> SYSPRO Desktop Gadgets

SYSPRO Desktop Gadgets

SYSPRO Desktop Gadgets is a utility that enables you to selectively add SYSPRO Executive Dashboards onto your desktop as gadgets. Each gadget can be configured to report on a different SYSPRO company while secure and remote access to SYSPRO data is provided through the SYSPRO WCF Service.


Getting Dashboard List - Cannot connect to the service

This message is displayed when attempting to add a SYSPRO Executive Dashboard Gadget to the desktop. The reason for the error is that the SYSPRO WCF Service has stopped. This service is a prerequisite for the SYSPRO Executive Dashboard Gadget. Te remedy this, check the status of the SYSPRO WCF Service and restart it, if required.

Activating the Windows Sidebar

You would typically follow this procedure on a 64-bit machine as the Windows Sidebar executable does not start up automatically for these machines.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Locate the sidebar executable (Program Files (x86) > Windows Sidebar > sidebar.exe)

  3. Double-click the sidebar.exe file.

    A 32-bit version of the sidebar executable is started in the background.

Installing SYSPRO Desktop Gadgets

  • Ensure that you have installed the SYSPRO WCF Service on the SYSPRO application server.

  • Ensure that you have a valid SYSPRO Executive Dashboard license.

  • Ensure that Adobe Flash Player is installed on the client.

  • If you are running on a 64-bit machine, then ensure that you have activated the Windows Sidebar executable manually. For 32-bit machines this is activated automatically.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Locate the SYSPRO Desktop Gadgets installation file (Base > ManagedAssemblies > SYSPROEXEC_GADGET.GADGET).

  3. Double-click the SYSPROEXEC_GADGET.GADGET file.

  4. Select Install.

    A SYSPRO Gadget window should appear on the desktop.

Adding a SYSPRO Gadget to the desktop

  1. Right-click an area on your Windows desktop.

  2. Select Gadgets from the shortcut menu.

  3. Double-click the SYSPRO Executive Dashboard Gadget.

  4. Select the Options icon for the SYSPRO Desktop Gadget.

    The SYSPRO Executive Dashboard Gadgets window is displayed.

  5. Enter the Windows Communication Foundation Services address at the SYSPRO WCF Services Address field.

  6. Enter the operator code at the OperatorCode field.

  7. Enter the operator password at the Password field.

  8. Enter the company name at the Company field

  9. Enter the company password at the Company Password field.

  10. Select the required executive dashboard from the drop-down menu at the Dashboard Name field.

  11. Select the Refresh Available Dashboards icon at the Dashboard Name field to update the drop-down menu with a list of available executive dashboards.

  12. Indicate how often you want to refresh the data for the SYSPRO Desktop Gadget, at the Refresh Interval (minutes) field.

  13. Specify the color you want to assign to the dashboard heading.

  14. Select OK.

    The Executive Dashboard should be displayed on the desktop.

Checking the status of the SYSPRO WCF Service

You would typically use this procedure as part of a troubleshooting exercise where you suspect that the service has failed to start.

  1. Load the Event Viewer management tool (Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer).

  2. Locate the SYSPROWCF entry (Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > SYSPROWCF).

  3. Review the log details for the service.

Starting the SYSPRO WCF Service manually

You would typically use this procedure when an application that requires this service to be running (e.g. SYSPRO Desktop Gadgets) indicates that it is unable to connect to the service.

  1. Load the Windows Component Services management tool (Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Component Services).

  2. Locate the SYSPRO WCF Service from the Services pane.

  3. Start the service.