> Serial Tracking System Introduction

Serial Tracking System Introduction

You use the Serial Number Tracking System to capture and maintain serial numbers for existing stock items held in the Inventory Control system.

Serial numbers are held on file against each warehouse and can be defined as either a manual or batch number. A manual serial number must be unique for each individual item, while a batch serial number can describe the batch quantity of an item (e.g. 10 000 tablets).

A product defined with batch serial numbering allows the same serial number to be allocated to more than one individual item per stock code and warehouse.

Configuring Serial Tracking

This task outlines the procedures you should follow to set up serial tracking.

Configure serial tracking

  1. Take on serial numbers for stock items that are already held on file using the Serial Number Take-on program. You can also create sales transactions for these serial numbers.

  2. Process transactions against specific serial numbers using the Serial Tracking Transaction Posting program.

  3. Maintain the header information for serialized items using the Serial Number Maintenance program. This program allows you to change the description, expiry date and scrap date of existing items held on file.

  4. Print a report listing details of all serialized items held on file using the Serial Tracking Report program.

  5. Print a report listing any discrepancy between the on hand quantity for a stock code within the serial tracking system and the on hand quantity within the warehouse file using the Serial File Balance Report program.

  6. Delete serial numbers and/or serial number transactions from the serial number file using the Serial File Purge program.