Bill of Materials > Setup > Capacity Calendar Maintenance

Capacity Calendar Maintenance

You use this program to define daily capacity of each individual work center.

Capacity Calendar Maintenance

Field Description
Add Select this to add a new calendar.
Change Select this to maintain the currently displayed calendar.
Delete Select this to the delete the currently displayed calendar.
Copy Select this icon to copy the currently displayed capacity calendar from one work center to one or more other work centers.
Work center Indicate the work center for which you want to maintain capacities.
Calculate year Select this to calculate the work center capacity for each day of the year, using the information held against the work center.
Overlay Company Calendar Select this to use the company calendar to establish available capacity. Non-working days from the company calendar will become non-working days for the work center.
Company Calendar Select this to use the Company Calendar program to maintain the company calendar.

Capacity Calendar Details

Field Description
Work center This indicates the code of the work center for which you are currently maintaining the capacity.
Year Indicate the year for which you want to maintain capacity records. You can add more than one year against each work center.
Month Indicate the month for which you want to maintain capacity records.

Work Center Capacity Available

This indicates the work center daily capacity records for the month and year specified.

Productive Units Available

This indicates the productive units assigned to the work center for the month and year specified.

Maintain Calendars

This pane is displayed when you select the Add or Change option from the Edit menu:

Field Description
Calculate PUs Select this to recalculate the productive units following any changes made to the work center's capacity.

This option is not enabled when defining the calendar for a sub-contract work center.

Calculate Cap Select this to recalculate the capacity following any changes made to the work center's productive units.

This option is not enabled when defining the calendar for a sub-contract work center.

Set to Default Values Select this to restore the original capacity and productive units assigned to the work center.

If you select this option when defining the calendar for a sub-contract work center, then all the days of the week are set to be working days and the default value for each day is set to 1.

Entire Year Select this to calculate the capacity and productive units for the work center for the entire year.
Maintain Specific Day Select this to indicate the capacity and productive units for a specific day for the work center.
Save Select this to save your changes.
Date range  
From date Indicate the date from which the daily cycle capacities must be generated.
To date Indicate the date to which the daily cycle capacities must be generated.
Work center capacity Indicate the weekly capacity for the work center.

When defining capacity for a sub-contract work center, you can only indicate whether the day is a working or a non-working day. The capacity value for sub-contract work centers therefore cannot be greater than 1. A value of 0 indicates that it is a non-working day.

Productive units Indicate the weekly productive units for the work center.

These fields are not enabled when defining the calendar for a sub-contract work center.

Specific Day Maintenance

You use the Maintain Specific Day option to indicate the capacity and productive units for a specific day for the work center.

Field Description
Apply Select this to update the calendar for the specific day.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.
Date Indicate the specific day for which you want to define capacity.
Work center capacity Indicate the work center capacity available for the specific day.
Productive units Indicate the productive units available for the specific day.

Copy Capacity Calendars

You use the Copy option from the Edit menu to copy the capacity calendar from one work center to one or more other work centers.

Field Description
Copy Select this to start the copy process.

The capacity for a sub-contract work center is set to 1 when all of the following are true:

  • you are copying the calendar from an internal work center to a sub-contract work center
  • you selected the option: Overwrite any existing work center calendars above or no capacity existed against the sub-contract work center
  • the capacity against the internal work center is greater than 1

The capacity calenders corresponding to the From year and To year and for the From month and To month defined against the source work center are changed for the destination work center(s).

For example: if you copy from Feb 2008 to Feb 2009, from work centre Assemble to work centre Paint, then Assemble's calendar from Feb 2008 to Feb 2009 overwrites Paint's calendar from Feb 2008 to Feb 2009 with Assemble's values. If you specify Mar 2009 to Jul 2009 in the copy calendar, it will only copy 6 months (March - July) - it does not mean copy Assemble's capacity calendar from Mar 2009 to Paint's calendar for July 2009.

Copy from  
Work center This indicates the work center from which you are copying the capacity calendar.
Description This indicates the description assigned to the work center.
From year Indicate the year from which you want to copy this work center's capacity calendar.
From month Indicate the month from which you want to copy this work center's capacity calendar.
To year Indicate the year up to which you want to copy this work center's capacity calendar.
To month Indicate the month up to which you want to copy this work center's capacity calendar.
Copy to  
Work center selection Indicate the work centers to which the calendar must be copied.

This can be for all work centers, a range of work centers, a single work center or a defined list of work centers.

A data grid is displayed for you to capture a list of work centers.

Overwrite any existing work center calendars

Select this to overwrite any existing calendars for the work center(s) selected.

Deselect this option if you only want to copy the capacity calendar to those work centers against which no previous capacity calendar exists.

Overlay company calendar Select this if you want working/non-working days (as indicated on the company calendar) to be reflected against the work center(s) to which you are copying the capacity calendar.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • When you access this program from the Requirements Planning module, then the capacity calendar records residing in the snapshot directory are updated; not the livecapacity calendar records (i.e. the MRP calendar is a snapshot of the WIP calendar).

Coding considerations

  • Capacity calendars can be defined for both internal and sub-contract work centers.

    For sub-contract work centers, however, you are merely defining the working and non-working days, as you do not know what the sub-contractors exact capacity is in hours/minutes.

    If you do not define a calendar for a sub-contract operation, then the your Factory calendar is used to determine the job start and end dates for jobs in which the sub-contract work center is used.