Administration > Electronic Signatures > eSignature Query

eSignature Query

You use this program to view an audit log that contains information relating to transactions that require Electronic Signatures.

You can permanently remove audit log entries from the system using the eSignature Purge program.

For further information on this topic, refer to eSignature Setup.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Show all records Select this to display all transactions in the listview.
Record limit Indicate the maximum number of transactions you want to display in the listview.
Purge Select this to use the eSignature Purge program to remove audit log entries held on file.

An error message is displayed if you did not select to purge log entries (eSignature Setup).

Time filter Indicate the transactions you want to display based on their age.

For example, you can select to display only transactions for Today or for Yesterday, etc.

Custom Filter Select this to use the Filter Options pane to indicate the transactions you want to display in the listview.
Refresh View Select this to redisplay the information in the listview.

You typically use this option when you have changed an option which affects which transactions are displayed in the listview.

Show Detail

Select this to display additional audit log details for the transaction in the listview.

The details are only available if you selected the option: Define by Transaction from the Transactions menu of the eSignature Setup program, and you defined the details required for the detailed log against the transaction.

The details displayed are those you selected from the eSignature Setup program (see Configure Detail Log).

Show Custom Filter Select this to display and pin the Custom Filter pane. This only applies when the Custom Filter pane is currently unpinned.

Filter Options

You use this pane to indicate the transactions you want to display in the listview.

Field Description
Apply Custom Filter Select this to apply the changes you made to the selections and to return to the listview.

Only the transactions you selected are displayed in the listview.

Reset Select this to clear any selections you made and to reset all options to their defaults.
Transaction selection

Indicate the transaction id(s) for which you want to display transactions in the listview.

Selecting No filter means you want to include all transaction codes.

You can use the browse icon at the Start transaction and End transaction fields to use the Electronic Signatures Audit Log Browse program to display all available transaction codes.

Transaction date selection

Indicate the transaction date(s) for which you want to display transactions in the listview.

Selecting No filter means you want to include all transaction dates.

Transaction time selection

Indicate the transaction time(s) for which you want to display transactions in the listview.

Selecting No filter means you want to include all transaction times.

Start time This defaults to 00:00 when not specified.
End time This defaults to 23:59 when not specified.
Operator selection

Indicate the operator code(s) for which you want to display transactions in the listview.

Selecting No filter means you want to include all operators.

Program selection Indicate the program code(s) for which you want to display transactions in the listview.

Selecting No filter means you want to include all transaction times.

You can use the browse icon at the Start program and End program fields to use the SYSPRO Programs program to display all available transaction codes.

Status selection Indicate the transactions to display according to their status.
Authorized and completed successfully Select this to list all transactions in a status of 9.
Authorized but transaction not completed Select this to list all transactions in a status of 0.
Operator cancelled from function Select this to list all transactions in a status of 1.
Operator denied access to function Select this to list all transactions in a status of 3.
Key selection

Indicate the key(s) for which you want to display transactions in the listview.

This is the key for the table/file in which the transaction occurred (for example the supplier code, stock code, customer code, etc).

Variable selection Indicate the transaction variable(s) for which you want to display transactions in the listview. The variables are those you selected in the eSignature Setup program.

Listview columns

The following information is included in the Audit Log listview:

Column Description
Id This displays the transaction reference number created by eSignatures.
Transaction This displays a short description of the transaction.
Condition name This displays the name assigned to the condition.
Date This displays the date on which the transaction occurred.
Operator This displays the operator, or the group to which the operator belongs, who performed the transaction.
Status description

This displays a description relating to the transaction status relative to Electronic Signatures.

Item key This displays the key for the table/file in which the transaction occurred (for example the supplier code, stock code, customer code, etc).
Program This displays the code of the program involved in the transaction.
Table name This displays the name of the SQL table or the C-ISAM file involved in the transaction.
Variable value

This displays the value of the variable applicable to the transaction logged.