a version of the software causes this limit to be reached.

    For this reason, we recommend that you always install the consolidated port as it does not include multiple versions of files that have been ported.

  • Only the first 99 temporary folders are processed by the SYSPRO Software Upgrade program. This means you can only put down 99 ports/fix packs at a time, as a temp folder is created for each .EXE file in the Upgrade folder.

  • All VBScripts are temporarily suspended from execution while SYSPRO Software Upgrade is running.

Missing ports

  • The program alerts you if any missing ports are detected in your currently installed software (e.g. you are attempting to install upgrades in the incorrect sequence).

    It also warns you if you attempt to install missing ports in your latest upgrade.

    All these tests assume that the \Base\Kb-701 folder (where 701 indicates your version of SYSPRO) on the server contains the upgrade KB*.TXT files that are shipped as part of each software port. If you have removed or changed these files, you may not receive appropriate warnings.

    Re-installing a consolidated port (e.g. from port 001 upwards) ensures that the correct \Base\Kb-701 files exist.

Files not copied

  • If the program cannot copy files, an appropriate error message is displayed and the files not copied are listed in the listview.

    The file names are also output to a log file named: \Base\Settings\impupd_Copy_Errors_date_time.txt (where _date_time indicates the date and time the log was created).

    Files cannot be copied when they are locked (i.e. in use) or are set to read-only on the server, or the folder on the server to which they must be copied does not exist. Once you have addressed the relevant problem, you can manually transfer the files listed in the log file.