Business-to-Business Trading > Purchase Order Export > EDI Purchase Order Lines

EDI Purchase Order Lines

You use this program to view detail line information of all purchase order lines to be exported for a supplier who has been designated as an EDI trading partner.

For orders included in the Purchase Order Export review, you can also indicate specific order lines to include/exclude from the export file.

Detail Lines for Purchase Order

Field Description
Start At Select this to navigate to a specific entry in the listview.
Zoom Select this to use the PO Browse on PO Lines program to view additional information for the currently highlighted line.
Include/Exclude Select this to toggle between including or excluding the currently highlighted line from the export file.
Include All Select this to include all lines in the listview for export.
Exclude All Select this to exclude all lines in the listview from export.


Details of the purchase order lines for the selected purchase order are displayed in a listview.

Column Description
Line This indicates the purchase order line number.
Status This indicates whether the purchase order line is excluded from the export file.
Stock code This indicates the stock code of the item purchased.
Description This indicates the description of the stock code.
Qty ordered This indicates the quantity of the item ordered.
Wh This indicates the warehouse for which the item is being ordered.
Price This indicates the unit price for the item.
Due date This indicates the purchase order line due date.
Rev This indicates the revision number of the stock item and only applies if the item is ECC controlled.
Rel This indicates the release number of the stock item and only applies if the item is ECC controlled.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Detail Lines option from the Purchase Order Export program.