> Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text)

Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text)

This program lets you view and maintain text narrations for key fields (e.g. jobs, stock codes, structures, operations, etc.) within SYSPRO.

Unlike the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program (which has no restriction on the number of lines of text you can enter) there are limitations when using the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to write comments and notes.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • The following table indicates the limit on the number of lines and characters per line that can be entered when using the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program from various programs:

    Program Max number of lines Characters per line Comments
    AP Invoice Registration 60 100 This applies to notes against registered invoices and against LCT registered invoices.
    Browse on AP Registered Invoices 60 100 This applies to notes against registered invoices and against LCT registered invoices.


    Supplier Query
    100 100 This applies to supplier notes and management notes against a supplier.


    Customer Query
    100 100 This applies to customer notes and management notes against a customer.
    Element Descriptors 8 100 This applies to narrations added to describe the elements of cost attributable to an element.
    Browse on Element Structures 8 100  
    Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals 30 60 This applies to text against a remittance advice for an on-line check.
    GL Detail Lines 60 60 This applies to the user notation lines on a report.

    From the Detail Line Maintenance function of the GL Define Financial Reports program, you can configure text lines to print on a financial report.

    These can be for a single line (up to 5 lines at 60 characters per line) or multiple lines (up to 60 lines at 60 characters per line).

    Structures and Routings 60 100 This applies to narrations text against a component of a parent stock code or against an operation for a parent stock code.
    Sales Order Entry 100 100 This applies to free-format comments against a sales order line.
    SO Counter Sales 4 45 This applies to free-format notes to print on the deposit refund receipt.
    Point of Sale Entry 100 100 This applies to order comments against the header and free-format comments against an order line.
    Factory Documentation 60 100 A maximum of 60 lines for factory documents, and 100 lines for narrations is allowed.
    AR Invoices for Customer 100 100 This applies to invoice notes for a customer invoice.
    AP Supplier Invoices 100 100 This applies to supplier notes for invoice.
    Browse on Standard Narrations 60 100 This applies to text assigned to standard narration codes.
    Configuration Maintenance 60 100 This applies to component narrations and specific operation narrations.
    Configurator Wizard 100 100 This applies to comment lines for the configuration. All additional comments attached to lines are not added.

    Stock Codes

    Inventory Query
    100 100 This applies to information against a stock code for:
    • Technical Specification Text
    • Sales Order Additional Text
    • Purchase Order Additional Text
    • Job Narrations
    • Inspection Text
    • Dangerous Goods Handling
    Approved Manufacturers 22 100 This applies to approved manufacturer information.
    Approved Manufacturers Parts 6 100 This applies to approved manufacturer part number information.
    Purge and Archive 6 100 This applies to archive text information.
    Requisition Entry Maintenance 60 100 This applies to requisition notes and purchase order comments.
    Purchase Order Entry 100 100 This applies to free-format comments for an order line and to tracking notes for an order line.
    Requisition Entry 60 100 This applies to requisition notes against a requisition line and purchase order comments attached to a purchase order created from a requisition line.
    Requisition Create Purchase Orders 60 100 This applies to requisition notes and purchase order comments.
    LCT Vessels 60 100 This applies to vessel notes.
    Quotations 100 100 This applies to free-format comments for a quotation line.
    Estimates 60 100 This applies to structure narrations against a component and operation narrations against an operation.
    RMA Issues and Receipts 100 100 This applies to notes defined against an RMA issue and to action notes against an RMA receipt line.
    Return Merchandise Line Details 100 100 This applies to problem notes for an RMA line.
    RMA Browse on RMA History 100 45
    Dispatch Note Query 4 100 This applies to dispatch note header comments.
    Deduction Review 100 100 This applies to a trade promotions deduction line.
    WIP Job Notes 60 100 This applies to job notations against a job.
    Labor Posting 60 100 This applies to narrations against a dummy operation.
    WIP Material Allocations - Browse 60 100 This applies to narrations against a material allocation.
    WIP Browse on Labor Allocations 60 100 This applies to specific narrations against an operation.

Database considerations

The following indicates where the notes captured using the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program are stored in the database.

Supplier notes

This indicates where the supplier notes (captured using the Suppliers and Supplier Query programs) are stored.

Table Description


AP Supplier Narrations
ApSupplierNarHdr AP Supplier Narrations Header
Customer notes

This indicates where the customer notes (captured using the Customers and Customer Query programs) are stored.

Table Description


AR Customer Narrations
ArNarrationHdr AR Customer Narrations Header
Inventory notes

This indicates where the inventory notes (captured using the Stock Codes and Inventory Query programs) are stored.

Table Description


Inventory Narrations Detail
InvNarrationHdr Inventory Narrations Header

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Cut This cuts the highlighted text from the note.
Copy This copies the highlighted text to the clipboard.
Paste This pastes notes from the clipboard.
Delete This deletes the currently highlighted text in the note.
Select All This highlights all the text in the note.
Date Stamp This pastes the current system date and the current operator code into the note.
Follow up Date This indicates when next the note must be reviewed.

Copying inventory notes

  1. From the Notes menu of the Inventory Query program, select the appropriate note you want to maintain.

  2. Select Copy from the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) window.

  3. From the Copy Inventory Notes window indicate the stock code from which you want to copy notes and the specific type of notes you want to copy.

Copying standard narrations

  1. From the Structures and Routings program, maintain an operation/component and select the Narrations function.

  2. From the Narrations window select Specific Narration.

  3. Select Copy from the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) window.

  4. From the Copy Standard Narrations window, indicate the narration code from which you want to copy text.