General Ledger > Tax > Setup > Tax Return Setup

Tax Return Setup

You use this conversion utility program to populate the Tax Return table (AdmTaxReturn) with the historical data required to run the Tax Return report.

You typically run this program after you have defined your tax return periods and years. You can re-run the program if your tax return period and year change - existing data in the Tax Return table is deleted and re-populated with data according to the periods defined in the Tax Return Period Maintenance program.

Tax Return Table

The Tax Return table (AdmTaxReturn) is initially populated with data when you run the Tax Return Setup program. The program migrates existing data from the ApTaxDistDet, SalSalesTax and CshTaxDistrDet tables to the Tax Return table (AdmTaxReturn).

The document date is used to determine the tax period of a transaction (i.e. the date on which the transaction was processed, not the transaction date).

The program is only used as a starting point; thereafter, the Tax Return table is updated by the following programs:

  • AP Invoice Posting
  • AR Payments and Adjustments (for tax on settlement discount)
  • CB Permanent Entries Posting
  • Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals
  • GL Configure Financial Year End
  • GL Define Financial Year End
  • Sales Analysis Update

The above programs also update the following tables:

Table Programs
ApTaxDistDe AP Invoice Posting
SalSalestax Sales Analysis Update, GL Configure Financial Year End, GL Define Financial Year End, GL Global Tax Report
CshTaxDistrDet CB Permanent Entries Posting, Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals
ArsCshJnlPay AR Payments and Adjustments (for tax on settlement discount only)

Whenever a transaction is processed by the above programs, an entry is written to the Tax Return table. At this point, the VatPeriod and VatYear (derived from the AdmTaxReturnPeriod table as defined in the Tax Return Period Maintenance program) is written to the Tax Return table.

When you generate the Tax Return report and select the Submit tax return option, the TaxRetSubmitted, SubmittedDate, YearRetSubmitted and MthRetSubmitted fields are updated in the Tax Return table as follows:

  • TaxRetSubmitted field is set to Y to denote that the Submit tax return option was selected.

  • The SubmittedDate is updated with the system date on which the Tax Return report was run.

  • The YearRetSubmitted and MthRetSubmitted fields are updated by the Tax Period and Tax year Report Options selected when the Tax Return report was generated.

When you initially generate the Tax Return report, the transactions are flagged as having been printed. No other fields are updated in the Tax Return table.

In addition, no fields in the Tax Return table are updated when you reprint the Tax Return report without selecting the Submit tax return option.

When you reprint the Tax Return report and select the Submit tax return option, the transactions not yet submitted are updated. Previously submitted transactions retain their previous submission dates.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • You must define your tax return periods and years before running this conversion utility program.

    Tax return periods can be defined using the Tax Return Period Maintenance program (or by selecting the Use GL periods for Tax ReturnsCompany Tax Options Setup option to use the GL period end dates as the tax return period dates).

Program access

  • Access to this program can be restricted per operator group (see Security Access).

  • Additional security can also be implemented in the following areas:

    • Functions/Activities can be restricted:

      • per operator (see Security Activities).

      • per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance).

      • using Electronic Signatures (see eSignature Setup).

    • Fields can be restricted:

      • per operator (see Security Fields and Access).

      • per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance and Role Access Control Maintenance).