Administration > Amendment Journals > Operator Amendment Journal

Operator Amendment Journal

You use this program to view, print and purge operator amendment journals.

Operator amendment journals are automatically created from changes made to operator settings using the Operators program.

Toolbar and menu

Column Description
Show all records Select this to display all the amendment journals in the Journal Details pane.
Record limit Enter the maximum number of amendment journals to be displayed in the Journal Details pane.

Set ready to purge flag Select this to indicate that the selected line is ready to be purged. The purge status in the Ready to purge column against the selected line is changed to Yes.
Clear ready to purge flag Select this to change the purge status from Yes to No.
Purge Select this to delete the selected amendment journal transactions.
Delete amendment journals dated before

Indicate the cut-off date according to which to delete journals.

Only journals dated before this date that have the Ready to purge flag set to Y are deleted when you select the Start Purge function.

Delete amendment journals if not yet printedSelect this to ignore the Ready to purge flag and delete journals dated before the date entered at the Delete amendment journals dated before field. This deletes journals regardless of whether they have been printed.
Time filter Select the time period for which you want to display the amendment journal transactions.
Refresh View Select this to refresh the amendment journal details within the listview pane.
Show Custom Filter Select this to open the Filter Options pane.

Journal Details

Column Description
Date and Time This indicates the system date and time the operator settings were changed.
Operator This indicates the code of the operator changed, added or deleted.
Name This indicates the name of the operator changed, added or deleted.

This indicates the function performed on the operator code and includes the following:

  • Operator added
  • Operator changed
  • Operator deleted

No values are displayed in the Tab Page Description, Field Description, Before Value and After Value columns for operators added or deleted.

Tab Page Description This indicates the description of the tab page of the Operator Browse program on which the change was made.
Field Description This indicates the name of the field that was changed.
Before Value This indicates the value of the field before the change was made.
After Value This indicates the value of the field after the change was made.
Changed by This indicates the code of the operator who performed the change.
Changed by Name This indicates the name of the operator who performed the change.

Filter Options

Field Description
Apply Custom Filter Select this to apply your selections to the records in the Journal Details pane.
Reset Select this to clear any selections you made and to reset all Filter Options to their defaults.
Log date selection This enables you to indicate the log dates for which you want to display transactions.
Date filter type
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all dates in the listview.
Range Select this to include transactions in a range of dates.
Single Select this to display transactions with a single date.
Start date Indicate the start date or single date from which you want to display amendment journal details in the listview.
End date Indicate the end date up to which you want to display amendment journal details in the listview.
Log time selection  
Time filter type
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all time in the listview.
Range Select this to include transactions in a range of times.
Start time Enter the start time or active at time for which you want to display amendment journal details in the listview.
End time Enter the end time for which you want to display amendment journal details in the listview.
Operator selection  
Operator filter type
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all operators in the listview.
Range Select this to include a range of operators.
Single Select this to include an individual operator.
List Select this to include selected operators.
Start operator Select the first operator in the range, or a single operator.
End operator Select the last operator in the range.
Operator list Select the relevant operators from the list of operators.
Changed by operator selection These options relate to the operator who performed a change on the amendment journals.
Changed by operator filter type
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all operators in the listview.
Single Select this to include a single operator.
Changed by operator Select the individual operator.
Option selection  
Option filter
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all amendment journals in the listview.
Filter on option Select this to filter on the option selected.
Include operators added Include journals for operators that were added.
Include operators changed Include journals for operators that were changed.
Include operators deleted Include journals for operators that were deleted.
Purge flag selection  
Purge flag filter
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all amendment journals in the listview.
Purge flag set to yes

Select this to view amendment journals that the system regards as still being in progress.

Purge flag set to no

Select this to view amendment journals that have not completed successfully and where the integrity of data has been compromised.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • These amendment journals are generated automatically and no option exists to prevent them from being created.