Business-to-Business Trading > Invoice, Credit & Debit Note Export

Invoice, Credit & Debit Note Export

You use this program to output order documents for transmission to a customer who has been designated as an EDI trading partner.

These order documents comprise invoices, credit notes, and debit notes generated for EDI customers within the Sales Order Entry and Detail Invoice Posting programs.

The file that is generated can be output in either EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or XML (Extensible Markup Language) format.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Export

Begins the export process.

The customer's Company tax registration number (Customers) is automatically exported for Invoices, Credit notes and Debit notes exported in XML or EDI format.

Change Criteria Resets the Invoice, Cr and Dr Note Export Criteria pane to its defaults enabling you to change the criteria.
Print Prints the information displayed in the Invoice, Cr and Dr Notes Exported listview.

Invoice, Cr and Dr Note Export Criteria

Field Description
Export details  
Document format
Option Description
XML Select this to generate a file in XML format. A file is created for each customer that is selected for processing.

You cannot select this option when a pre-defined a destination folder for XML documents is not defined (XML Document Control).

By default, the file is output to the destination folder indicated at the Directory field (i.e. the folder specified within the XML Document Control program).

Although you can specify a different destination folder, this folder must already exist on file.


Generate a file in ASCII format.

By default, the file is output to the destination folder indicated at the Directory field (i.e. the working directory that was entered as part of your installation).

Although you can specify a different destination folder, this folder must already exist on file.

Directory Indicate the folder in which the export file must be saved. The full path name must be specified.
Next generated file name

Indicates the name of the file that will be created.

For an EDI file, the naming convention is AINnnnn.EDI, where:

A indicates your company id.
IN indicates that the export file relates to invoices, credit and debit notes.
nnnn indicates the next document number that will be used. This number (starting at 1) is assigned automatically by the system and incremented by 1 each time you output an EDI file.

For an XML file, the naming convention is AINnnnnnnnn.XML, where:

A indicates your company id.
IN indicates that the export file relates to invoices, credit and debit notes.
nnnnnnnn indicates the next XML document number that will be used. This number is extracted from the XML Document Control program.
Customers Indicate the range of customer codes for which to include documents for export.
Export options  
Document selection
Option Description
All Export all documents, whether or not they were previously exported.
Already exported Only include documents previously exported.
Not yet exported Only include documents not previously exported.
Include sub-accounts Include documents for any sub-accounts attached to an exported master customer account in the export.
Separate file per customer Generate a separate file for each customer selected for processing.

This only applies to EDI Document formats.

Customer/EDI partner selection
Option Description
Customer Export documents for the EDI trading partner specified in the Customer field.
EDI partner Export documents for a selected range of EDI trading partners assigned the EDI sender code specified at the EDI Partner field.
Customer Indicate the EDI trading partner customer for whom to export documents.
EDI partner Indicate the EDI partner for whom to export documents.

Invoice, Cr and Dr Notes Exported

This displays details of the documents exported in a treeview and can be printed using the Print function.

File Structure

The following sections describe the structure of the export file when exported in EDI format:

EDI Import/Export Invoice Header

Field Start position Field length and description
Record type 1 2

10 - Document header

Message type 3 6


Document type 9 1

Can be C,D or I to denote Credit note, Debit note or Invoice.

Document number 10 20
Document date 30 8
Customer number 38 15
Customer name 53 50
Company name 103 50
Company address line 1 153 40
Company address line 2 193 40
Company address line 3 233 40
VAT registration number 273 15
Salesperson name 288 50
Last delivery note number 338 20
Sales order number 358 20
Sales order date 378 8
Customer purchase order 386 30
+ or - sign of next field 416 1
Document total excl tax 417 14
+ or - sign of next field 431 1
Total tax 432 14
+ or - sign of next field 446 1
Gross document total 447 14
+ or - sign of next field 461 1
Total invoice discount 462 14
EDI sender code 476 40
+ or - sign of next field 516 1
Terms discount amount 517 14
+ or - sign of next field 531 1
Document total excl tax Foreign currency 532 14
+ or - sign of next field 546 1
Total tax Foreign currency 547 14
+ or - sign of next field 561 1
Gross document total Foreign currency 562 14
+ or - sign of next field 576 1
Total invoice discount Foreign currency 577 14
+ or - sign of next field 591 1
Terms discount amount Foreign currency 592 14
Ship date 606 8
Company reg / GST no 614 20
Invoice terms code 634 2
Terms description 636 50
Terms due date 686 8
Currency code 694 3
Currency description 697 50
Currency rate 747 12
Currency multiplier 759 1
State - USA tax 760 2
County or zip code - USA 762 5
Extended tax code - USA tax 767 3
Terms discount percent 770 5
Terms discount due days 775 3
Terms discount allowed days 778 3
Invoice due date 781 8
+ or - sign of next field 789 1
Total mass 790 18
+ or - sign of next field 808 1
Total volume 809 18
+ or - sign of next field 827 1
Total quantity invoiced 828 18
Customer tax registration 846 15
Filler 861 1

EDI Import/Export Customer Address

This record is created from the ship to address or customer from the ARSMST file, depending on which one was used for the order.

Field Start position Field length and description
Record type 1 2

20 - Customer address

Message type `spaces' 3 6
Document type 9 1

Can be C,D or I to denote Credit note, Debit note or Invoice.

Document number 10 20
Customer delivery name 30 50
Delivery address line 1 80 40
Delivery address line 2 120 40
Delivery address line 3 160 40
Delivery address line 4 200 40
Delivery address line 5 240 40
Postal code 280 10
Customer sold to name 290 50
Sold to address line 1 340 40
Sold to address line 2 380 40
Sold to address line 3 420 40
Sold to address line 4 460 40
Sold to address line 5 500 40
Sold to postal code 540 10
Filler 550 1

EDI Import/Export Invoice Detail

Field Start position Field length and description
Record type 1 2
  • 60 - Merchandise line

  • 61 - Comment line

  • 62 - Miscellaneous line

  • 63 - Serial line

  • 64 - Lot line

Message type `spaces' 3 6
Document type 9 1

Can be C,D or I to denote Credit note, Debit note or Invoice.

Document number 10 20
Line number 1 upwards 30 4

Stocked & non-stocked merchandise lines and miscellaneous charges

SYSPRO stock code 34 30
Customer stock code 64 30
Description or misc charge description 94 50
+ or - sign of following field 144 1
Ship quantity 145 18
+ or - sign of following field 163 1
Stocking quantity to ship 164 18
Unit of measure 182 10
Rate of tax as percentage 192 8
Contract number 200 20
Unit price 220 15
+ or - sign of following field 235 1
Line value extended 236 14
+ or - sign of following field 250 1
Line tax value 251 14
+ or - sign of following field 265 1
Original order quantity 266 18
+ or - sign of following field 284 1
Current b/o quantity 285 18
+ or - sign of following field 303 1
Line discount 304 14
Customer retail price 318 15
+ or - sign of following field 333 1
Line value extended Foreign currency 334 14
+ or - sign of following field 348 1
Line tax value Foreign currency 349 14
+ or - sign of following field 363 1
Line discount Foreign currency 364 14
Order unit of measure 378 10
Pricing unit of measure 388 10
Order Price in pricing unit of measure (no sign required) 398 15
Filler 413 115

Comment line

    Lots and Serials

SYSPRO stock code


Customer stock code


Lot number - Blank if serial only


Serial number - Blank if lot only


+ or - sign of following field


Line quantity

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • This program does not select lines from the invoice to export. It picks up the detail lines from the contents of INTDET table, which is written out by the Document Print program and the totals from INTINH file.

  • The program responsible for creating the INTDET output the number of decimals for the stock code quantities.

    The INTDET-NDEC (no of decimals) field in the INTDET file should specify the number of decimals for the quantity columns. This field is used to format the quantity columns for the number of decimals for each stock code is displayed. If the program that creates the INTDET records does not output this, then it will always be zero and quantities in the export file will have zero decimals.

  • All miscellaneous charge lines are reported as 'Other charges'.

Restrictions and limits

  • The description/comment field in the export file only holds 50 characters, so any comment longer than 50 characters (up to a maximum of 100 characters) is truncated in this file.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.