Sales Orders > Sales Order Processing > Document Print > Invoice Capture

Invoice Capture

You use this program to indicate a list of invoices, SCT transfer documents, dispatch invoices or consolidated dispatch note invoices to reprint using the Document Print program.

Invoice Capture

Field Description
Accept and Close Select this to accept the list of invoices displayed in the List of Invoices pane as being the invoices you want to reprint and to return to the previous screen.
Cancel Select this to ignore any selections you made and to return to the previous screen.

Invoice Capture

Field Description
New Select this to clear the invoice field to enter a new invoice number.
Add Select this to add the invoice to the list of invoices you want to reprint.
Delete Select this to delete the invoice currently highlighted in the List of Invoices pane from the list of invoices you want to reprint.

Indicate the number of the invoice you want to add to the list of invoices for reprinting.

You can select the Browse icon to use the:

  • SO Browse on SO Invoices program to view the available invoices
  • Dispatch Note Invoice Browse program to view the available dispatch invoices
  • Dispatch Note Consolidate Invoice Browse program to view the available consolidated dispatch invoices
Order This indicates the sales order number for the selected invoice.
Dispatch note This indicates the dispatch note number for the selected dispatch invoice.
Customer This indicates the customer code for the selected invoice/dispatch invoice.
Customer name This indicates the name for the customer code.
Transfer You use this field to indicate the SCT invoice number you want to add to the list of invoices for reprinting. You can select the Browse icon to use the SO Browse on SO Invoices program to view the available invoices.
Source warehouse This indicates the source warehouse code for the SCT.
Source warehouse desc This indicates the source warehouse description for the SCT.
Target warehouse This indicates the target warehouse code for the SCT.
Target warehouse desc This indicates the target warehouse description for the SCT.

List of Invoices

The invoices you selected to add to the list of invoices for reprinting are displayed in this pane.

The invoices are added to this listview each time you select the Add function. You can remove an invoice from the list by highlighting the invoice and selecting the Delete icon.

The same information that is displayed in the Invoice Capture pane for the selected invoice is displayed in this listview.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Define list option at the List of invoices field of the Document Print program when reprinting invoices, dispatch invoices or consolidated dispatch invoices.

Restrictions and limits

  • You cannot include the same invoice number twice in a list of invoices to reprint when the option: Same invoice for different customers (Set Key Information) is enabled.

    You can, however select to print a single invoice using the duplicate invoice number to reprint all invoices for that invoice number.