Administration > Language Translation > Global Replace Dictionary Maintenance

Global Replace Dictionary Maintenance

You use this program to view and edit a Global Replace Dictionary for the current language code, customizing SYSPRO screens to display terminology or jargon that are industry-specific (e.g. stock code vs part number).

This feature is particularly useful when making terminology changes within SYSPRO in an English environment, rather than using it for foreign translation.

Global Replace Dictionary

The Global Replace Dictionary consists of pairs of original text and new text. During the translation process the phrase to be translated is checked to see if the original text is found anywhere within the phrase.

Global replace phrases are typically used when a specific word (or possibly two words) are to be replaced with a fixed string.

For example:

Jargon : ‘Supplier’  ‘Vendor’

UK English : ‘Color’  ‘Colour’

Reference fields

The Global Replace Dictionary file that you are currently maintaining is displayed in the title bar of the window when you launch the program, and the following describes the fields contained in that window:

Field Description
Original text

Enter the exact word or phrase currently displayed in the screen set.

This text is used to determine a match when the word/phrase is replaced.

New text

Enter the word or phrase you want to display in the screen set instead of the word or phrase currently displayed.


The word or phrase you enter in this field is displayed exactly as you enter it at this field.


Select this button to add a new phrase pair to the Global Replace Dictionary, or to change the text you entered in the New text field for the previously defined original text.


Select this to remove the currently highlighted phrase pair from the Global Replace Dictionary.


Select this to save the changes you have made to the Global Replace Dictionary.


Changes will only be visible for you and other operators once you each reload SYSPRO.

Notes and warnings

File location

  • The default file (Lang_EN_Global_Replace_Dictionary.TXT) is located in the Base\Settings folder.

Restrictions and limits

  • The Global Replace dictionary is limited to the entry of 500 phrase pairs.

  • Headings for custom columns added to listviews are not translated. As these are user defined columns, users can enter the column heading as required.

  • If you have defined replacement text in both the Custom and the Global Replace dictionaries, then the replacement text defined in the Custom dictionary is applied before the text defined in the Global Replace dictionary.

Case-sensitivity considerations

  • The Global Replace dictionary is case-sensitive (i.e. the original text must match the exact case of the phrase).

    For this reason, you need to define all the possible case-combinations as indicated in the following example.

    Original phrase New phrase Notes
    Stock code Part number Replaces the original phrase in normal prompts, etc.
    Stock Code Part Number

    Replaces the original phrase in window titles and radio buttons.

    stock code part number

    Replaces the original text embedded within other text, such as error messages.